2019-2020 Academic Bulletin 
    Dec 11, 2024  
2019-2020 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ENVSC 346 - Wetlands

(also listed as BIO 346 )
Credits: 4
A study of the ecology and hydrology of marshes, swamps, bogs and other transitional habitats between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Emphasis is on “ecosystem services” (hydrologic filters, pollutant sinks, productivity, biodiversity), on the history of wetlands destruction, and on current regulation and management approaches. The laboratory emphasizes field methods for determination and delineation of wetlands based on soils, hydrology and vegetation. Lecture: Two periods. Lab/field: One period.

Prerequisite: ENVSC 110 ; or BIO 220  and BIO 221  and FSBIO 201 .

Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

This course counts as Natural Science for the purpose of satisfying the College distribution requirement for students who matriculated before Fall 2016.