2018-2019 Academic Bulletin 
    Mar 12, 2025  
2018-2019 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ENVSC 321 - Ecosystems, Birds, and People

Credits: 4
A survey of bird populations and health in North America, starting with a review of basic ornithology, the geographic distribution of species, and major migratory routes before following select bird species through the maze of threats facing global bird populations. Students discover how birds serve as biological indicators through which to explore environmental challenges at multiple scales. From energy production and urban development, to industrial agriculture and residential lawns, students investigate how global systems of commerce, culture, and ecological processes are intertwined with the lives of birds, and why that matters. No prior knowledge of birds is necessary. The class includes a laboratory component.

Prerequisite: ENVSC 110  is recommended but not required.

Distribution Requirements: SB, SP.

This course counts as Natural Science for the purpose of satisfying the College distribution requirement for students who matriculated before Fall 2016.