2019-2020 Academic Bulletin 
    Oct 27, 2024  
2019-2020 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Registration

The normal process of preregistration for continuing students is online through WebAdvisor during the published preregistration period. Using WebAdvisor, advisors may grant approval for advisees to register. Once students have obtained advisor permission, they may register for courses electronically. For certain courses, a student may be required to obtain a signed registration card from the instructor to register for a course. First-year students register for fall semester courses during the summer advising period for new students.

Students may complete or change their registration during the College course change periods by submitting the approved registration cards (see “Adding and Dropping Courses”). Students must complete their registration for all courses for which they seek credit by the end of the change period. Students who are currently enrolled in an approved study away or visiting student program should consult with their advisor and the Registrar. Students granted a Leave of Absence who have been approved to return by the Office of the Dean of Students, and who have notified the Office of the Registrar of their intent to register in person, may also register during the registration period. Other re-entering and transfer students may register for the fall semester during Orientation in August.

Adding and Dropping Courses

Students may add and drop Fall or Spring 14-week courses through the first two weeks of the semester. Students may add and drop Fall or Spring seven-week courses through the first two weeks of the module in which the course is offered. Students may add and drop Fall or Spring “short” (less than 7-week) courses through the first week of the period in which the course is offered, as posted on WebAdvisor, or the last day of the posted period of the course, whichever is sooner. Students may add and drop Summer semester courses through the first business day of each of the summer terms. The add/drop deadlines for each semester are published as part of the Academic Calendar, which is published online at: http://sites.allegheny.edu/registrar/academic-calendars/.

Courses may be dropped online via WebAdvisor until the published deadline. Courses dropped will not appear on the official transcript but will appear, as appropriate, on the academic record maintained by the College. When planning to replace a dropped course by adding a different class, students are advised not to drop the former class until registration in the new class has been secured.

Unrestricted, open courses may be added online whenever: 1) WebAdvisor is open to add courses for that semester; and 2) the student meets all eligibility requirements for registration at that time. Once classes begin, students must secure the written permission of the instructor to add any class until the published deadline. Please be aware that, after a class starts, instructors will become increasingly reluctant to admit additional students.

Withdrawing From a Course

A student who wishes to withdraw from all courses during a semester should take a Leave of Absence or withdraw completely from the College; see the sections on “Leaves of Absence ” and “Withdrawal From the College and Readmission .”

Courses may be dropped online via WebAdvisor during the first two weeks as described above under “Adding and Dropping Courses.” Once the drop deadline has passed, withdrawals are noted on the transcript as described below.

Student-Initiated Withdrawal (“X”)

Students may withdraw from a 14-week course without grade penalty through the first day of the tenth week of the semester. Students may withdraw from a 7-week course through the first four weeks of the course. Such a withdrawal will be denoted on the official transcript with a grade of “X,” but the course will not be included in the calculation of the student’s GPA. A student contemplating a student-initiated withdrawal must consult with an academic advisor and course instructor. The advisor and instructor must sign a Student-Initiated Withdrawal card to verify that students have discussed their plans to withdraw from the course. The Student-Initiated Withdrawal card must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the deadline published in the Academic Calendar, which is available online at: http://sites.allegheny.edu/registrar/academic-calendars/. Students may take a student-initiated withdrawal for at most one course in a single semester and at most four courses during their studies at Allegheny.

Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances (“W”)

If, as a result of extraordinary extenuating circumstances, a student wishes to withdraw from a course after the appropriate course registration change period has expired (see “Adding and Dropping Courses,” above), the student may ask the instructor to grant a Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances (“W”). Such a Withdrawal can only be granted to a student whose performance has been significantly affected by unexpected circumstances beyond the student’s control. For example, a Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances may be granted in the event of a prolonged serious illness, or if there is a serious and incapacitating change in a student’s family situation. A Withdrawal cannot be granted simply for poor academic performance or failure to attend class, nor will it be granted when a Student-Initiated Withdrawal (“X”) is appropriate. The student is responsible for providing evidence of extraordinary extenuating circumstances to the satisfaction of the faculty member, who has sole authority to grant the Withdrawal. When such a request is granted, the student’s transcript will show a grade of “W.” This grade will not be included in the calculation of the student’s grade point average.

Internship Registration

All students seeking academic credit for an internship must obtain faculty approval and should register for the internship prior to beginning the internship experience. Students are not permitted to register retroactively for an internship experience after the work with the community partner has already been completed. The student’s transcript will reflect internship enrollment for the semester or summer session in which the student actually participates in the internship experience.

Information on possible internships is available from the Allegheny Gateway. Students interested in participating in an internship experience that is not listed as a departmentally sponsored internship should consult with their academic advisors and the Gateway. The Gateway can also provide information on non-credit-bearing internships; these do not include an academic component but may be listed on students’ resumes as employment experience.