Feb 06, 2025
2016-2017 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
MUSIC 430 - Trumpet Credits: 2-3 Individual instruction for students at the advanced level. During the initial enrollment at the 400-level, the student must demonstrate skills that will accommodate repertoire at the 200-level. Normal progress in repertoire and technique is expected in subsequent registration at this level. Participation in weekly performance seminars is required. A performance before a jury of at least three full-time music faculty will constitute the final examination. Specific details on the repertoire requirement for each instrument are on file in the Music Department Office. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.
Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.
Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.
Section 1: half-hour lessons, two credits. Section 2: one-hour lessons, three credits. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy.