2024-2025 Compass: Student Handbook and Resource Guide 
    Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 Compass: Student Handbook and Resource Guide

Winter Break Housing Policy

Effective Date

January 1st, 2024

Office of Primary Responsibility

Office of Residence Life

Summary of Policy

Academic year campus housing does not include the Winter Break (which occurs between the Fall and Spring semesters). Students wishing to stay on campus during this time will need prior approval from the Office of Student Life.

Reason for Policy

Due to the reduced number of staff and resources available on campus during the winter break, students who wish to remain on campus may be subject to additional requirements to ensure the safety of the campus. 

Policy Statement

The following is the Winter Break Housing Policy.

  1. Students wishing to remain on campus for any duration of the Winter Break (the time between the end of the Fall Semester and the allocated move in dates for the Spring Semester), must receive prior approval from the Dean for Student Life.
  2. All students remaining on campus during part of, or the entirety of the break will be billed a standard daily rate (TBD). This rate may change depending on the availability of dining services. 
    1. Some students may have their bills sponsored by the departments requiring them to stay on campus, such as Athletics.
  3. Students requesting to stay on campus during part of, or the entirety of break, and/or return early, must provide contact information (email is sufficient) for at least one employee of Allegheny College that supports their decision to remain on campus. 
  4. For safety and sustainability reasons, students may be required to relocate to a different residential space during part, or all, of the Winter Break. During this time, students may not have access to their Fall/Spring residential assignments. 
  5. Access to resources (including dining and buildings), will be limited. Students will be responsible for providing their own food while dining services are closed.
  6. Due to limited resources during the Winter Break, students approved to stay on campus are not permitted to have guests stay overnight.
  7. Failure to comply with campus policies, including this one, may result in the student losing the privilege to remain on campus during the Winter Break and a referral to the Student Conduct process.


A guest is defined as any person who is not assigned to live in a specific residence hall room and/or residential area, whether the guest is a residential student, commuting student, parents or family members, or non-student of Allegheny College. This includes students who are currently on a leave from the College.