Faculty Handbook 2024-2025 
    Oct 05, 2024  
Faculty Handbook 2024-2025

Section 11: General College Policies

11.1 General College Policies Housed in the Employment Handbook

The policies listed below are housed in the Employment Handbook

  • Background Check Policy Employment Section
  • ​Consenual Relationship General Information Section
  • Substance Abuse Policy General Information Section
  • Employee Consulting and Other Employment Employee Section
  • Financial Disclosure General Information Section
  • Financial Internal Controls General Information Section
  • Leave Policies Benefits Section
  • Nepotism Employment Section 
  • Parking, Keys, and Employee IDs Employment Section
  • Solicitation and Distribution General Information Section 
  • Code of Conduct General Information Section
  • Remote and Adjusted Work Hours Policy & Guidelines Employment Section
  • Travel Policy General Information Section

11.2 Access to Records

Student Records

Information concerning individual students is maintained by the Office of the Dean of Students. A student’s personnel file contains the application form and support materials such as standardized test scores, high school transcripts and the like; an up-to-date transcript of work completed at Allegheny; reports from the faculty, correspondence relating to the student; and interview notes generated by the Offices of the Dean of Students or the Provost. In Honor Code or disciplinary cases, a separate case file is generated containing materials directly related to the individual incident.

Faculty have access to information in the personnel files of students in consultation with the Dean of Students, where the individual faculty member has an educational interest in the material as defined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Disciplinary case files are kept in confidence and may be used only in the course of college judicial procedures.

Under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, students have access to all materials in their own records unless specifically excepted by law, or the student voluntarily has waived the right to see the material. When preparing reports on students, faculty should bear in mind that their comments will be shared with the student should the student so request.

Faculty should also bear in mind that it is a violation of the Act to share with any third party confidential information concerning a student unless that student has given written permission to do so.

Faculty having any question about confidentiality requirements or student records are urged to contact the Registrar.

Alumni Records

Allegheny College maintains individual records for each alumnus/a. The information stored is used to keep in touch with our alumni. The Alumni Office can provide a locator service for alumni, faculty, and staff to enable people to re-establish contact with each other and with Allegheny College. Allegheny College has a responsibility to safeguard these records and to restrict use of the information contained in the file according to the needs of the College.

Information contained in alumni files is not considered public information, unless otherwise indicated by signed release of individual alumnus/a. Direct access to records is limited to College personnel and must be requested through the Development Resources Office.

Faculty requiring alumni information should contact the Alumni Office.

Policy on the Privacy of Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, (FERPA) mandates that educational institutions maintain the confidentiality of student educational records as defined by FERPA. Specifically, FERPA states (a) that a written institutional policy must be established, and (b) that a statement of adopted procedures be made available, covering the 107 privacy rights of students. Students are notified of their FERPA rights annually by publication of Allegheny’s FERPA policy in the Academic Bulletin.

11.3 Harassment, Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures: Including Sexual Violence, intimate Partner Violence, and Stalking

 The Harassment, Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures: Including Sexual Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, and Stalking is housed in the Title IX website.

In keeping with the spirit of Allegheny’s Statement of Community, Allegheny prohibits all forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment, including all forms of sexual violence. In addition, faculty should be aware of Allegheny’s policy regarding consensual relationships, which can be found in General Information Section of the Employment Handbook.

11.4 Students with Disabilities

When requested, faculty members should make reasonable accommodations to meet the needs of students with disabilities and be prepared to make reasonable modifications to procedures and requirements to assist qualified students whose disabilities require such flexibility.

If a student makes a request for such an accommodation, the faculty member should refer the student to the Director of Disability Services to evaluate the student’s request and coordinate the appropriate assistance and/or accommodations.

11.5 Guidelines and Procedures Regarding Disability Accommodation for Students

Procedures for Requesting Accommodation for Disability

Implementation of an Approved Accommodation


11.6 Allegheny College Student Conduct System

Allegheny’s Student Conduct Code governs both academic (the Honor Code) and nonacademic conduct. A complete description of the student conduct system including policies, procedures, and sanctions is published annually in The Compass Student Handbook and Resource Guide.

11.7 Campus Solicitation Policy

Allegheny College prohibits unauthorized solicitation on campus property. We require prior approval for any group or individual looking to provide information or sell products on campus.

In general, for-profit organizations are not permitted to solicit on campus. For example, credit card, phone card, and cell phone companies are not permitted on campus. Other solicitors looking for permission to be on campus must seek approval through the office of Student Activities. If granted permission then authorized solicitors (e.g. organizations selling class rings or photos for seniors) will only be permitted in the Henderson Campus Center. The purpose of this process is to maintain an environment that supports the academic objectives of our community. 

Off-campus religious or faith groups wishing to visit campus must first be invited by a recognized student organization or College department. The College department or organization must receive authorization from the Spiritual & Religious Life Office before the off-campus group may come to Allegheny College. Authorized groups or individuals will be hosted in the Henderson Campus Center unless prior permission is granted to visit other facilities or grounds. The purpose of this process is to establish a campus environment that is free of coercion and proselytization.

(Revised Spring, 2005)

11.8 Events Involving Candidates for Political Office

Events Involving Candidates for Political Office is housed in The Compass Student Handbook and Resource Guide.

11.9 Open Access Policy

The faculty of Allegheny College is committed to disseminating the fruits of its research and scholarship as widely as possible. In keeping with that commitment, the faculty adopts the open access policy described below.

Each faculty member grants Allegheny College nonexclusive permission to make available his or her scholarly articles and to exercise the copyright in those articles for the purpose of open dissemination. In legal terms, each faculty member grants to Allegheny College a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license to exercise any and all rights under copyright relating to each of his or her scholarly articles, in any medium, provided that the articles are not sold for a profit, and to authorize others to do the same. The policy will apply to all scholarly articles written while the person is a member of the faculty except for any articles completed before the adoption of this policy and any articles for which the faculty member entered into an incompatible licensing or assignment agreement before the adoption of this policy. The Provost or Provost’s designate will automatically waive application of the policy for a particular article upon express direction by the author, who informs Allegheny of the reason.

To assist the College in distributing the scholarly articles, no later than the date of publication, each faculty member will provide an electronic copy of his or her final version of the article at no charge to the designated representative of the Provost’s Office in an appropriate format (such as PDF). “Scholarly article” is understood to be an article published in a peer-reviewed journal. Articles will be provided to the College even if application of the open access policy is waived; such articles will be placed in a closed archive by the College—preserved but not disseminated.

The Provost’s designate will make the appropriate scholarly articles available to the public in an open access repository. The Provost’s Office, in consultation with the Academic Support committee will be responsible for interpreting this policy, resolving disputes concerning its interpretation and application, and recommending changes to the faculty.

This policy will be reviewed by the Academic Support Committee three years after its adoption, and a report will be presented to the faculty. The Academic Support Committee and Library staff will develop a plan to render compliance with the policy as convenient for the faculty as possible.

(Adopted 14 March 2013; added to Handbook 2018)