2016-2017 Academic Bulletin 
    Dec 26, 2024  
2016-2017 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

GEO 330 - Climate Change: Past & Future

Credits: 4
An examination of climate change on Earth at a variety of scales and the implications of global climate change (both past and future) from a scientific perspective. The course is divided into two seven-week units. The first unit focuses on evidence in the geologic record that provides a history of climate change on Earth over the last 2 billion years. The second unit focuses on the record of changing atmospheric gas concentrations (e.g. greenhouse gases) during the last 150 years and examines the methods that scientists use to predict and address future climate change. A day-long field trip may be involved.

Prerequisite: GEO 110  or GEO 108  or ENVSC 210 .

Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.