Mar 11, 2025
Academic Bulletin 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
POLSC 245 - The Politics of Third World Development Credits: 4 An introduction to the ongoing struggle over the economic and political “development” of Third World nations. Since the end of World War II, the poorer or so-called “Third World” or “developing” countries of the world have sought to develop their economies and political systems. Despite formidable application of resources and expertise, however, so much has seemingly gone wrong: international debt mounts, poverty deepens, environmental systems deteriorate, population grows, famine continues, and the pernicious gap between rich and poor widens. Why is this so and, given the prevailing distribution of power and influence, what can be done? These questions are explored with particular reference to the domestic and international politics of Asia and Africa and special attention to emerging policy alternatives.
Distribution Requirements: IP, PD.
This course is particularly well-suited to first- and second-year students with little or no training in political science.