Advising Handbook 2023-2024 
    Jan 30, 2025  
Advising Handbook 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Communication, Media, and Performance

Communication, Media, and Performance
Academic Bulletin

 Beginning with 2023-24 Academic Bulletin  Academic Bulletins 2020-21 to 2022-23
Communication & Media
Area of Study: Values & Societies
Programs: Major and Minor
Communication & Cultural Studies
Area of Study: Values & Societies
Programs: Major and Minor
Dance & Movement Studies
Area of Study: Visual & Performing Arts
Program: Minor
Dance & Movement Studies
Area of Study: Visual & Performing Arts
Program: Minor
Area of Study: Visual & Performing Arts
Program: Minor
Film & Digital Storytelling
Area of Study: Visual & Performing Arts
Programs: Major (20-22), Minor
Journalism & Documentary Storytelling
Area of Study: Languages, Literature, & Culture
Program: Minor
Journalism in the Public Interest
Area of Study: Languages, Literature, & Culture
Program: Minor
Area of Study: Visual & Performing Arts
Programs: Major and Minor
Area of Study: Visual & Performing Arts
Programs: Major and Minor


  • A student cannot minor in both Filmmaking and Journalism & Documentary Storytelling

Minimum credits for majors & minors are as follows:
Program Name  Major  Minor
 Communication & Media 46 credits 24 credits
 Dance & Movement Studies n/a 26 credits
 Filmmaking n/a 24 credits
 Journalism & Documentary Storytelling n/a 24 credits
 Theatre 49 credits 24 credits

Communication & Media program

Major suggested timeline (46 credits):

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
 Year 1 (8 credits)  COMM 125 or 145   COMM 125 or 145  take 1 each semester
 Year 2 (12 credits)  200-level Elective   200-level Elective  COMM 241
 Year 3 (12-16 credits)  200-level Elective  300-level Elective  COMM 581
 Year 4 (10-14 credits)  COMM 600 (2 cr)
 300-level Elective
 COMM 610  300-level Elective (year 3 or 4)

Junior Seminar & Senior Project Sequence: Students take the JR. Seminar in Year 3, at the end of which a Sr. Project advisor is assigned. Students work individually with their Sr. Project advisor during Year 4, crafting a proposal plus a major section in the fall and completing it in the spring.

200-level COMM Electives (3 courses for the Major or 2 courses for the minor)

 COMM 235 Advanced Public Speaking  COMM 256, Power, Politics, & Communication
 COMM 241, Media and Cultural Criticism (elective for the minor only)  COMM 261, The Business of Media 
 COMM 251, Gender & Popular Culture  COMM 281, Integrated Marketng Communications

300-level COMM Electives (3 courses for the Major or 2 courses for the minor)

 COMM 301 Advertising & Brand Storytelling  COMM 351 Media & Inequality
 COMM 320 Media & Global Cultures  COMM 360 Communicaiton Rhetoric & Civic Engagement
 COMM 331 Disease, Disability, & Difference in Popular Culture
 COMM 342 Digital Media & Technology  COMM 376 Ethnographic Methods in Media and Cultural Studies


Minor suggested timeline (24 credits):

  Fall Semester  Spring Semester Either Semester
 Year 1  (4 credits)      COMM 125 or 145
 Year 2 (8 credits)  200-level elective  200-level elective  
 Year 3  ( 4-8 credits)  300-level Elective    Department elective  
 Year 4  (4-8 credits)  300-level Elective  

Students interested in declaring a major in Communication & Media should speak directly with a faculty member to be their advisor or speak with the Department Chair of Communication, Media, and Performance. Students interested in declaring a minor should speak with the Department Chair.

Dance & Movement Studies program

Minor suggested timeline (26 credits):

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
 First Year  (6 credits)  DMS Practice Elective  (2cr)  DMS Practice Elective  (2cr)  DMS 100  (2cr)
 Second Year  (10 credits)  DMS 3801  DMS 4702 - or
 Interdisciplinary Elective
 DMS Practice Elective
 Third Year  (6 credits)  DMS Practice Elective  (2cr)  DMS 4702 - or
 Interdisciplinary Elective
 Final Year  (4 credits)  DMS Practice Elective (2cr)  DMS Practice Elective  (2cr)  

1DMS 380 is scheduled to be offered every Fall. Many students take DMS 381 and 382 in subsequent Fall semesters, beyond the minimum minor requirements..
2DMS 470 is scheduled to be offered every other Spring

DMS Practice Electives (12 credits, with at least 1 course from each column)
100- and 200-level courses earn 2 credits each; 300-level courses earn 1 credit each (except as noted)

Performance Dance Forms Somatic Practices Social Dance
 DMS 101, 201, 301
Modern Dance 
DMS 110, 210, 310
DMS 107
Intro to Ballroom Dance
DMS 102, 202, 302
DMS 114, 214, 314
Asian Martial Arts
DMS 207
Ballroom: Latin/Rhythm
DMS 104, 204, 304
Jazz Dance
DMS 121, 122
DMS 208
Ballroom: Smooth
DMS 105, 205, 305
Tap Dance
  DMS 307 (2 credits)
Ballroom III-Advanced

Interdisciplinary Electives (choose 1 course)


 FILM 171, Filmmaking 1  ART 171 - Photography I
 THTR 150, Acting 1: Fundamentals   ART 187 - Electronic and Intermedia Art
 THTR 260, Production Design 1    ART 271 - Photography II
 THTR 280, Directing    ENGL 205 - Writing Fiction

Students interested in declaring a minor in Dance & Movement Studies should speak with Betsy Getschman (DMS faculty) or the Department Chair of Communication, Media, and Performance.

Filmmaking program

Minor suggested timeline (24 credits):

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
 Year 1 (4 credits)  FILM 171    
 Year 2 (8 credits)  FILM 2022  FILM 3003  
 Year 3 (8 credits)  Elective  FILM 4004  
 Year 4 (4 credits)      Elective

2FILM 202 is scheduled to be offered every Fall
3FILM 300 is scheduled to be offered every Spring
4FILM 400 is scheduled to be offered every Spring

Filmmaking Electives (choose 2 courses)

 FILM 350 - Filmmaking Technique  ART 171 - Photography 1
 FILM 375 - Documentary Traditions  ART 187 - Electronic and Intermedia Art
 THTR 150 - Acting 1: Fundamentals  ART 271 - Photography 2
 THTR 260 - Production Design 1  ENGL 205 - Writing Fiction
 THTR 280 - Directing 1  


Journalism & Documentary Storytelling minor suggested timeline:

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
 Year 1 (8 credits)  JOURN 100
 - or FILM 171
 FILM 171
 - or JOURN 100
 Year 2 (4 credits)    JOURN 3105 or
 Year 3 (8 credits)  FILM 3756  FILM 4004  
 Year 4 ( 4 credits)      

4FILM 400 is scheduled to be offered every Spring
5JOURN 310 is scheduled to be offered every Spring
6FILM 375 is scheduled to be offered every Fall

Journalism & Documentary Storytelling Electives (take a total of 4 credits)

 JOURN 501+502 - Internship with The Campus (2 cr each)  COMM 256 - Power, Politics & Communication
  FILM 300 - Filmmaking 2  COMM 261 - The Business of Media
 FILM 350 - Filmmaking Technique  HIST 170 - Introduction to Public History
 ENGL 210 - Creative Nonfiction  POLSC 318 - Politics and the Media
 ART 171 - Photography I   

Students interested in declaring a minor in Filmmaking or Journalism & Documentary Storytelling should speak with the Department Chair of Communication, Media, and Performance.

Theatre Major suggested timeline:

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
 Year 1
 (12 credits)
 THTR 110 or THTR 150
 THTR 160 (2 cr)
 THTR 110 or THTR 150  THTR 161, 162, or 163 (2 cr)
 Year 2
 (12-16 credits)
 THTR Elective  THTR 210  Department Elective
 - or FSCOM 201
THTR 311 (Fall) or THTR 312 (Spring)
 Year 3
 (13-17 credits)
 THTR 582 Jr. Sem
 THTR Elective
 THTR 600 Sr. Sem (1 cr)
THTR 310
 Department Elective (if not taken 
 during the Second Year)
 Year 4
 (8-12 credits)
 THTR Elective    Department Elective (if not taken
 during the Second Year)
 THTR 610 Sr Project

Junior Seminar & Senior Project Sequence: Majors take the THTR Jr. Seminar during Year 3; it is offered only once per year, usually during the Fall semester. In the Spring of Year 3, students take the THTR Sr. Seminar, during which they develop their project proposals. The Senior Project is a single semester in either Fall or Spring based on student preference.

THTR Electives (3 courses)

 THTR 181 Stage Management  THTR 311 or 312 Theatre History 1 or 2
 THTR 250 Acting 2  THTR 350 Acting 3
 THTR 260 Production Design 1  THTR 360 Production Design 2
 THTR 280 Directing 1  THTR 380 Directing 2

Department Electives (4 credits) any THTR course or choose from one column below

 1 of the following courses:  2 of the following courses:
 COMM 251 Gender & Popular Culture  DMS 101, 201 Modern
 COMM 281 Integrated Marketing Comm.  DMS 102, 202 Ballet
 FILM 171 Filmmaking 1  DMS 104, 204 Jazz
 FILM 202 Film as a Narrative Art  DMS 105, 205 Tap


Theatre minor suggested timeline:

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
 Year 1 (8 credits)  THTR 110  THTR 150  
 Year 2 (8 credits)  THTR 160 (2cr)  THTR 210  THTR 161, 162, or 163 (2cr)
 Year 3 (4-8 credits) THTR 311 (Fall) or THTR 312 (Spring)  THTR Elective
 Year 4 (4-8 credits)  THTR 582 Jr. Sem  

Students interested in declaring a major in Theatre should speak directly with a faculty member to be their advisor or speak with the Department Chair of Communication, Media, and Performance. Students interested in declaring a minor should speak with the Department Chair.

The following information pertains to majors & minors as they appear before the 2023-2024 Academic Bulletin

Minimum credits for majors & minors are as follows:

 Program Name Major  Minor
 Communication & Cultural Studies 50 Credits 24 Credits
 Dance & Movement Studies n/a 26 Credits
 Film & Digital Storytelling 57 Credits
(last offered 2021-2022)
24 Credits
 Journalism in the Public Interest n/a 24 Credits
 Theatre 55 Credits 24 Credits
  • Majors should take introductory courses during the 1st year
  • Minors should take introductory courses during the 1st or 2nd year
  • Majors and minors must take introductory courses before the 4th year
    • Communication & Cultural Studies: COMM 120 and COM 145
    • Film & Digital Storytelling: FILM 171 and FILM 202
    • Theatre: THTR 110, THTR 150 and THTR 160
  • The majors combine a core sequence (from introductory courses to the Senior Project) with 2 elective modules of 12 credits each. The Theatre major requires one of the elective modules to be “Live Performance” (THTR courses).
  • The majors require students to take at least 3 courses (12 credits) in one of the other areas of the department through a 3-course elective module. They are:
    • “Media, Politics, & Technology (COMM courses)
    • “Popular Culture and Civic Life” (COMM courses)
    • “Digital Storytelling” (FILM and JOURN courses)
    • “Live Performance” (THTR courses)
  • FSCOM 201 is recommended but not required for majors or minors
    • Majors can use FSCOM 201 toward one “Module of Inquiry”
    • Minors can use FSCOM 201 toward their requirements
  • If a student lets you know that they plan to major in Film & Digital Storytelling, please ask them to speak with Mike Keeley or Michael Mehler as soon as possible.

Major/Minor Exclusions 2020-2023:

  • A student majoring in Communication and Cultural Studies may not double major or minor in Theatre or minor in Film and Digital Storytelling.
  • A student minoring in Film and Digital Storytelling may not major in Communication and Cultural Studies or Theatre.
  • A student majoring in Theatre may not double major or minor in Communication and Cultural Studies or minor in Film and Digital Storytelling.


Communication and Cultural Studies Major (50 Credits) suggested timeline:

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
 Year 1
 (8 credits)
 (FS 101)  (FS 102)  COMM 120 (now COMM 125)
 COMM 145
 Year 2
 (16 credits)
 Module 1 elective
 (1st of 3 courses)2
 - or FSCOM 201
 Module 2 elective
 (1st of 3 courses)2
 -or FSCOM 201
COMM 241
 Media-making course1
 Year 3
 (14 credits)
 Module 1 elective
 (2nd of 3 courses)2
 Module 2 elective
 (2nd of 3 courses)2
COMM 581
COMM 600 (2cr)
 Year 4
 (12 credits)
 Module 1 elective
 (2nd of 3 courses)2
 2nd Elective module
 (3rd of 3 courses)2 
COMM 610

1Media-making Electives (choose 1 course)

 ART 187 Electronic & Intermedia Art  FILM 171 Filmmaking & Digital Storytelling 1
 (now Filmmaking 1)
 CMPSC 100 Computational Expression  FILM 375 Documentary Tradition
 CMPSC 302 Web Development  JOURN 300 Multimedia Journalism

2Modes of Inquiry (choose 2 modules, take 3 courses from each - 2 of 6 courses must be at 300-level)

 Module 1: Media, Politics, & Technology
 COMM 256 Power, Politics, & Communicaiton  COMM 342 Screen Cultures
 (now Digital Media & Technology)
 COMM 261 Media Institutions 
 (now The Business of Media)
 COMM 375 Ethnographic Methods in Media &
 Cultural Studies
 COMM 331 Bodies & Health in Communication
 (now Disease, Disability & Difference in Popular Culture)


 Module 2: Popular Culture and Civic Life
 COMM 235 Advanced Public Speaking  COMM 351 Media & Inequality
 COMM 251 Gender & Popular Culture  COMM 360 Communicaiton & Civic Engagement
 (now Communication Rhetoric & Civic Engagement)
 COMM 281 Integrated Marketing Communications  COMM 301 Advertising & Brand Storytelling


 Module 3: Digital Stoorytelling (may not repeat course taken for Media-making above)
 FILM 171 Filmmaking & Digital Storytelling 1
 (now Filmmaking 1)
 FILM 300 Filmmaking Techniques
 FILM 202 Film as a Narrative Art  FILM 375 Documentary Tradition
 FILM 300 Filmmaking & Digital Storytelling 2
 (now Filmmaking 2)


 Module 4: Live Performance
 THTR 110 Intro to Theatre  THTR 250/350 Acting 2/3
 THTR 150 Acting 1  THTR 260/360 Design 1/2
 (now Design Production 1/2)
 THTR 181 Stage Management  THTR 280/380 Directing 1/2
 THTR 210 Text & Performance  THTR 311/312 Theatre History 1/2


Communication and Cultural Studies Minor (24 credits) suggested timeline:

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
 Year 1
 (4 credits)
     COMM 120 (now COMM 125)
 - or COMM 145
 Year 2
 (8 credits)
 200-level COMM elective
 - or FSCOM 201
 200-level COMM elective
 - or FSCOM 201
 Year 3
 (8 credits)
 300-level COMM elective  300-level COMM elective  
 Year 4
 (4 credits)
     Any COMM, FDS, or
 THTR course at any level


Dance & Movement Studies minor (26 credits) suggested timeline:

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
 Year 1
 (6 credits)
 (FS 101)  (FS 102)  DMS 100
 DMS electives
 Year 2
 (6-10 credits)
 DMS 380 (or 381)  DMS 470  DMS electives
 DMS 100
 Year 3
 (6-10 credits)
 DMS 380 (or 381 or 382)  DMS electives
 Year 4
 (4-6 credits)
   DMS electives


Film & Digital Storytelling Minor (24 credits) suggested timeline:

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
 Year 1 
 (4 credits)
     FILM 171
 Year 2
 (8 credits)
 FILM 202  Digital Storytelling elect.
 (1st of 3 courses)
 Year 3
 (8 credits)
 Digital Storytelling elect.
 (2nd of 3 courses)
 Digital Storytelling Elect.
 (3rd of 3 courses)
 Year 4
 (4 credits)
     Any COMM, FILM, or THTR
course at any level

Digital Storytelling electives (3 courses)

 FILM 300 Filmmaking & Digital Storytelling 2
 (now Filmmaking 2)
 FILM 375 Documentary Tradition
 FILM 350 Filmmaking Techniques  FDS 583 Junior Seminar

Given the staffing reductions, FDS minors may need to use substitutions to complete their requirements. Please consult with the Department Chair or with Prof. Mike Keeley.


Journalism in the Public Interest minor (20 credits):

Students completing a minor in Journalism in the Public Interest should speak with the Department Chair about course substitutions and sequences to satisfy curricular requirements.


Theatre Major (55 credits) suggested timeline:

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
 Year 1
 (12 credits)
 THTR 110 or THTR 150
 THTR 160 (2cr)
 THTR 110 or THTR 150  THTR 161, 162,
 or 163 (2cr)
 Year 2
 (13-17 credits)
 Theatre elective
 (1st of 3 courses)1
 THTR 210
 Module elective
 (1st of 3 courses)2
-or FSCOM 201
 (1 cr, 1st of 2 courses)
 Second or Third Year THTR 311 (Fall) -or- THTR 312 (Spring)  
 Year 3
 (14-18 credits)
 Thtr 582
 Theatre elective
 (2nd of 3 courses)1
 THTR 600 (1cr)
 Module elective
 (2nd of 3 courses)2
 (1 cr, 1st of 2 courses)
 Year 4
 (12 credits)
 Theatre elective 
 (3rd of 3 courses)1
 Module elective 
 (3rd of 3 courses)2
 THTR 610

1“Theatre Electives” (3 courses, 1 must be at 300-level)

 THTR 181 Stage Management  THTR 311 or THTR 312 Theatre History 1 or 2
 THTR 250 Acting 2  THTR 350 Acting 3
 THTR 260 Design 1
 (now Production Design 1)
 THTR 360 Design 2
 (now Production Design 2)
 THTR 280 Directing 1  THTR 380 Directing 2

2“Modes of Inquiry” (choose 2 modules, take 3 courses from each - 2 of 6 courses must be at 300-level)

 Module 1: Media, Politics, & Technology
 COMM 256 Power, Politics, & Communication  COMM 342 Screen Cultures
 (now Digital Media & Technology)
 COMM 261 Media Institutions
 (now The Business of Media)
 COMM 276 Ethnographic Methods in Media & Cultural Studies
 COMM 331 Bodies & Health in Communication
 (now Disease, Disability & Difference in Popular Culture)


 Module 2: Popular Culture and Civic Life
 COMM 235 Advanced Public Speaking  COMM 301 Advertising & Brand Storytelling
 COMM 251 Gender & Popular Culture  COMM 351 Media & Inequality
 COMM 281 integrated Marketing Communications  COMM 360 Communicaiton & Civic Engagement
 (now Communication Rhetoric & Civic Engagement)


 Module 3: Digital Storytelling (may not repet course taken for “Media-making)
 FILM 171 Filmmaking & Digital Storytelling 1
 (now Filmmaking 1)
 FILM 350 Filmmaking Techniques
 FILM 202 Film as a Narrative Art  FILM 375 Documentary Tradition
 FILM 300 Filmmaking & Digital Storytelling 2
 (now Filmmaking 2)


Theatre minor suggested timeline:

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
 Year 1 (8 credits)  THTR 110  THTR 150  
 Year 2 (8 credits)  THTR 160 (2cr)  THTR 210  THTR 161, 162, or 
 163 (2cr)
 Year 3 (4-8 credits) THTR 311 (Fall) or THTR 312 (Spring  THTR Elective
 Year 4 (4-8 credits)  THTR 582 Jr. Sem  

Theatre minors may take the THTR Junior Seminar in either Year 3 or 4. It is usually offered only in the Fall Semester.

Performance & Production (4 credits):

 THTR 150 Acting 1  THTR 160 Intro to Theatre Production (2 cr)
 -and- one of the following
 THTR 161 Scenic Productin (2 cr)
 THTR 162 Costume Production (2 cr)
 THTR 163 Lighting Production (2 cr)
 THTR 181 Stage Management
 THTR 260 Design 1