Feb 07, 2025
Academic Bulletin 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PHYS 121 - Foundations of Astronomy Credits: 4 A study of the Earth and heavenly bodies, their observed characteristics and motions, and the theories that account for them. The course is designed to give students an understanding of the tools and fundamental physical concepts of astronomy. Topics covered include celestial timekeeping, gravity, orbits, light, the birth and evolution of stars, black holes and other compact objects, dark matter, dark energy, and the big bang theory. Use is made of the Wible Planetarium and the Newton Observatory telescopes. Students must participate in an evening observing session at some point during the semester.
Corequisite: Placement into MATH 151 on the math placement exam OR a corequisite of MATH 140 or higher.
Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.
Students may receive credit for only one course from among PHYS 020, PHYS 021 , PHYS 121, and PHYS 129. This course may NOT be counted as a laboratory course for the Natural Science distribution requirement for students who matriculated before Fall 2016.