Feb 09, 2025
Academic Bulletin 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Studio Art Minor
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Studio Art Minor
Studio Art is a minor that prepares students to become creative thinkers and makers and encourages them to connect their interests in Art to their major area of study. Students learn and create at the intersections of art, the social and natural sciences, and the humanities, to develop unusual combinations of skills and ideas required to be successful in the world.
Students who successfully complete a MINOR in Studio Art will:
Produce original works of art.
Effectively communicate conceptual motivations of their art practice in speech and writing
Contextualize art within the contemporary art world and within art history, through speech and writing
Recognize critical problems related to conceptual and formal questions in their art practice.
The Studio Art Minor requires a minimum of 24 credits. All art courses must be taken on the letter grade basis. Under exceptional circumstances, one additional course taken Credit/No Credit may be presented for the major with permission of the chair of the department. Typically, this exception is made when a student has taken an art course CR/NC before declaring a major in the department. The Minor requires 5 courses in four categories, plus an Experiential Learning Experience OR a Capstone Art-making Experience.
Students who minor in Studio Art may not major in Art, Science, and Innovation.
Take the following course, 4 credits. II. INTRODUCTION TO TWO - DIMENSIONAL STUDIO ART
Take one of the following courses, 4 credits. III. INTRODUCTION TO THREE/+ - DIMENSIONAL STUDIO ART
Take one of the following courses, 4 credits. IV. INTERMEDIATE FOCUS IN ART
Take two of the following courses, 8 credits. V. CAPSTONE EXPERIENCE
Take one of the following courses, 4 credits. |
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