2016-2017 Academic Bulletin 
    Dec 26, 2024  
2016-2017 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

GEO 420 - Structural Geology

Credits: 4
Rock deformation and tectonics of the Earth. Emphasizes geometric analysis and origin of secondary structures at microscopic-, outcrop-, and global-scales. Stress, strain, and material behavior are applied throughout the course. Topics include folding, fault systems, deformation mechanisms, kinematic analysis, interpretation of geologic maps and cross-sections, graphical and computer solutions of problems including the use of stereograms, and case studies of structural associations in mountain belts. May include a multi-day field trip. Laboratory, one period.

Prerequisite: FSGEO 201 . Pre- or Corequisite: GEO 120 

Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.