Feb 17, 2025
2019-2020 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
GEO 525 - Environmental Consulting Internship: O’Brien and Gere, Inc. Credits: 2 Liaison: Professor O’Brien An internship in hydrogeology and environmental remediation. Interns participate in the collection and analysis of field data to understand environmental conditions, such as ground water flow and contaminant transport, for reports and presentations to clients and regulatory agencies. Safety training, typically including 40-hour OSHA training, is part of the internship experience. Interns are expected to maintain a journal and to submit their journal and a final report on their experience to the liaison. The internship is typically taken during the summer in the Philadelphia, PA area; compensation for living expenses is provided. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisite: Declaration of major or minor in geology; permission of instructor; and approval of liaison. Completion of GEO 400 is strongly recommended.
Distribution Requirements: none.