Faculty Handbook 2024-2025 
    Sep 07, 2024  
Faculty Handbook 2024-2025

Section 3: Standing Committees of the Faculty

Faculty members of standing committees of the Faculty are either faculty-elected positions (Faculty Review, Faculty Council) or are appointments that are nominated by Faculty Council and approved by the Faculty. Student members are appointed by the Student Government from a list of student applicants. With rare exceptions, Faculty members are not asked to serve on committees during their first two years at the College, but are expected to be available thereafter. Standing committees of the Faculty can also include ex officio members who hold administrative positions at the College that intersect with the committee’s work. These ex officio members have the right to attend all committee meetings, including executive sessions in which only committee members meet. In some cases, ex officio members have voting rights on committees. In other cases, ex officio members are non-voting members of committees who retain the right to attend and participate in meetings. Ex officio members of committees have voting rights on committees unless committees specify otherwise. Additional information on committees and their membership is available through the College website.

(Revised 13 April 2023)

Committee on Committees for Faculty Governance

3.1 Faculty Council

3.1.1 Purpose: 

  1. To be a representative for faculty and for the integrity of and support for the curriculum.
  2. To advise the President and the Provost in the development of College policies.
  3. To serve as the Committee on Committees.
  4. To consider and deal appropriately with issues brought to it by any member of the College community.

3.1.2 Functions:

The specific functions of the Faculty Council are:

  1. To advise the President or Provost concerning the development of the College’s educational and administrative policies, including policies and procedures for tenure and promotion.
  2. To provide a forum for the discussion of specific issues brought by any member of the college community, to bring to the attention of the Faculty or Administration matters for implementation or decision, and to consider concerns submitted by any member of the Faculty. Faculty Council will add items to their agenda when any member of the Faculty brings issues to them. After appropriate deliberations, Council may present such concerns to the Faculty with or without endorsement or may choose not to present them at all. In all cases, Council has the obligation to advise the originator of a motion about Council’s position. This clause does not abrogate the right of faculty members who make motions from the floor at faculty meetings.
  3. To advise the President of the College and the Provost each August on an annual staffing plan for the next fiscal year and any subsequent revisions.
  4. To recommend changes in the committee structure to the Faculty.
  5. To nominate faculty for membership to the Standing Committees.
  6. To administer the elections for Faculty Council and the Faculty Review Committee.
  7. To appoint ad hoc committees, task forces, and/or working groups and to inform the Faculty of the responsibility and personnel of these committees.
  8. To appoint an Academic Review Task Force, charged with the responsibility of assessing departments and programs and making recommendations about strategic investments every five years on a timeline that enables an academic review to be completed at least one year prior to the commencement of the Middle States accreditation process.
  9. To advocate for matters of faculty concern that have gone through the shared governance system and raise issues that concern the faculty at large at each meeting of the Board of Trustees, and to solicit responses,
    input, and updates regarding such matters as they are available.
  10. To accept and file annual reports from all Faculty Committees.
  11. To verify that a current version of the College Bylaws is available on the College’s website and assist in communicating to the College community regarding any changes that occur to the College Bylaws.
  12. To arrange financial training in collaboration with the Chief Financial Officer and FFC on an annual basis.
  13. To advise the President on honorary degrees. 
  14. To appoint two Allegheny faculty representatives to the GLCAAcademic Council, with one representative being a member of Council. As a member of the Great Lakes College Association, Allegheny sends two representatives to the GLCAAcademic Council, which typically meets once per year. The representatives should serve three-year, staggered terms when possible and represent two different divisions of the College.
  15. To devise a process for selection of faculty members to serve on Board of Trustee committees.

3.1.3 Procedures:

  1. Either the President of the College, the Provost, or the Chair of the Faculty Council may convene Council. If the Chair of Faculty Council is incapacitated or resigns, members of Facility Council will select an Acting Chair who may also convene meetings until a permanent chair is named. The Chair or Acting Chair of Council also has the discretion to call a meeting in executive session attended only by members of Faculty Council.
  2. An agenda will be established for each meeting and distributed to Council members in advance of the meeting.
  3. The Council will keep minutes of their meetings; after approval the minutes will be distributed to the faculty and administration.
  4. The Council will request a place on the agenda of each Faculty Meeting to bring to the Faculty for deliberation issues of special concern. The Council will issue at least one oral or written report of its activities to the Faculty during each of the two semesters of the academic year and provide additional updates via email when appropriate.
  5. The Council will place its annual report in D-space at the end of each academic year.

3.1.4 Membership:

The Council will be composed of the following:

  1. The President and the Provost, as ex officio non-voting members;
  2. Six members elected from and by the Faculty for three-year, staggered terms. Any full-time continuing faculty member, so designated by the Office of Human Resources or by the Council, who has completed two years of service at Allegheny is eligible for election. However, no one serving for a three-year term shall be eligible for re-election until three years have expired after the completion of the term for which the person was elected.  

The Chair will be an elected member of the Council selected by the Council for a one-year term. If a Chair is unable to complete their term, an Acting Chair may be selected by the Council temporarily or for the remainder of the one-year term.

(Revised 18 November 2021, 21 April 2022, 13 April 2023, 4 April 2024)

Committees on Faculty Review, Curriculum, Assessment, and Research

3.2 Faculty Review Committee

3.2.1 Purpose:

  1. To make recommendations to the President in matters of tenure, promotion and appealed NTTR appointments in accordance with the faculty appointment guidelines and promotion guidelines approved by the Faculty and the Board of Trustees.

3.2.2 Functions:

The specific functions of the Faculty Review Committee are:

  1. To administer, through the Office of the Provost, the process by which faculty are considered for tenure, three-year appointment, and promotion.
  2. To consider evidence submitted by departments and other sources that bears on the qualifications of faculty who have been nominated or are otherwise eligible for tenure, three-year appointment, and promotion.
  3. To recommend to the President, through a formal vote of the elected members, appropriate action on each eligible candidate.

3.2.3 Procedures: 

  1. The Committee Chair, in consultation with the Provost and other Committee members, will determine the time, place, and agenda of each meeting.
  2. The Committee will select a Secretary who will advise members of impending meetings and who will count the number of votes cast in support of and in opposition to recommendations made to the President. The Provost records the vote.
  3. Meetings of the Committee will be held in closed session

3.2.4 Membership:

The Committee will be composed of the following:

  1. Six tenured faculty members, elected from and by the full-time Faculty for three-year, staggered terms; two from the natural sciences, two from the social sciences, two from the humanities; but no more than one member from any one department.
  2. Faculty members on the Committee shall select the Chair from among themselves for a one-year term.
  3. The Provost, as an ex officio, non-voting member

(Revised 18 November 2021, 13 April 2023)

3.3 Curriculum Committee

3.3.1 Purpose:

Many matters pertaining to the academic operation of the College, including curriculum, and introduction of new courses and programs are reviewed by the Curriculum Committee, chaired by a faculty member. Major proposals, including new courses and curricular changes, designed to be acted upon within a given academic year will be presented to the committee in a timely manner, as per the deadlines established by the committee.

  1. To consider and formulate the College’s educational priorities and educational goals.
  2. To recommend ways and means by which these priorities and goals should be reflected in the academic program.

3.3.2 Functions:

The specific functions of the Curriculum Committee are:

  1. To consider and recommend to the Faculty the degrees to be awarded by the College and the requirements for these degrees.
  2. To formulate criteria and consider requests for new major, minor, and other academic programs, for recommendation to the Faculty.
  3. To consider, evaluate, and recommend to the Faculty proposals for cooperative programs with other institutions.
  4. To consider, evaluate, and recommend to the Faculty proposals from the Study Away and Campus Internationalization Committee for new off-campus study programs, EL Seminar proposals, and Study Away Proposals, and changes to existing programs.
  5. To consider, evaluate, and recommend to the Faculty proposals to add, delete, and alter college courses.
  6. To review the curriculum, including the Distribution Requirements, periodically and systematically, with Committee decisions and recommendations subject to Faculty approval.
  7. To create a subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee tasked with considering exemptions from curricular requirements. Its decisions are individual and are not considered as establishing precedent. This subcommittee has two specific areas of responsibility:
    1. To consider, evaluate, and approve Student-Designed programs and
    2. To consider, evaluate, and approve the use of ineligible courses to fulfill a College Distribution Requirement.
  8. To provide advice and support to the Provost in implementing the above responsibilities.

3.3.3 Procedures:

  1. The Committee shall establish and publish guidelines and procedures for how the foregoing proposals are to be submitted and will establish and publish guidelines for which proposals shall be submitted to the Faculty for a vote and which shall be presented to the Faculty as information.

3.3.4 Membership:

The Committee will be composed of the following:

  1. Four faculty members, with at least one member each from the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities nominated by the Faculty Council and elected by the Faculty for three-year, staggered terms as voting members.
  2. Four students appointed by the Allegheny Student Government for two-year terms as voting members.
  3. The Provost or designee and the Registrar or designee as ex officio, voting members.
  4. The Director of the Library, the Associate Dean for Student Success and the Director of Community Engaged Programs or their designees as ex officio and/or consulting non-voting members.
  5. The Director of the FS Program as Consultant to the Committee on matters relating to the FS Program.
  6. The Chair will be a faculty member selected by the Committee for a one-year term who will determine the agenda in consultation with the Registrar or Registrar’s designee
  7. Subcommittees created by the Curriculum Committee for considering exemptions from curricular requirements (see Curriculum Committee Functions, item 3.3.2g) are chaired by the faculty chair of the Curriculum Committee and all voting members of the Curriculum Committee, except the student members, are voting members. Non-voting consultants may be included as appropriate.

(Revised 18 November 2021, 21 April 2022, 13 April 2023)

3.4 Curricular Assessment Committee

3.4.1 Purpose:

The principal function of the Curricular Assessment Committee is to serve as the primary oversight body for the College’s assessment of student learning in the Academic Curriculum. As such, the Curricular Assessment Committee is responsible for oversight of five primary assessment mechanisms:

  1. To monitor the ongoing development of the Departmental and Program Self-Study process.
  2. To review and approve annual assessment plans and reports from academic programs.
  3. To evaluate the Distribution Requirements’ (DR) effectiveness in helping students achieve the associated DR learning outcomes.
  4. To provide guidance to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness in the ongoing development of the Senior Project Assessment.
  5. To monitor and report on surveys and other assessment data as they pertain to student achievement of the Institutional Learning Outcomes. In addition, the Committee provides guidance and/or recommendations to improve these assessments, and serves as a resource to facilitate communication among the faculty and administration about assessment-related initiatives and projects.

3.4.2 Functions:

The specific functions of the Curricular Assessment Committee are:

  1. To assist academic programs in the prioritization of assessment activities during the construction of their annual assessment plans.
  2. To provide guidance to Academic Programs on developing program and course learning outcomes.
  3. To consult with the Institutional Effectiveness Committee on college survey instruments, identifying areas of importance for Institutional Learning Outcomes.
  4. In consultation with the Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness, Strategic Planning and Assessment, to formulate recommendations on assessment initiatives, including those from external accreditation agencies.
  5. In consultation with the Associate Provost for Institutional Effectivenss, Strategic Planning and Assessment, work to identify priorities for situating Allegheny’s assessment practices and results with respect to relevant comparison groups and information.
  6. To provide advice to Programs on the range of assessment data available for inclusion in their assessment cycle and work with the Office of Institutional Research, the Registrar’s Office, and other Administrative offices to define a “standard data set” that will include enrollment data and the results of student and alumni surveys.
  7. To provide advice and guidance to the Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness, Strategic Planning and Assessment on structuring and supporting programs’ annual assessment activities. In particular, the Committee will review annual assessment plans and assessment reports to evaluate the effectiveness of the assessment process. In its review, the Committee will pay particular attention to the effectiveness of the assessment process as a tool to assess the degree to which program graduates are meeting the program’s stated learning outcomes and as a tool to identify ways to improve program effectiveness. The Committee will also note the degree to which the data presented support the conclusion that program graduates are meeting the College’s Institutional Learning Outcomes. As warranted, the Committee will recommend changes to make the assessment process more effective or efficient as a mechanism for assessing programs and supporting ongoing program improvement.
  8. To provide advice and guidance to the Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness, Strategic Planning, and Assessment on structuring and supporting program self-studies.
  9. To assess the Distribution Requirements on a five-year cycle, reporting findings to the Institutional Effectiveness Committee and Provost each year. During the first four years of each cycle, two categories will be assessed each year. In the fifth year, the Committee will lead the assessment of the Distribution Requirements as a whole, including their relationship to assisting students with achieving the Institutional Learning Outcomes.
  10. Every fifth year, to review a variety of assessment data to determine whether students are meeting the College’s Institutional Learning Outcomes, provide suggestions for how the College might improve student achievement of Institutional Learning Outcomes, seek opportunities to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the College’s assessment processes, and report the findings to the Faculty.

3.4.3 Procedures:

  1. Meetings of the Committee will normally be open to all members of the College Community.
  2. The Committee will report to the Provost at least once per semester.
  3. An annual report in the form of an Executive Summary will be filed with the Faculty Council and the Institutional Effectiveness Committee; it will also be deposited in D-space.

3.4.4 Membership:

  1. The Committee membership, selected to represent broadly the campus community, will be composed of the following voting members:
    1. The Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness, Strategic Planning and Assessment;
    2. Three faculty members, with at least one member each from the traditional divisions (natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities, as selected by individual Faculty members on the committee preference form) nominated by the Faculty Council and approved by the faculty for three-year staggered terms
  2. The Committee will be chaired by a faculty member selected by the Committee for a one-year term who will determine an agenda in consultation with the Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness, Strategic Planning and Assessment..

(Revised 18 November 2021, 13 April 2023, 16 November 2023, 15 February 2024)

3.5 Academic Support Committee


3.5.1 Purpose:

Allegheny College must have talented faculty members who remain vital and current both as teachers and as scholars. To this end, the Academic Support Committee allocates resources to support teaching, professional development, and faculty research. The Committee also serves as a focal point for consideration of issues related to these matters.

3.5.2 Functions:

Faculty representatives and the Provost work together to maintain a forum for discussion of academic support issues, including enhancement of teaching and scholarship and educational technology resources.

The specific functions of the Academic Support Committee are:

  1. To consider and advise the Provost on faculty applications for grants to support teaching and scholarship, and to award funding where possible and appropriate.
  2. To advise the Provost on faculty development issues including applications for sabbatic and pre-tenure leaves and the budget to support such initiatives.
  3. To provide guidance on educational technology initiatives that support teaching, learning and research, and when necessary, direct these initiatives to the appropriate committee or office on campus for further feedback.
  4. To provide guidance on library resources that support teaching and faculty research.
  5. To oversee the Karl W. Weiss ‘87 Faculty Lecture Series, including recruiting speakers, scheduling the talks, advertising and implementation of public lectures.

3.5.4 Membership:

The Committee will be composed of the following:

  1. Three faculty members, with at least one member each from the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities nominated by Faculty Council and approved by the Faculty for three-year staggered terms.
  2. The Chair will be an elected faculty member chosen by the Committee for a one-year term.
  3. The Director of Faculty Development, and a representative from the library appointed by the Provost as ex officio, non-voting members.

(Revised 18 November 2021, 13 April 2023)

3.6 Institutional Review Board

3.6.1 Purpose:

The principal function of the Institutional Review Board is to safeguard the rights and welfare of participants taking part in research activities either originated by members of the College community or conducted at the College by others. Since the College IRB is registered with the Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), policies and procedures of the IRB are consistent with OHRP standards, specifically the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 45, Part 46.

The specific responsibilities of the IRB are:

  1. To conduct both initial and continuing review of all human research conducted by any member of the College community either on or off campus as well as any research conducted at the College by outside groups or organizations to determine if such research is (a) exempt from review, or (b) subject to either expedited or full review
  2. To address any questions as to whether a specific activity constitutes research under relevant OHRP definitions (“research …a systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalized knowledge.” CFR Title 46, Part 46, §46.102);
  3. To conduct required reviews of research projects, including classroom projects, that meet the OHRP definition of research
  4. To review alleged violations of participants’ rights in human research as identified in relevant governmental regulations, the Belmont Report, or established professional codes when such review is requested; if, in the judgment of the IRB, a violation has occurred, it will be reported, in the case of faculty, administrators, or staff, to the Provost and, in the case of students, to the Academic Integrity Board
  5. To implement current state and federal regulations regarding the protection of human participants in research projects
  6. To establish and publish the procedures that will govern IRB decision making at the College
  7. To establish sub-boards of the IRB authorized to determine exemption from review or to conduct expedited review; all reviews requiring full board review must be conducted by the IRB


3.6.3 Projects Requiring IRB Review:

Projects to be reviewed by the IRB include research activities:

  1. Conducted by a member of the College community or research conducted at the College by persons who are not members of the College community
  2. To be submitted for funding to outside agencies, if required by that agency
  3. For which any member of the college community requests a review
  4. Involving human participants while a faculty member is at another institution or collaborating with colleagues from another institution, unless that faculty member has obtained the approval of an IRB at the other institution (Note: approval from another institution must be sent to the College IRB)
  5. Involving the sharing of data or tissue from a previously approved project.
  6. Used for institutional research that collects new data or goes beyond the normal internal management uses of information analysis, or when questions arise in institutional research concerning compliance with protection of human participant guidelines

3.6.4 Procedures for Obtaining IRB Approval for Projects:

  1. Approval must be secured in writing before any recruitment of participants may begin. The specific procedures for the submission of proposals, including deadlines, answers to frequently asked questions, and required forms are available on the IRB web site.
  2. Researchers may request an exemption from review, an expedited review, or a full board review from the IRB. Decisions of the IRB are sent to key participants (i.e., student, faculty advisor, administrator, etc.) in writing. No project may begin until written permission is received.
  3. Full board review requires that a quorum of the members of the IRB are present, including at least one nonscientist, and that accurate records of decisions and votes are maintained. Email and proxy votes are not permitted for full board reviews.
  4. Projects will normally be reviewed during the regularly scheduled meetings of the IRB. Special meetings may be called by the Chair as needed. All actions of the IRB require a majority vote of the membership of the IRB. Members of authorized sub-boards will not be considered as part of the membership of the IRB when conducting full IRB reviews.
  5. The IRB makes every effort to work with researchers to ensure that all research is in compliance with relevant governmental and disciplinary ethical standards. In the event that permission to conduct a project is denied, that decision is final. The College administration may, at its discretion, refuse to allow an approved project to proceed, but it cannot give permission to permit a project which has been denied by the IRB.

3.6.5 Record Keeping:

The IRB has overall responsibility for maintaining records required by the OHRP for both the IRB and any authorized sub-boards. These records include, but are not limited to:

  1. An annual list of members
  2. Information on the names of researchers, titles of projects, dates proposals are received, and IRB decisions.
  3. Copies of all proposals and required forms along with copies of any associated correspondence.
  4. Copies of the minutes of all IRB meetings, including the names of those present and a record of all votes taken.
  5. Signed informed consent forms which must be retained in a secure location for three years.
  6. Sub-boards authorized by the IRB are obligated to provide the chair of the IRB with:
    1. An annual list of members
    2. A list of titles of all projects reviewed by the committee, together with the decision reached on each and all required documentation at least once per year
    3. The names of the researchers and advisors as well as the date of receipt and approval.
  7. The IRB will provide reports as required by either the College or state and federal regulations.


3.6.6 Membership:

The Board will be composed of the following:

  1. A minimum of five persons, at least three of whom are Allegheny College faculty and one of whom is the Chair, who have successfully completed a College-approved IRB ethics certification program
  2. Among the members, at least one must have a scientific background, at least one must have a nonscientific background, and at least one should have no affiliation with the College, including being a family member of a member of the College community;
  3. The Chair will be appointed by Faculty Council after consultation with the Provost. Because of the expertise required for understanding Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) policies, appointments will typically be for 5 years with an option to renew, ideally with some overlap between incoming and outgoing Chair. The renewal term may be for a period of 1 to 5 years. The Chair appointment will count as a standing committee appointment and include a stipend for summer work. The extended term will be followed by a standard 2-year hiatus from committee service. Because of the serious legal and institutional duties of the IRB, if the Chair does not meet the obligations of the position, Council, in consultation with the Provost, may replace the Chair.
  4. IRB members should serve staggered three year terms; members may be re-appointed at the conclusion of their term
  5. The IRB may, at its discretion, appoint consultants to the IRB to address specific concerns requiring specialized knowledge
  6. The Provost will appoint a Human Protections Administrator who is an ex-officio member of the committee.

(Revised 18 November 2021, 13 April 2023)

3.7 Animal Research Committee


3.7.1 Purpose:

  1. To insure the welfare of animals used in teaching and research that originates at the College.
  2. To conduct initial and continuing review of all research and classroom projects involving animals carried out by members of the college community.
  3. To review research proposals initiated by faculty members in connection with their respective academic pursuits


3.7.2 Projects to be reviewed by the ARC include those:

  1. Involving animals to be conducted in the classrooms or laboratories of the College.
  2. To be submitted for funding for outside agencies, if required by that agency.
  3. For which any member of the college community requests a review.


3.7.3 Functions:

The specific responsibilities of the ARC are:

  1. To conduct both initial and continuing review of all research and classroom projects directly involving the use of animals carried out by faculty and students in connection with their normal academic pursuits.
  2. To provide such review and certification of research and classroom projects as requested by appropriate outside agencies, including state and federal governments
  3. To review alleged violations of the Statement of Principles Regarding Research with animals (see below) or established professional codes when such a review is requested; if in the judgment of the ARC a violation has occurred, it will be reported, in the case of faculty, to the Provost and, in the case of students, to the Campus Life and Community Standards Committee. Appeal in each case follows established procedures
  4. To conduct a continuing review of state and federal guidelines regarding the care and use of animals in research
  5. To conduct a continuing review of all research guidelines published by various academic disciplines involved in non-human research
  6. To establish and publish College procedures that will govern the initial approval and subsequent review of all research and classroom projects with animals.


3.7.4 Procedures for Submitting Proposals for Review:

  1. Approval must be secured in writing before the purchase or acquisition of subjects may begin, or, in the case of those projects employing animals bred on-site, before the experimenter may begin any procedures. The information about a proposed study should be submitted to the ARC at least one month prior to the anticipated beginning of the project so as to insure time for review.
  2. Research proposals should be submitted using the ARC Review Forms. These Forms are available from the Chair and members of the ARC.
  3. Changes in the research topic, subject or procedure must be approved in advance by the ARC.
  4. When the ARC has examined a proposal, copies of the evaluation will be sent to key participants (i.e., student, faculty adviser, research supervisor, etc.) This procedure will be followed in cases where permission is given to proceed (perhaps with recommendations for improving the procedure) as well as in those cases where additional information is required. No project may begin until written notice from the ARC is received.
  5.  The ARC will provide additional reports as required by state and federal regulations.


3.7.5 Membership:

The Committee will be composed of the following:

  1. Two faculty members nominated by Faculty Council, approved by the faculty, and appointed by the Provost including one faculty member who is engaged in animal research and one faculty member who is not a practicing scientist and does not use animals in teaching or research; the non-chair faculty member serves a three-year term and the Chair’s term is outlined below.
  2. The College’s principal animal caretaker, appointed by the Provost;
  3. The Chair will be appointed by Faculty Council after consultation with the Provost. Because of the expertise required for understanding animal research policies, appointments will typically be for 5 years with an option to renew, ideally with some overlap between incoming and outgoing Chair. The renewal term may be for a period of 1 to 5 years. The Chair appointment will count as a standing committee appointment and include a stipend for summer work. The extended term will be followed by a standard 2-year hiatus from committee service. Because of the serious legal and institutional duties of the ARC, if the Chair does not meet the obligations of the position, Council, in consultation with the Provost, may replace the Chair.
  4. At least one member of the Meadville community, appointed by the Provost, who does not use laboratory animals in any way and whose only affiliation with the College is membership on the ARC.
  5. A licensed veterinarian appointed by the Provost.

(Revised 18 November 2021, 13 April 2023, 19 October 2023)

Committees on Student Success

3.8 Academic Standards and Awards Committee


3.8.1 Purpose:

  1. The principal function of this committee is to make certain that students meet the academic requirements established by the faculty.


3.8.2 Functions:

The Committee’s specific responsibilities are:

  1. To recommend to the Faculty grade standards students are expected to satisfy and consequences for not doing so.
  2. To consider the cases of students eligible for suspension or dismissal and to determine which will be suspended or dismissed and which will be allowed to register for another semester. The Committee will report the results of these decisions to the Faculty.
  3. To consider petitions for readmission from students who have been dismissed and make a favorable or unfavorable decision in each case.
  4. To recommend to the Faculty the policies and procedures for dropping a course without grade penalty.
  5. To establish a Dean’s Exemption Committee to consider and decide upon requests from students for exemption from College academic regulations. Its decisions are individual and are not considered as establishing precedent. This subcommittee has one specific areas of responsibility: To adjust a student’s academic program and requirements (such as waivers of regulations)
  6. To recommend to the Faculty standards for the awarding of Latin Honors.
  7. To serve, in conjunction with the office of the Dean for Student Life, as a review board in the selection of student recipients of various College awards for superior performance in scholarship and general merit.
  8. To solicit, vet, and recommend eligible candidates for honorary degrees to the President.
  9. To provide advice and support to the Dean for Student Experience and the Provost in implementing the above responsibilities.
  10. To recommend to the Faculty the Academic Calendar and the course scheduling grid.


3.8.3 Procedures: 

  1. Student members will not attend or participate in any meeting where the academic record or performance of an individual student is discussed.
  2. In cases of academic suspension, dismissal, and readmission, only the four faculty members of the Academic Standards and Awards Committee vote. If one of the four faculty members is unable to be present for a vote, a vote by the Provost or Provost’s designee may be substituted.


3.8.4 Membership:

The Committee will be composed of the following:

  1. Four faculty members, with at least one each from the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities nominated by the Faculty Council and approved by the Faculty for three-year, staggered terms,
  2. Two students appointed by the Allegheny Student Government each year for up to a two-year term.
  3. The Chair will be a Faculty member selected by the Committee for a two-year term.
  4. The Provost or Provostos designee, as ex officio, voting members.
  5. The Dean for the Student Experience, as an ex officio, voting member.
  6. The Registrar and Associate Dean of Records and Associate Registrar as ex officio, non-voting member.
  7. The Allegheny Student Government Director of Educational Affairs and other non-voting consultants as determined by the Committee.
  8. The Dean’s Exemption Committee is chaired by the Provost or Provost’s designee. Voting members include the Chair and at least two faculty members from the Academic Standards and Awards Committee. Non-voting consultants may be included as appropriate..

(Revised 18 November 2021, Updated 21 April 2022, 13 April 2023, 4 April 2024)