Mar 13, 2025
Academic Bulletin 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
FRNCH 365 - Health, Illness, and Bodies Credits: 4 An examination of the roles of the body, its functions, and its dysfunctions in French and Francophone cultures. Bodies are omnipresent in literary and cultural productions, from traditional love poems to modern advertising, from medical texts and health advice to accounts of illness, injury, and violence. Through discussion of textual and visual culture of the past and present, we seek to better understand how representations of bodies have been deployed to various ends. Topics vary, and may include: health, illness, disgust, violence, sexuality, censorship and taboo, physical comedy and the carnivalesque, power over bodies, objectified bodies, and idealized bodies.
Prerequisite: FRNCH 305 or permission of instructor.
Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.