Academic Bulletin 2022-2023 
    Feb 18, 2025  
Academic Bulletin 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ENVSC 305 - Environmental GIS I

Credits: 4
An interdisciplinary examination of the theory and techniques used in the mapping and geographic analysis of environmental problems. Environmental research increasingly depends on the ability to gather, analyze, and present spatial data using geographic information systems (GIS). Students are introduced to the use of geospatial technologies through the analysis of environmental case studies. Topics include: vector and raster data models, map registration and coordinate systems, database design, data entry, and editing, GPS data collection, aerial and satellite imagery data sources, query, visualization, and spatial analysis, and cartography. The class includes a weekly three-hour laboratory.

Prerequisite: ENVSC 110  or permission of the instructor.

Distribution Requirements: CL, QR.