2018-2019 Academic Bulletin 
    Mar 14, 2025  
2018-2019 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ARTEN 301 - Envisioning Environmental Futures

Credits: 4
An interdisciplinary exploration of contemporary environmental issues that affect community vitality and environmental resilience, including impacts on both the natural and human-made environments. Drawing upon literature from within the fields of community design, environmental restoration and/or remediation, landscape architecture, ecological art, digital and social media, and community activism, students examine a local/regional environmental problem and collaborate on finding arts-based solutions for that problem. Design of the collaborative project and potential solutions requires integration of art, science, theories of change, and community planning. Topics vary based on identification of relevant local/regional projects.

Prerequisite: ART 156 , ENVSC 110 , and permission of instructor.

Distribution Requirements: CL, ME.