Effective Date
July 1, 2019
Office of Primary Responsibility
Office of Residence Life
Summary of Policy
All members of the Allegheny College community are expected to act in a manner that demonstrates consideration and regard for the rights, privileges, and sensitivities of others.
Reason for Policy
College residence halls are group living environments. It is expected that every student respects other students’ rights to study, to be in a quiet environment, and to be able to achieve adequate rest in preparation for the next day. Additionally, College buildings are within the Meadville community and maintaining a reasonable noise level is part of being a good neighbor and community member.
Policy Statement
Students agree to respect other residents’ desires for a reasonable degree of privacy and sufficient quiet, as well as to show consideration for the property of fellow residents and the College.
Courtesy Hours: To maintain residential areas conducive to an academic environment, all residents are expected to maintain reasonable courtesy hours within and in the vicinity of the residence halls at all times.To ensure that residents may adequately sleep and study in their rooms, courtesy hours are in effect from 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. seven days per week. During reading days and final exams, quiet hours will be in effect 24 hours a day. While Residential Life staff will enforce the noise policy, residents are expected to notify others directly about disturbances. In that spirit, Residence Life asks that all residents comply with reasonable requests from neighbors related to noise.
Quiet Hours: Quiet hours are Sunday - Thursday: 10pm to 8am and Friday - Saturday: midnight to 10am. Additionally, the quiet hours agreed on are posted in each building at the beginning of each academic year. During quiet hours, noise should not be audible outside of the room when the door is closed. However, noise is subjective, and should a professional staff member deem that a room is disrupting the community, the room may be subject to documentation and/or referral to the student conduct. Quiet hours are enacted and enforced 24 hours a day during final exams.
Independent Student Living Spaces: Students living in College Independent Living Spaces such as houses are subject to the Meadville noise ordinance found here. Additionally, noise should not be audible outside of the residence when the doors are closed. However, noise is subjective, and should a professional staff member deem that a residential unit is disrupting the community, occupants may be subject to documentation and/or referral to student conduct.