2018-2019 Academic Bulletin 
    Mar 14, 2025  
2018-2019 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ART 522 - Art Teaching Internship

Credits: 2-4
This internship is designed to introduce and exemplify art’s capacity for allowing and encouraging connection to community as well as art’s ability to augment personal development in both students and teachers. This internship is ideal for the student who has an interest in teaching art, incorporating art into a general classroom curriculum, or in art therapy. The internship will: 1) acquaint the student with the concept of a community youth center and the services it provides; 2) facilitate the connection between the making of one’s own art and the teaching of art; 3) involve the intern in the planning and implementation of appropriate art experiences; and 4) require that the intern read and research traditional and current trends in art education. The intern will meet regularly with the agency director for discussion and supervision as well as weekly conferences with the internship instructor to review assigned readings, discuss the design of classroom experiences, and then review and reflect upon the results of those experiences. Performance will be evaluated by the on-site supervisor in consultation with internship faculty. In addition, the supervising faculty will evaluate the student’s written work consisting of a journal integrating the on-site experiences with the assigned readings and a research paper. May be repeated for credit.

Prerequisite: ART 151 , ART 155  or ART 156 , and ART 261 ; permission of instructor.

Distribution Requirements: none.

Must be taken for credit.