Academic Bulletin 2022-2023 
    Sep 25, 2024  
Academic Bulletin 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Search

To search for a course satisfying the Distribution Requirements in effect for students who entered Allegheny College in Fall 2016 or after please do the following:

  • In the “Keyword or Phrase” box below, enter one of the eight Distribution Requirement abbreviations as a search term in quotation marks: “CL”, “HE”, “IP”, “ME”, “PD”, “QR”, “SB”, or “SP”.
  • To search within a specific department or program, select the desired department from the “Rubric” drop down menu and enter the Distribution Requirement abbreviation in quotation marks in the “Keyword or Phrase” box (i.e., “HE”).


  • PHYS 340 - Electric and Magnetic Fields

    Credits: 4
    A mathematical investigation of static and time-dependent electric and magnetic fields emphasizing vector differential operators. Laplace’s, Poisson’s, and Maxwell’s equations.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 120  (or PHYS 102  with the permission of instructor), and PHYS 272  or MATH 211 .

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • PHYS 350 - Physical Optics

    Credits: 4
    A study of geometrical, physical, and quantum optics. Topics may include the theory and applications of spectroscopy, lasers, fiber optics, and detectors, as well as an analysis of interference, diffraction, and polarization. One laboratory session per week.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 102  or PHYS 120 , MATH 152  (must be completed prior to taking this course). 

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • PHYS 365 - Programming and Simulation

    Credits: 4
    A study of numerical simulation that includes learning an operating system (a Linux distribution), a programming language or languages (such as Python), and techniques and tools of numerical analysis useful for solving problems in physics.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 101  or PHYS 110 .

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • PHYS 370 - Introduction to Solid State Physics

    Credits: 4
    An introductory study of crystalline and amorphous materials including symmetry, crystal-binding, crystal-diffraction, phonons (Einstein- and Debye-models), free electron Fermi gas, Bose-Einstein theory, and superconductivity. Topics of current research interest such as computer simulation of amorphous materials, superlattices, and novel mechanisms of superconductivity are also included.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 120  (or PHYS 102 ), MATH 152  (must be completed prior to taking this course).

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • PHYS 380 - Quantum Mechanics

    Credits: 4
    A study of the concepts of quantum mechanics with an emphasis on mathematical analysis. The course begins with an introduction to the Schrödinger equation and the formalism of quantum mechanics. Dirac representation, Hilbert space, and Hermitian operators are introduced. Quantum mechanical systems are compared with classical systems and discussed with respect to quantum mechanical uncertainty, time development, and conservation theorems. Various applications of quantum mechanics are considered.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 210  or CHEM 242 , and PHYS 272  or equivalent.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • PHYS 420-429 - Current Topics in Astrophysics

    Credits: 2
    An examination of selected current topics of interest in astrophysics, such as dark matter, dark energy, black hole formation, star cluster dynamics, stellar collisions, the mass of neutrinos, planetary formation, and gravity wave sources. Students contribute to the class through discussion and brief presentations. Group discussion is based on readings from journal articles and monographs. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: PHYS 102  or PHYS 120 , and PHYS 020, PHYS 021 PHYS 121 , PHYS 129, or PHYS 320 ; or permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • PHYS 430-439 - Current Topics in Biophysics

    Credits: 2
    An examination of a current topic of interest in biophysics. The course focuses on the molecular structure, energetics and dynamics of biological systems with an emphasis on physical spectroscopic techniques. Students contribute to the class through discussion and brief presentations. Group discussion is based on readings from journal articles and monographs. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 210  or permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • PHYS 440-449 - Current Topics in Chemical Physics

    Credits: 2
    An examination of a current topic of interest in chemical physics. Students contribute to the class through discussion and brief presentations. Group discussion is based on readings from journal articles and monographs. Some laboratory work may be included. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 210  or permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • PHYS 450-459 - Current Topics in Optical Physics

    Credits: 2
    An examination of a current topic of interest in optical science. Students contribute to the class through discussion and brief presentations. Group discussion is based on readings from journal articles and monographs. Some laboratory work may be included. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 210  or permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • PHYS 460-469 - Current Topics in Theoretical Physics

    Credits: 2
    An examination of some theories that have revolutionized our understanding of nature and the universe. Students contribute to the class through discussion and brief presentations. Group discussion is based on readings from journal articles and monographs. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 210  or permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • PHYS 470-479 - Current Topics in Computational Physics

    Credits: 2
    An examination of theories and computational algorithms that have revolutionized our understanding of nature and the universe. Students contribute to the class through discussion and brief presentations. Group discussion is based on readings from journal articles and monographs. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 210  or permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • PHYS 480-489 - Current Topics in Materials Physics

    Credits: 2
    An examination of current topics of interest in materials physics, such as surface effects, fluid flow, tribology, and polymers. Students contribute to the class through discussion and brief presentations. Group discussion is based on reading from journal articles and monographs. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 210  or permission of the instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • PHYS 529 - Internship: Physics

    Credits: 1-4
    Academic study completed in support of an internship experience with a partner institution. An Allegheny faculty member assigns and evaluates the academic work done by the student. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • PHYS 580 - Junior Seminar

    Credits: 2
    A seminar in which students, faculty, and guest lecturers make presentations on current topics in physics. The Junior Seminar has three goals: (1) to begin student preparation for the Senior Project, (2) to facilitate student awareness of the impact of physics on society, and (3) to inform the student of other areas of physics research. This is accomplished by becoming familiar with research in the department, giving an oral presentation on some aspect of physics and society, and preparing a written and oral review of research relevant to a prospective senior project. Students are also expected to attend department seminars.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • PHYS 590 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1-4
    To be arranged. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • PHYS 600 - Senior Project I

    Credits: 3
    The first in a sequence of two courses involving experimental and/or theoretical research under the direction of a faculty member. Background information is collected and preliminary work is carried out. Attendance at departmental lectures is required. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • PHYS 610 - Senior Project II

    Credits: 3
    Completion of the senior research project. Students write reports and discuss their results at an oral presentation given for faculty members. In most cases they also present their findings at regional or national physics meetings and lectures. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 600  and permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • PHYS 620 - Senior Project

    Credits: 4
    Equivalent to the PHYS 600 -PHYS 610  sequence and under special circumstances may be taken as an alternate to PHYS 600  and PHYS 610 . Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

Political Science

  • FSPOL 201 - Communication in a Discipline: Political Science

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to writing and speaking in the discipline of Political Science. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: FS 102  or FS 200 .

    Distribution Requirements: none.

    The topical material covered in this sophomore seminar varies from section to section and year to year. Some sections of this course may have additional prerequisites.
  • POLSC 110 - U.S. National Government and Politics

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to national political institutions in the United States: The Presidency, Congress, Supreme Court, and administrative agencies. Attention is given to citizen participation, elections, political parties, interest groups and public policy making.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • POLSC 120 - Comparative Government and Politics

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the development of political institutions and the distribution and exercise of political power in selected western, communist and “Third World” countries. Special attention is devoted to the impact of institutional and cultural patterns upon the quality of life in those countries.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, IP.

  • POLSC 130 - World Politics

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to politics among nation-states and the conduct of international relations. Topics addressed include the dynamics of war and peace, international law and diplomacy, state and non-state actors in international relations, and transnational economic and environmental issues.

    Distribution Requirements: PD, SB.

  • POLSC 140 - Introduction to Political Theory

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to political theory with special emphasis on the problem of justice. As citizens, we must confront choices that affect not only our own lives, but the lives of others. How we approach these choices is therefore consequential. We must consider what we owe others and what others owe us in return. We must also consider how we can develop our ability to make choices wisely. In this course, we engage in these considerations by examining rival perspectives on human nature, citizenship, and the ethical uses of political power.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • POLSC 211 - Women and Public Policy

    Credits: 4
    An introductory analysis of the relationship among women, politics, and policy in the United States, focusing on several specific policy areas that affect women in a political world where most of the policy players are male. Topics include, but may not be limited to, education, employment, criminal justice, sexual harassment, economic equity, and health care. This course assesses changes in public policy to meet the evolving roles and status of women and key legislation affecting women’s quest for full equality. Special attention will be devoted to understanding how gender, race, sexuality and class shape policy needs.


    Distribution Requirements: CL, PD.

  • POLSC 215 - Politics in Popular Culture

    Credits: 4
    An examination of how American popular culture intersects with American politics. We focus on the processes through which common forms of entertainment, advertising, and material consumption influence our political perceptions, values, and actions. Special emphasis is placed on how experiences with products of popular culture influence our understandings of and (in)actions toward others. Through class discussion and analytical papers, students identify, explain, and evaluate how the content of popular culture influences their political conduct and the political conduct of others.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • POLSC 217 - Gender and American Politics

    Credits: 4
    A study of women’s participation in American politics as activists, citizens, and elites. We examine the suffrage movement as well as modern women’s liberation movements. We explore how gender shapes public opinion and voting behavior. We study the experiences and challenges faced by women running for or holding political office. We examine the ways they navigate the US political system to accomplish policy and electoral goals. Throughout the course, we consider the meaning and nature of gender equality and analyze the ways that gender intersects with other categories such as race, sexuality, and class.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, PD.

  • POLSC 220 - Democracy for the Few? Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Social Movements

    Credits: 4
    The study of political participation and political influence in the United States. The great promise of democracy is that all citizens will have meaningful opportunities to defend their interests and advance their notions of the common good. Yet citizens have grown increasingly concerned about whether such opportunities truly exist in their democracy. We focus on how parties, interest groups, and social movements structure political participation. By integrating theory with both historical and current examples, students assess whether citizens can still find, or perhaps even create, opportunities to exert meaningful influence on political decisions.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • POLSC 221 - Law, Courts, and Judicial Processes

    Credits: 4
    A study of the development, organization, and operation of federal and state court systems, with consideration given to the political contexts in which courts operate. Particular attention is given to normative and positive accounts of judicial decision-making, including the role and limits of judicial discretion and the importance of institutions in shaping judicial outcomes.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • POLSC 226 - Government and Politics of Europe

    Credits: 4
     An introduction to Europe comparing societies, cultures and political institutions. Diverse historical experiences are the background to an analysis of post-war and contemporary issues such as European integration; the welfare state; the evolution of party politics; NATO and changing security issues; and immigration and nationalism.


    Distribution Requirements: IP, SB.

  • POLSC 227 - Political Economy of Europe

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the political economies of European democracies. Proceeding from the postwar era to the present, we study cases such as the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Italy and France. We examine key developments over time in a range of interrelated policy areas that make up the political economy. We also explore key concepts in the field of comparative political economy. When relevant, we consider the harmonizing role of European Union policy.

    Distribution Requirements: IP, PD.

  • POLSC 228 - Government and Politics of China

    Credits: 4
    An overview of government and politics in 20th-century China, with a stress on state-society relations. A major focus of the course rests on the post-Mao period and questions such as economic reform and the Tiananmen Square student movement and prospects for democracy. Other topics will include women’s issues, population and environmental issues, and China’s foreign relations. The course draws on autobiographical, journalistic, and cinematic sources as well as text-based readings to chart Chinese politics in this century.

    Distribution Requirements: IP, SB.

  • POLSC 232 - Government and Politics of the Middle East

    Credits: 4
    An examination of political trends in the Middle East and North Africa, focusing on issues such as state-society relations, secular-religious tensions, the role of oil wealth, and the status of women. Case studies of several representative states are included.

    Distribution Requirements: IP, SB.

  • POLSC 235 - Government and Politics of Latin America

    Credits: 4
    An examination of political trends in Latin America, focusing on issues such as the relationship between states and markets, the politics of memory in post-authoritarian regimes, and the challenges of democratization. Case studies of several representative states are included.

    Distribution Requirements: IP, SB.

  • POLSC 242 - Immigration and Citizenship

    Credits: 4
    An exploration of recent immigration to the United States focused on Latin America and Latin American migrants in the United States. We examine the historical foundations of current immigration policy as well as relevant themes in immigration studies, including political participation, religion and migration, the economics of immigration, and social incorporation. We also examine the extent to which contemporary immigration patterns compare to previous immigration waves.

    Distribution Requirements: PD, SB.

  • POLSC 248 - Human Rights

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to international human rights. We explore norms and practices regarding personal integrity rights, including mass killing, torture, and disappearances, and civil rights, such as restrictions on speech or religion. Students are introduced to literature on why governments repress, patterns of treaty ratification and compliance, and variation in the success of strategies to improve human rights. Students also evaluate the cases for and against the international protection of human rights and derive hypotheses about international human rights behavior.

    Distribution Requirements: PD, SB.

    A field trip may be required.
  • POLSC 261 - U.S.-Latin American Relations

    Credits: 4
    An analysis of United States-Latin American relations over time, with a special emphasis on the post-Cold War period. The central question to be addressed is whether there will be greater harmony between the two regions now that the threat of communism has disappeared or if there will be increased conflict because of the exponential rise of drug trafficking, migratory pressures, growing economic disparity and increasing environmental pressures. An examination of historical case studies will provide students with the requisite background for assessing current issues.

    Distribution Requirements: IP, PD.

  • POLSC 276 - Imagining New Political Futures

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to Marxist and feminist thinking regarding political, economic, and social organization. We first examine Marxist approaches regarding concepts such as labor, democracy, and consumerism, and apply these concepts to contemporary issues such as inequality, political representation, climate change and other forms of environmental degradation, and economic and cultural globalization. We then examine feminist and social democratic models for economic and political organization. Students also complete a research project exploring various ways that policies might incorporate these theories to address contemporary social or political problems of interest to them.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, PD.

  • POLSC 280 - The Tragedy of Citizenship

    Credits: 4
    A study of political psychology focused on the abilities and limitations of citizens. As citizens, we often face complex circumstances and difficult political choices. As human beings, we have limited psychological abilities. We have limited powers of perception and comprehension, and thus are always at risk of error. Yet our need to make choices about what is best for ourselves and our political communities remains. As students of political psychology, we explore how we can attempt to compensate for those limitations.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • POLSC 285 - American Political Thought

    Credits: 4
     A study of how political ideas can shape the meaning of America. The Declaration that marked America’s emergence established political equality as a founding principle. Yet for many—including people of color, women, and workers—inequality has shaped the American political experience. In this course, we examine how people experiencing injustice have recrafted—and arguably improved—the very meaning of America itself. We study ideas that have contributed to political inequality in the United States and the ideas of people who have fought back. Throughout the course, we consider different ideas about the meaning of America and ask ourselves which ideas should guide our efforts to create a stronger and more just nation. 

    Distribution Requirements: CL, HE.

  • POLSC 289 - Introduction to Research Design

    Credits: 2
    An introduction to the research process in political science. Students acquire tools useful in identifying, planning, and developing research projects such as seminar papers and the senior project. Students learn how to craft a research question; recognize, survey, and discuss the relevant literature; select and justify an appropriate method; and identify pertinent information to answer the question.

    Distribution Requirements: SB.

  • POLSC 301 - Constitutional Law: Powers of Government

    Credits: 4
    An exploration of U.S. Supreme Court decisions regarding judicial, legislative, and executive power as well as the relationship between states and the national government in a range of policy areas.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • POLSC 303 - Constitutional Law: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

    Credits: 4
    A study of landmark U.S. Supreme Court civil rights and liberties cases. Topics include: speech, obscenity, libel, press, religion, privacy, due process, and the equal protection of the laws.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, PD.

  • POLSC 317 - US Campaigns and Elections

    Credits: 4
    An analysis of party organizations, campaigns, and elections in the United States. Attention is given to local, state and national party structures and activities and patterns of voting behavior. Students learn both in theory and in practice about strategies used by those running political campaigns in the United States. Students also consider options for electoral reform.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • POLSC 318 - Politics and the Media

    Credits: 4
    An examination and evaluation of the role of mass media in American politics. Topics include: the legal framework that enshrouds freedom of the press, the newsmaking process, sources of potential bias, the development of investigative journalism, corporate ownership of the media, the role of the press in elections, the impact of mass media on individual behavior and opinion formation, and the politics of entertainment, concluding with an exploration of the process by which the media have become a tool, indeed a weapon, in the contemporary U.S. political process.

    Prerequisite: POLSC 110  is recommended.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • POLSC 321 - Urban Government and Politics

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the political institutions and the policy-making processes in American cities. Emphasis is on the impact of historical and social conditions, institutional arrangements, and power relationships on significant problems facing urban areas, including metropolitan organization, taxing and spending, law enforcement, education, social welfare and housing.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • POLSC 322 - Climate and Energy Policy

    (also listed as ENVSC 380)
    Credits: 4
    An examination of the international response to global climate change. Topics include climate science; climate impacts; mitigation; adaptation; energy infrastructure; renewable energy technology; and current local, national, and international policy developments. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of environmental, economic, political, and cultural drivers of and barriers to lowering greenhouse gas emissions around the world.

    Prerequisite: ENVSC 110  or permission of the instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: SB, SP.

  • POLSC 328 - Political Economy of Labor

    Credits: 4
    An examination of labor unions, collective bargaining, labor regulations and employer organizations across a range of advanced industrial democracies. The combination of widespread global economic competition, de-industrialization and technological advances in production have weakened the influence of labor unions and collective bargaining institutions across cases. Despite these commonalities, there has been a wide range of differing trajectories in labor politics across advanced industrial democracies. We explore cross-national developments over time since the postwar period. In view of the larger debates on liberalization and the political economy of labor, we examine policies and strategies aiming to revive and strengthen collective bargaining institutions as well as those aimed at weakening them.


    Distribution Requirements: IP, SB.

  • POLSC 330 - Megacities

    Credits: 4
    A study of urban conglomerates whose population is eight to ten million. We examine the urban form and citizenship in geographically and culturally diverse megacities, including Mexico City, New York, Sao Paulo, and Cairo. Drawing on case studies, we ask what we can learn about the global processes that characterize contemporary politics by studying so-called “global cities.” We pay particular attention to the relationship between globalization and the spatial organization of cities, exploring, for example, how social actors and states in specific places claim, reclaim, purpose, repurpose, surveil, contest, and govern public space as part of broader neoliberal social transformation.

    Prerequisite: POLSC 120  or POLSC 130   

    Distribution Requirements: IP, SB.

  • POLSC 333 - Gender and the Welfare State in Comparative Perspective

    Credits: 4
    A feminist analysis of the relationships between gender, politics, policy and markets in Europe and the United States in recent decades. Through a variety of policies such as parental leave, state-subsidized childcare, and labor market regulation, we study how the state influences individual choices about participation in public and private spheres. We aim to better understand how different gendered politics and policies emerged in different welfare states. We study the gendered character of social and economic rights. Furthermore, we reflect on the enduring and changing consequences of diverse gender and welfare configurations.


    Distribution Requirements: IP, PD.

  • POLSC 336 - East Asian Democracy: Theory and Practice

    Credits: 4
     An examination of the ways that Confucian and Buddhist thought can both challenge and contribute to forms of democratic practices and values. After a brief introduction to Western political theory’s major concepts such as human rights and the proper limits of government, justice and community, and multiculturalism, we then turn to look especially at Chinese political thought as a complement and alternative, briefly looking at ancient Confucianism and then turning to modern East Asian political thought. Finally, the course examines empirical studies of East Asian views of democracy as well as discussing recent political culture in Hong Kong.

    Prerequisite: None.

    Distribution Requirements: IP, SB.

  • POLSC 344 - The Politics and Psychology of Persuasion and Prejudice

    Credits: 4
    An examination of how citizens think and feel about politics. We consider how people acquire their political beliefs and focus on the role of groups in politics. We ask how our own identities shape the political decisions that we make. We explore why prejudices—including racism, partisan animosity, sexism, and homophobia—are such enduring forces in our politics. We examine how prejudices can lead us to misinformation and to errors of judgment that affect the lives of others. As we finish the course, we try to determine whether these prejudices can be overcome.


    Distribution Requirements: SB, PD.

  • POLSC 348 - Participatory Democracy and Community Organizing

    Credits: 4
     A study of how citizens can address community problems through organized, collective action. We begin by examining the tradition of participatory democracy and considering how this tradition can be sustained. We then consider how participatory democracy guides the work of community organizing. Ultimately, we connect theory and practice by contributing to local collective action efforts. Students will participate in projects that address specific local level challenges.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • POLSC 354 - War and Peace in the Middle East

    Credits: 4
    An examination of several types of conflicts - including revolutions, civil wars, interstate wars, and interventions - in the Middle East. Theories of each type of conflict are applied to specific cases. Peace processes are also analyzed and discussed in the context of resolving current regional crises. Through course readings, drawn from popular nonfiction, mainstream journals, and field-specific journals, students gain basic literacy in both qualitative and quantitative approaches to political science.

    Prerequisite: POLSC 232  recommended.

    Distribution Requirements: PD, SB.

  • POLSC 355 - The Arab-Israeli Conflict

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the history of Israeli-Arab relations from the late 19th century, with a focus on understanding why the conflict has been so intractable and the role played by third parties. Students read primary and secondary sources to explore both the historical background to the conflict and a wide range of perspectives on key issues.

    Distribution Requirements: IP, PD.

    Sophomore standing or higher recommended.
  • POLSC 386 - Chinese Political Thought: From Confucius to the New Left

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the evolution of Chinese political thought from the 6th century BCE to the present. We examine ancient Chinese political theories, including the origin and legitimacy of the state, the roles of the monarch and the bureaucracy, and the Mandate of Heaven. We then focus on modern challenges to traditional Chinese thought and theories addressing the modern crisis of China, including utopianism and socialism, and recent debates in China on neo-Confucianism, neo-authoritarianism, and the New Left. Special attention is paid to the Chinese search for new models of governance and the relevance of tradition in the age of globalization.

    Distribution Requirements: IP, PD.

  • POLSC 412 - U.S. Congress

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the functions, rules, customs and procedures of the United States Congress. Topics include the relationship between the national legislature and other governmental institutions, as well as between Congress and the electorate and the lobbyists. Also taken up is an analysis of informal groups, the committee system, the leadership structure, and proposals for legislative reorganization.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • POLSC 413 - U.S. Presidency

    Credits: 4
    The changing conceptions and interpretations of the presidential institution and the styles and strategies of the American presidents. Topics include the selection process; the executive advisory system; and the relationship between the President, the press, the Congress and the public. Also covered are decision-making in the White House and the powers, tenure and accountability of the President.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • POLSC 414 - Bureaucratic Politics

    Credits: 4
    A study of multiple dimensions of public leadership in the U.S., including the tension between bureaucratic autonomy and democratic accountability with particular focus on the roles of executive power, congressional control, federalism, and the needs of the modern state. Review of the scholarly work on this topic in the areas of law, American politics, philosophy, and economics will enable students to develop analytical essays and research projects that demonstrate their understanding of the importance, complexity, and dynamism of bureaucratic politics in the American context.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • POLSC 424 - Inequality and Social Policy

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the politics of social policy in advanced industrial democracies. Focusing on questions of economic and gender inequality,  we study the main components of welfare states in the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Italy, and the United States. We examine fundamental differences in social policy, the consequences of diverging welfare regimes, sustainability of welfare policies, and popular support for welfare states across countries.

    Distribution Requirements: IP, PD.

  • POLSC 427 - The European Union

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the institutions and politics of the European Union. Topics include the history and development of the EU, the extent of Europeanization in particular policy areas such antidiscrimination and monetary union, whether or the EU is a democratic institution, and the possible ascension of new member states such as Turkey.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • POLSC 441 - Mexican Politics

    Credits: 4
    An examination of contemporary Mexican politics. Mexico transitioned to an electoral democracy in 2000. While some significant institutional reforms were made, many authoritarian patterns and practices continued into the democratic period. In this course, students examine Mexico’s historical development, traditional practices of its authoritarian system, market reforms, democratization, and the bi-lateral relationship with the U.S. We also analyze major challenges of the current period, including indigenous rights, migration, and the violent drug wars.

    Distribution Requirements: IP, SB.

  • POLSC 459 - Civil Wars

    Credits: 4
    An analysis of why civil wars occur, when they become prolonged, how they end, and other major questions relating to this increasingly common type of conflict. Students apply theories on civil wars to explain the dynamics of specific conflicts and draw on knowledge of specific cases to refine existing theories. Topics include: competition for natural resources, ethnic conflicts, mass killing and other humanitarian implications of civil wars, and the roles of third parties in conflict resolution.

    Prerequisite: Prior coursework in Political Science is strongly recommended.

    Distribution Requirements: PD, SB.

  • POLSC 482 - Race and the American Political Mind

    Credits: 4
    A study of the role race plays in contemporary American politics. Our task is to understand why racial divisions and prejudices exist, to learn how differences in racial identity shape our experiences, attitudes, and political participation, and to consider means of overcoming racial prejudice and discrimination. We draw on political psychology to understand how people think, feel, and act when it comes to race. We consider how law has shaped racial inequalities. We investigate how politicians can strategically use prejudice to rally support for themselves and their policy positions. Finally, we consider strategies for addressing racial conflict and racial grievances.



    Distribution Requirements: IP, PD.

  • POLSC 489 - Statistics and Data Analysis

    Credits: 4
    Techniques of quantitative analysis of social and political data. Topics include measurement, scaling, description, sampling, inference, and research design. Emphasis is on measures appropriate to nominal and ordinal variables and non-parametric techniques. Students will use the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for computer analysis of archival data.

    Prerequisite: MATH 110 , or placement in mathematics courses above that level as determined by the Mathematics Placement Test, or permission of the instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: QR.

    All students planning to pursue any form of graduate education are advised to take this course.
  • POLSC 500 - Internship

    Credits: 1-4
    Credit-bearing internships are available through the Political Science Department, often in coordination with Career Education. Credit, and work done to earn such credit, is at the discretion of the supervising faculty member. Typically, internships for credit are offered during the summer. Students should consult with the relevant faculty member for information, approval, and requirements. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • POLSC 520 - Internship in Environmental Law and Regulation, Office of Chief Counsel, Northwest Region, Department of Environmental Resources, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    Credits: 2-4
    An internship that acquaints the student with the basics of legal research and writing. Phase One is conducted as a small class, concentrating on, but not limited to, environmental regulation. A second phase of the internship (available to a more limited number of students each semester) focuses on the civil and criminal aspects of environmental law and regulation in Pennsylvania. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken Credit/No Credit.

    Prerequisite: ENVSC 110 ; basic familiarity with the U.S. legal system; permission of instructor; and an interview with a lawyer in the Office of Chief Counsel. POLSC 221  is recommended.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

    Phase One: Two credits. Phase Two: The student contracts for semester hour credit, generally two credits.
  • POLSC 529 - Internship: Political Science

    Credits: 1-4
    Academic study completed in support of an internship experience with a partner institution. An Allegheny faculty member assigns and evaluates the academic work done by the student. May be repeated for credit. May only be taken on a Credit/No Credit basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • POLSC 580 - Seminar: U.S. Politics

    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • POLSC 581 - Seminar: Public Law

    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • POLSC 582 - Seminar: Public Policy

    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • POLSC 584 - Seminar: Comparative Politics

    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • POLSC 585 - Seminar: International Politics

    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • POLSC 586 - Seminar: Comparative Politics

    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • POLSC 587 - Seminar: Comparative Politics - National

    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • POLSC 590 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1-4
    A written proposal is to be submitted to the professor prior to the semester in which the course will be taken. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • POLSC 600 - Senior Project Proposal

    Credits: 2
    Required of all majors in preparation for the writing of the Senior Project. The course, which may be taken either during the spring of the junior year or the fall of the senior year, results in the writing of a specific Senior Project proposal that is presented in conference to a two-person faculty committee. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • POLSC 610 - Senior Project

    Credits: 4
    The Senior Project will be written in the semester following the POLSC 600  course. The project is supervised, read, and evaluated by a two-person faculty examining committee. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: POLSC 600  and permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.


  • FSPSY 201 - Communication in a Discipline: Psychology

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to writing and speaking in the discipline of Psychology. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: FS 102  or FS 200 .

    Distribution Requirements: none.

    The topical material covered in this sophomore seminar varies from section to section and year to year. Some sections of this course may have additional prerequisites.
  • PSYCH 103 - Drugs and Society

    Credits: 4
    This course provides an overview of basic pharmacological principles, discusses behavioral and physiological mechanisms of action of several classes of medicinal and recreational drugs, and surveys the factors thought to contribute to responsible and irresponsible drug intake.

    Distribution Requirements: SB, SP.

  • PSYCH 106 - Educational Psychology

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the psychological theories that have influenced educational thought and shaped educational practice in American schools since the turn of the 20th century. Topics include Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory, behaviorism, information processing theory, constructivism, motivation and learning theory. Case studies and re-enactions of classroom scenarios are used to explore how each theory is applied in educational settings and to brainstorm solutions to educational problems.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • PSYCH 110 - Foundations of Psychology

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to five major sub-areas of psychology: human development, learning and memory, motivation and emotion, social behavior, and individual differences. Students become acquainted with the major methods of data collection such as laboratory experiments, field and case studies, and observation; with important theories including the behavioral, biological, cognitive, psychodynamic, and humanistic points of view; and with findings of each sub-field. Important concepts are exemplified by a study of selected topics and applied issues within each of the five areas.

    Distribution Requirements: SB, SP.

  • PSYCH 150 - Sensation and Perception

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the phenomena and sensory processes that play a role in human visual and auditory perception. Topics include light and the visual pathways, contrast and contours, motion and space perception, color, depth and size, as well as perceptual development and learning. In addition, sound, the physiology of the auditory system, and language perception are examined. Particular concern is directed to the role of physiology and information processing models in understanding human perception. Extensive laboratory experiences that replicate some of the most important and often cited research in sensory and perceptual psychology are included as part of the course requirements. One laboratory period per week.

    Distribution Requirements: SB, SP.

  • PSYCH 152 - Behavioral Psychology

    Credits: 4
    A study of basic processes and concepts in the conditioning and learning of human and nonhuman behavior, including acquisition and extinction, stimulus discrimination and generalization, avoidance and punishment, biological constraints on learning, and the role of motivation in learning. Theoretical trends in issues such as mediation, attention, memory, and concept learning are also discussed. Clinical and educational applications of basic principles of learning are explored. In addition, laboratory operant conditioning studies are conducted. Two 50-minute lectures and two laboratory periods per week.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • PSYCH 154 - Physiological Psychology

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the relationships between brain function and behavior and the various methods by which physiological psychologists study these relationships. Content areas include basic neuronal physiology and brain anatomy, neural/endocrine interactions, methods in physiological psychology, control of movement, sexual development and behavior, sleep, ingestive behaviors, learning and memory, and physiological correlates of psychopathology.

    Corequisite: PSYCH 155 .

    Distribution Requirements: SB, SP.

  • PSYCH 155 - Physiological Psychology Lab

    Credits: 2
    Introduction to the basic methods of brain investigation in physiological psychology via a set of experiments involving surgical and histological preparations. Designed to complement materials discussed in PSYCH 154 . One laboratory period per week.

    Corequisite: PSYCH 154 .

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • PSYCH 160 - Life Span Developmental Psychology

    Credits: 4
    Theory and methods of understanding the nature of human development over the life span are compared and evaluated. Individual development is studied as a function of biological, social, and psychological factors. Life stages are examined and differences in individual experiences are evaluated in relation to social systems, such as family and community. Continuity and change are considered in terms of personality, identity, and roles. Cultural diversity in accomplishing developmental tasks is emphasized.

    Distribution Requirements: IP, SP.

  • PSYCH 162 - Human Social Behavior

    Credits: 4
    Social psychology is the study of how the individual affects and is affected by social situations. This course surveys the major topics, theoretical models, and applications in this area of psychology. Included are attribution, attitudes, interpersonal attraction, social influence, groups, aggression and sex roles.

    Distribution Requirements: SB, SP.

  • PSYCH 164 - Cognitive Psychology

    Credits: 4
    The study of human mental processes, including attention, perception, memory, language and problem solving. Course content includes cognitive strengths, such as creativity and expertise, and weaknesses, such as biases and mindlessness. Differences related to gender, age and culture are also considered.

    Distribution Requirements: SB, SP.

  • PSYCH 170 - Adult Psychopathology

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to concepts and contemporary categories of abnormal behavior from several points of view: biological, behavioral, cognitive, psychodynamic and humanistic. Additional topics include consideration of how theoretical orientations guide contemporary research and reflect therapy techniques.

    Distribution Requirements: SB, SP.

  • PSYCH 172 - Health Psychology

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the relation between behavior and physical, as well as mental, health. General psychological principles are studied as they apply to health behaviors including the role of behavior in the etiology and treatment of disease; problems with eating, drinking, sleeping, and sex; reactions to disease; and maximization of longevity and quality of life.

    Distribution Requirements: SB, SP.

  • PSYCH 176 - Personality

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to personality theory and research and how they can be used to understand ourselves and others. Applications of personality theories to psychotherapy, popular culture, and assessment of normal and abnormal personality are examined. Contributions of biology, family, and culture to personality development are considered.

    Distribution Requirements: SB, SP.

  • PSYCH 178 - Positive Psychology

    Credits: 4
    An examination of human strengths, caring, and helping behavior from the perspectives of emotions, motivation, traits, and environmental factors. Topics include personal and community well-being, coping and problem-solving, creativity, optimal performance, and altruism.

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • PSYCH 206 - Research Methods in Psychology

    Credits: 4
    The first course in a two-semester sequence in research methods and statistics in psychology. Topics include research designs (e.g., descriptive, correlational, quasi-experimental, and experimental), issues in research design and interpretation (e.g., reliability, validity, and controlling sources of variance), ethics in research, descriptive statistics, graphical methods of data presentation, an introduction to statistical data packages, writing the methods section of a scientific report, and literature searching in psychology.

    Prerequisite: A core course in Psychology.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

    Students are strongly encouraged to take PSYCH 207  in the semester following PSYCH 206.
  • PSYCH 207 - Statistical Methods in Psychology

    Credits: 4
    The second course in a two-semester sequence, focusing on statistical methods. Topics include probability and the logic of hypothesis testing, confidence intervals and effect sizes, parametric statistical tests (e.g., t-tests, ANOVA, and regression), nonparametric statistical tests, use of statistical data packages, and writing the results of a scientific report.

    Prerequisite: PSYCH 206  with a grade of C- or better.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

    Students are strongly encouraged to take PSYCH 207 in the semester following PSYCH 206 .
  • PSYCH 307 - Intermediate Statistics

    Credits: 4
    A continuation of topics discussed in introductory statistics courses. Topics include, but are not limited to, simple effect tests for interactions, False Discovery Rate, linear and polynomial regression analyses, coding for multicategorical predictor variables, and mediation (simple, parallel, and serial) and moderation. In addition, we will compare and contrast Frequentist and Bayesian inference and learn how to conduct basic Bayesian analyses. The course emphasizes close readings of peer reviewed publications and analyzing and reporting data using the JASP statistical package. This course is recommended for students interested in going to graduate school for psychology/other research disciplines or for those who wish to go into careers doing data analytics or research.

    Prerequisite: One of the following courses: PSYCH 207 , ECON 202 , BIO 385 , OR MATH 345 .

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • PSYCH 350 - Clinical Psychology

    Credits: 4
    An overview of clinical psychology including: consideration of clinical psychology as a behavioral science and/or profession, origins and development of the field, models of clinical training, controversies regarding legal and ethical issues, and processing and communication of assessment data and procedures. Specialized topics or areas are studied and reported by students in some depth. These may include single or clusters of diagnostic categories; individual, group, and family therapy approaches; and community interventions. Topics vary from year to year.

    Prerequisite: PSYCH 206 , and PSYCH 170  or PSYCH 172 .

    Distribution Requirements: PD, SB.

    This course satisfies the structures of power and privilege (SPP) requirement for Psychology majors.


  • PSYCH 360 - Health and Psychophysiology

    Credits: 4
    The impact of psychological principles, stress, emotionality, personality, and self-defeating behaviors on health. The practice of health psychology is examined by analyzing psychological responses and the physiological concomitants involved.

    Prerequisite: PSYCH 206 , and PSYCH 170  or PSYCH 172 . Corequisite: PSYCH 365 .

    Distribution Requirements: SB, SP.

  • PSYCH 365 - Health and Psychophysiology Lab

    Credits: 2
    A series of laboratory experiments in psychophysiology. Students learn to assess EMG, EOG, EDA, ECG, EGG, respiration, pulse, and blood pressure responses to psychological stimuli. Moreover students study the relationship of these responses to health. Designed to complement issues discussed in PSYCH 360 . One laboratory period per week.

    Prerequisite: PSYCH 206 , and PSYCH 170  or PSYCH 172 . Corequisite: PSYCH 360 .

    Distribution Requirements: SP.

  • PSYCH 370 - Tests and Measurement

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the background and methodology of psychological and educational assessment. Discussion focuses on test theory, including reliability, validity, norms, and errors of measurement. Attention is given to selecting and evaluating devices intended for the assessment of mental ability, achievement, personality and interests. Controversies and issues in testing including cultural and ethical issues are considered.

    Prerequisite: PSYCH 206  and any core course in Psychology.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • PSYCH 375 - Community Psychology

    Credits: 4
    An exploration of community dynamics with attention to local and national issues. Various psychological perspectives are used to address such questions as: What makes communities work well? What challenges do communities face in the 21st century? How can communities support the well-being of all of their citizens? How do citizens mobilize available assets and resources? The course includes site visits and a community participation component. 

    Prerequisite: One core course in psychology from either the Human Processes (160s) or Individual Differences (170s) category, and PSYCH 206 .

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

    This course satisfies the structures of power and privilege (SPP) requirement for Psychology majors.

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