2018-2019 Academic Bulletin 
    Mar 12, 2025  
2018-2019 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ENGL 475 - Topics in Modernism and Postmodernism

Credits: 4
A study of the literature and culture of the modernist and/or postmodernist periods. Topics are likely to span a variety of genres and cultures and may venture into media other than literature, such as painting and film. Authors studied typically include Mann, Eliot, Yeats, Stein, Joyce, Woolf, Gide, Barth, and Pynchon.

Prerequisite: ENGL 110  and one of ENGL 201 -ENGL 204 .

Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.

ENGL 200 may be used in place of ENGL 110  in satisfying the prerequisite for the above course.