2024-2025 Compass: Student Handbook and Resource Guide 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2024-2025 Compass: Student Handbook and Resource Guide

Advertising and Posting Policy

Effective Date

August 1, 2023

Office of Primary Responsibility

Office of Student Life

Summary of Policy

Across campus, posting is permitted for events in designated approved areas. Materials may not be posted on windows, entrance doors, walls, or in classrooms. All materials must clearly display the College sponsor of the program, service, or announcement. All posted materials must be taken down within 7 days after the event. Students wishing to erect, attach, or post signs, banners, or posters beyond 11”x17” are responsible for obtaining prior approval from the designated manager of that building or area.

Posters promoting drinking or illegal activities are not permitted and will be taken down. Commercial advertising, sales, and solicitations on campus are limited under the Solicitation  Policy.

Failure to follow this policy may result in the removal of the posted material and/or suspension of posting privileges.

Reason for Policy

Display areas and bulletin boards are provided in buildings to display information to students, faculty, and staff. This policy ensures that campus sponsored events are promoted in a reasonable manner.

Policy Statement

Wise Center Postering Policy

Signs for posting must be approved by the Assistant Director of Athletics for Facilities and Recreation or designee prior to placement on bulletin boards.

Campus Center Posting Policies

Posting in the Campus Center is reserved for campus events or those sponsored by and with the Allegheny Community. Outside vendors are only permitted to advertise on the “I Heart Meadville” display rails located in the entryways to the Campus Center lobby and balcony.

Materials may not be taped or tacked on walls, doors, bathroom stalls, or windows.


Fliers must contain the following information: Name of sponsoring organization, the date, time, and location of the event as well as contact information for the organization or the responsible member. Fliers not adhering to this policy will be removed by Student Life. When possible the organization will be contacted noting the specific posting violation.

Posted materials must be contained to posting bars throughout the building. Damage done by improperly posted materials on surfaces will be billed to student organizations.

Posting is on a first come, first served basis. Posted materials may be displayed no more than 10 days prior to the event and there is a limit to one flier per display rail (or set of two) out of respect for other members of the community. Fliers should not overlap or conceal other items.

Posters requiring easels or pole stands that are event-driven with a College-wide impact may be displayed in the front of the lobby two business days prior to the event. Posters advertising College-wide ticket sales may be displayed in the front of the lobby five days prior to the event. Contact Student Life for display coordination.


Banners must contain the following information: Name of sponsoring organization with a brief description if not recognizable, the date, time, and location of the event as well as contact information for the organization or the responsible member (this may be handwritten on the back of the banner). Banners not adhering to this policy will be removed by Student Life and the organization’s president will be notified and given one week to update the banner. Banners not updated within a week will be discarded.

To preserve the building and its materials, publicity hung in the main lobby or second floor must be hung with plastic clips. If not found on balconies, these clips can be obtained from Student Life. Banners should be removed when events are completed.

Due to environmental and safety concerns, banners hung in the Campus Center Lobby can have a maximum vertical height of four feet and a maximum horizontal length of six feet. Banners up to seven feet in vertical height may be hung from the third-floor balcony of the Campus Center. If there is a question or concern, please contact Student Life.

Other Forms of Publicity:

Chalking is permitted on sidewalks exposed to the elements. Chalking must not contain vulgar language, references to illegal substances or alcohol, or references to violence.

Table tents: may be posted a week prior to an event. No more than two tents may be on a table at a time.

Fliers on tables are limited to one per table.

Anyone wishing to use the napkin dispensers must contact the dining company.

Display cases are available to promote organizations or upcoming events. Third-floor display cases are available for student organizations and can be reserved through Student Life.

The front window of the Campus Center can be reserved for painted publicity. Reservations for “Balcony Windows” may be placed via Scheduler. Windows may be painted a week prior to an event and must be cleaned within 24-hours after the event concludes. Students or organizations who do not clean the windows within 24-hours may be assessed a cleaning charge. Priority is given to events taking place in the Campus Center.