Academic Bulletin 2022-2023 
    Sep 25, 2024  
Academic Bulletin 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Search

To search for a course satisfying the Distribution Requirements in effect for students who entered Allegheny College in Fall 2016 or after please do the following:

  • In the “Keyword or Phrase” box below, enter one of the eight Distribution Requirement abbreviations as a search term in quotation marks: “CL”, “HE”, “IP”, “ME”, “PD”, “QR”, “SB”, or “SP”.
  • To search within a specific department or program, select the desired department from the “Rubric” drop down menu and enter the Distribution Requirement abbreviation in quotation marks in the “Keyword or Phrase” box (i.e., “HE”).

Journalism in the Public Interest

  • JOURN 529 - Internship: Journalism

    Credits: 1-4
    Academic study completed in support of an internship experience with a partner institution. An Allegheny faculty member assigns and evaluates the academic work done by the student. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • JOURN 550 - Jr Seminar: Exposé and Reform: Case Studies in Investigation

    Credits: 4
    An exploration of the cultural work and real-world consequences of journalistic representation in an interdisciplinary context. The class is organized around investigative case studies-journalistic pieces that have exposed an unjust, criminal, or socially problematic situation and helped precipitate the remedy for that situation. Students’ work in the class culminates in their own analytic and applied journalism projects.

    Prerequisite: JOURN 100 , JOURN 200 , and permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.


  • LATIN 110 - Beginning Latin I

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the morphology, grammar and syntax of the Latin language.

    Distribution Requirements: ME.

  • LATIN 120 - Beginning Latin II

    Credits: 4
    A continuation of LATIN 110  with emphasis on syntax and advanced points of grammar. Reading in Latin prose.

    Prerequisite: LATIN 110 .

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • LATIN 215 - Intermediate Latin

    Credits: 4
    Designed to consolidate students’ knowledge of grammar and to develop Latin reading skills. The course includes a comprehensive review of grammar and short readings of ancient prose and poetry of increasing length and complexity.

    Prerequisite: LATIN 120  or appropriate score on placement exam.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • LATIN 315 - Advanced Latin

    Credits: 4
    Specialized study of specific works of Latin literature. Students read extensive selections of ancient literature in the original with the goal of increasing reading speed and comprehension. Special emphasis is placed on stylistic analysis and literary context. The specific texts change each year, and the course may be repeated. Authors studied may include: Caesar, Cicero, Livy, Lucretius, Ovid, Plautus, Tacitus, or Virgil. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: LATIN 215  or appropriate score on placement exam.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • LATIN 529 - Internship: Latin

    Credits: 1-4
    Academic study completed in support of an internship experience with a partner institution. An Allegheny faculty member assigns and evaluates the academic work done by the student. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • LATIN 590 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1-4
    May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

  • LATCR 529 - Internship: Latin American & Caribbean Studies

    Credits: 1-4
    Academic study completed in support of an internship experience with a partner institution. An Allegheny faculty member assigns and evaluates the academic work done by the student. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

Liberal Studies

  • LS 101 - What to Expect from College

    Credits: 1
    An exploration of what it means to study at a Liberal Arts College. Students think about how to plot an academic course that satisfies their wide-ranging curiosity and develops the skills they will need in order to become a professional. By sampling from a wide array of offerings, they develop a sense of what is possible. The focus here is on the general questions and methods that drive each discipline, on the general sense of wonder that comes from intelligent engagement with the world, and on the formation of habits of mind that lead to success at the collegiate level. May be repeated for credit.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

    This class is intended for high school students who have not matriculated at a college or university.
  • LS 102 - An Introduction to College-Level Research in a Liberal Arts Setting

    Credits: 2
    An introduction to the basics of academic research in a discipline. The internet age has made the ability to sift through and make sense of overwhelming amounts of information not just valuable, but essential. But, how does one evaluate and use information for effective research? Students in this course learn how to apply critical thinking to turn general curiosity about a topic into knowledge, grounded in research and supported by evidence. Students will learn to ask the right kinds of questions, find credible sources, determine an author’s argument and effectively communicate a research topic. May be repeated for credit.

    Distribution Requirements: None.

    This class is intended for high school students who have not matriculated at a college or university. Synchronous online course (remote only).
  • LS 110 - Committing to Excellence: The Study of Studying

    Credits: 2
    An introductory study of the competencies critical to academic success. Students will explore effective study techniques and classroom strategies such as exam and note taking and reading, listening, and thinking skills. Optimal organizational and time management techniques will be investigated with the goal of implementing those most personally effective for self-regulated learning. This will be taught as a seven-week course. Must be taken Credit/No Credit.

    Prerequisite: None.

    Distribution Requirements: None.

  • LS 226 - NaviGator Mentoring and Leadership

    Credits: 2
    A review of peer mentoring. Students better understand how their own development and experiences influence their relationships with NaviGator mentees by acquiring practical knowledge of interpersonal communication and academic success. Seven content modules cover tools to prepare NaviGators to encourage their first-year mentees to develop the skills and attitudes demonstrated by independent, successful, and self-regulated learners. The modules also provide NaviGators with background and practice in the areas of advising, retention, effective communication, diversity and inclusion, and self-discovery May be repeated for credit. Must be taken credit/no credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: None.

  • LS 235 - Tutoring Across Disciplines

    Credits: 2
    An exploration of the practical and theoretical concepts of tutoring. Through reading, practice and reflective writing, current and potential subject tutors and writing/speaking consultants will develop the knowledge and skills to effectively assist learners. Students who successfully earn credit for the course and document 25 hours of tutoring/consulting will earn Level One College Reading and Learning Association International Tutoring Training Program Certification (CRLA ITTPC). Must be taken Credit/No Credit.

    Prerequisite: None.

    Distribution Requirements: None.


  • FSMAT 201 - Communication in a Discipline: Mathematics

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to writing and speaking in the discipline of Mathematics. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite:  A grade of C or better in one of the following courses: MATH 141 , MATH 151 , MATH 160.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

    The topical material covered in this sophomore seminar varies from section to section and year to year. The seminar highlights how the software package LaTeX can aid effective written and oral communication in Mathematics. FSMAT 201 counts as an elective toward the major or minor in Mathematics.
  • MATH 110 - Elementary Mathematical Modeling

    Credits: 4
    An algebra-based elementary modeling course. Linear, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions are studied from numerical, graphical, and analytical points of view. The emphasis is on modeling real-world problems and rates of change.

    Distribution Requirements: QR.

    May not be taken for credit if credit for any calculus course has already been received. Does not count toward a major or minor in Mathematics.
  • MATH 135 - Elementary School Mathematics

    Credits: 4
    An examination from a college perspective of mathematical topics related to the elementary school curriculum with an emphasis on development of problem-solving strategies. Mathematical concepts, their history, and their connections to the real world are studied.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

    The course is intended for students who are seeking certification for elementary school teaching.
  • MATH 140 - Calculus I with Precalculus, Part 1

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the differential and integral calculus of algebraic functions, the natural logarithmic function, and the natural exponential function, including limits, derivatives and their applications, integrals, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Review of topics from precalculus is integrated throughout the calculus material.


    Distribution Requirements: QR.

    This course is not intended for students who have completed MATH 151  with a grade of C or better.


  • MATH 141 - Calculus I with Precalculus, Part 2

    Credits: 4
    A continuation of the study of differential and integral calculus of algebraic functions, together with the differential and integral calculus of general logarithmic functions, general exponential functions, and trigonometric functions. Review of topics from precalculus and trigonometry is integrated throughout the calculus material.


    Prerequisite: Completion of MATH 140  with a grade of C or better.

    Distribution Requirements: QR.

    This course is not intended for students who have completed MATH 151  with a grade of C or better.


  • MATH 151 - Calculus I

    Credits: 4
    A study of differential and integral calculus of algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions of one real variable, including limits, derivatives and their applications, integrals, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

    Prerequisite: Appropriate score on the Mathematics Placement Examination, or Math 159 with a grade of C or better, or approved transfer credit.


    Distribution Requirements: QR.

    This course is not intended for students who have completed MATH 141  with a grade of C or better.

  • MATH 152 - Calculus II

    Credits: 4
    A study of the applications and techniques of integration of algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions of one real variable; two- and three-dimensional vectors; and differential calculus of functions of several variables.

    Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in one of the following courses: MATH 141 , MATH 151 , MATH 160.

    Distribution Requirements: QR.

    May not be taken for credit if credit for MATH 210 has already been received.
  • MATH 205 - Foundations of Mathematics

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to concepts encountered in the study of abstract mathematics. Topics covered include logic, mathematical proofs, set theory, relations, functions, mathematical induction, and introductory number theory. The concepts of injectivity, surjectivity, and inverses are discussed as well as elementary computational tools such as the Division Algorithm and Euclid’s algorithm for the greatest common divisor. Additional topics may include cardinality, combinatorics, graph theory, algebraic structure, the real number system, and concepts of mathematical analysis.

    Prerequisite: MATH 152   or MATH 160, with a grade of C or better.

    Distribution Requirements: ME, SP.

    It is recommended that Mathematics majors complete this course before the end of the sophomore year.

    This course may substitute for the combination of CMPSC 480  and CMPSC 481  in the computer science major.


  • MATH 211 - Vector Calculus and Several Variable Integration

    Credits: 4
    A study of integration of functions of several variables, including the use of polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems; and vector calculus, including vector fields, line and surface integrals, and the theorems of Green and Stokes.

    Prerequisite: MATH 152  with a grade of C or better.

    Distribution Requirements: QR.

    May not be taken for credit if a grade of C or better in MATH 210 has already been received.
  • MATH 220 - The History of Mathematics

    Credits: 4
    A survey of the progress of mathematics from ancient to modern times. Attention is given to the philosophy of mathematics and to the bearing of mathematics on other branches of knowledge.

    Prerequisite: MATH 152   or MATH 210, with a grade of C or better.

    Distribution Requirements: HE.

  • MATH 270 - Optimization and Approximation

    Credits: 4
    A study of optimization of functions of one variable and of several variables, including the Extreme Value Theorem and Lagrange multipliers; sequences and series; and Taylor approximation of functions.


    Prerequisite: MATH 152  with a grade of C or better.

    Distribution Requirements: QR.

    May not be taken for credit if a grade of C or better in MATH 170 has already been received.

  • MATH 280 - Ordinary Differential Equations

    Credits: 4
    An examination of methods of solving ordinary differential equations with emphasis on the existence and uniqueness of solutions of first order equations and second order linear equations. Topics may include Laplace transforms, systems of linear differential equations, power series solutions, successive approximations, linear differential equations, and oscillation theory with applications to chemistry and physics.

    Prerequisite: MATH 152  or MATH 210 with a grade of C or better. 

    Distribution Requirements: SP.

  • MATH 315 - Introduction to Mathematical Logic

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to symbolic logic as a mathematical model of deductive thought. Topics covered include propositional logic, models, formal proofs, and the Completeness, Compactness, and Incompleteness Theorems. Additional topics from Computability theory or set theory may be included.

    Prerequisite: MATH 205  with a grade of C or better. 

    Distribution Requirements: SP.

  • MATH 320 - Linear Algebra

    Credits: 4
    A study of vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, determinants, systems of linear equations, similarity, and characteristic values and vectors.

    Prerequisite:  A grade of C or better in one of the following courses: MATH 205 , MATH 210, MATH 211 , MATH 270 , MATH 280 .

    Distribution Requirements: SP.

    This course is one of the possible mathematics courses that may be substituted for one of the required 300-level CMPSC courses in the Computer Science major.
  • MATH 325 - Algebraic Structures I

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the notion of an algebraic structure concentrating on the simplest such structure, that of a group. Rings and fields are also discussed.

    Prerequisite: MATH 205  and MATH 320 , each with a grade of C or better. 

    Distribution Requirements: SP.

  • MATH 330 - Number Theory

    Credits: 4
    A study of divisibility properties of integers, linear diophantine equations, the theory of congruencies, the Euler-Fermat Theorem, perfect numbers, elementary results on the distribution of prime numbers, quadratic residues and some non-linear Diophantine problems.

    Prerequisite: MATH 205  with a grade of C or better. 

    Distribution Requirements: SP.

    This is one of the possible mathematics courses that may be substituted for one of the required 300-level CMPSC courses in the Computer Science major.
  • MATH 340 - Introduction to Analysis

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the theory of calculus of a single variable. Topics include properties of the real numbers, topology of the real line, and a rigorous treatment of sequences, functions, limits, continuity, differentiation and integration.

    Prerequisite:  MATH 205  with a grade of C or better, and a grade of C or better in one of the following courses: MATH 210, MATH 211 MATH 270 , MATH 280 .

    Distribution Requirements: SP.

  • MATH 341 - Functions of a Complex Variable

    Credits: 4
    A study of differentiation and integration with complex variables, conformal representation, and the calculus of residues, with applications to geometry and physics.

    Prerequisite: MATH 205  with a grade of C or better, and a grade of C or better in MATH 210 or MATH 211 .  

    Distribution Requirements: SP.

  • MATH 345 - Probability and Statistical Inference I

    Credits: 4
    A study of mathematical models, sample space probabilities, random variables, expectation, empirical and theoretical frequency distributions, moment generating functions, sampling theory, correlation and regression.

    Prerequisite: MATH 152  or MATH 210 with a grade of C or better.

    Distribution Requirements: SP.

    This is one of the possible mathematics courses that may be substituted for one of the required 300-level CMPSC courses in the Computer Science major.
  • MATH 346 - Probability and Statistical Inference II

    Credits: 4
    A continuation of MATH 345  treating the testing of hypotheses and goodness of fit, small sample techniques, statistical design, non-parametric methods and sequential analysis.

    Prerequisite: MATH 210 or MATH 211 , and MATH 345 , each with a grade of C or better. 

    Distribution Requirements: SP.

  • MATH 350 - Geometry

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to modern geometry. Topics may be drawn from axiomatic, projective, affine or hyperbolic geometry. Related topics at the discretion of the instructor.

    Prerequisite: MATH 205  with a grade of C or better.

    Distribution Requirements: SP.

  • MATH 370 - Graph Theory and Combinatorics

    Credits: 4
    A study of finite graphs and combinatorics, covering enumeration of combinatorial structures, directed and undirected graphs, and recursive algorithms. Topics include trees, planarity, graph coloring, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, shortest path algorithms, the pigeonhole principle, permutations and combinations of finite sets and multisets, binomial and multinomial coefficients, and the inclusion-exclusion principle.


    Prerequisite: MATH 205  with a grade of C or better.

    Distribution Requirements: SP.

    This is one of the mathematics courses that may be substituted for one of the required 300-level CMPSC courses in the Computer Science major.

  • MATH 400 - Topology

    Credits: 4
    A study of topological spaces and continuous maps, separation axioms, compactness, metric spaces, product spaces, connectedness and fixed point theorems. Proof techniques are emphasized. The course material ties together some ideas presented in the basic Mathematics courses.

    Prerequisite: MATH 340  with a grade of C or better.


    Distribution Requirements: SP.

  • MATH 425 - Algebraic Structures II

    Credits: 4
    A study of rings and fields, including integral domains, polynomial rings, ideals, homomorphisms, and irreducibility of polynomials over prime fields. Other topics may include unique factorization domains, Euclidean domains, extension fields, automorphisms of fields and Galois theory, additional algebraic structures, or advanced topics in group theory.

    Prerequisite: MATH 325  with a grade of C or better.

    Distribution Requirements: SP.

  • MATH 440 - Real Analysis

    Credits: 4
    An extension of the material introduced in MATH 340 . Topics may include sequences and series of functions, uniform convergence, power series and Taylor’s theorem, the topology of Euclidean space, the foundations of the calculus of several variables, the implicit function theorem, the inverse function theorem, and the Lebesgue integral.

    Prerequisite: MATH 340  with a grade of C or better.

    Distribution Requirements: SP.

  • MATH 529 - Internship: Mathematics

    Credits: 1-4
    Academic study completed in support of an internship experience with a partner institution. An Allegheny faculty member assigns and evaluates the academic work done by the student. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • MATH 585 - Junior Seminar

    Credits: 4
    Seminar discussion of selected topics in mathematics. Students read and present articles from mathematical journals and conduct preliminary research on potential senior project topics. The writing and presentation of mathematics is emphasized.

    Prerequisite: MATH 205  with a grade of C or better.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • MATH 590 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1-4
    May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • MATH 620 - Senior Project

    Credits: 4
    The student completes research and writing for the Senior Project and gives an oral defense. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

Medieval and Renaissance Studies

  • MEDRN 180 - 1189: Conflict and Creativity in the Time of the Third Crusade

    Credits: 4
    An interdisciplinary, team-taught examination of a “slice of life” in the year 1189. This introductory class focuses on the events surrounding the Third Crusade by examining documentary texts (literature, artwork, medicine, law) in their historical, religious, and social context, including the ways that Arabic and European cultures were both at odds and in concert in such areas as medicine, art, and literature. Students develop critical and analytical skills through reading, writing about, and discussing significant texts and artworks that emerged from Arabic and European cultures and their contact.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.

  • MEDRN 181 - 1381: Princes and Paupers

    Credits: 4
    An interdisciplinary, team-taught examination of a “slice of life” in the year 1381. This introductory class focuses on the events surrounding the Peasants’ Revolt by examining documentary texts (literature, artwork, medicine, law) in their historical, religious, and social context. We explore the social consequences of the Black Death, class struggle, princely privilege, heretical movements, and women’s roles. Students develop critical and analytical skills through reading, writing about, and discussing significant texts and artworks that have defined the culture of the late 14th century. Students also learn the methodologies appropriate to such interdisciplinary study.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.

  • MEDRN 182 - 1600: The Man-Made Self

    Credits: 4
    An exploration of the emerging sense of subjectivity and individuality in the Early Modern period, culminating in the year 1600. We study the challenges to medieval notions of social class and economic hierarchies, gender and sexuality, and Church authority as well as the new political pragmatism, burgeoning interest in classical civilizations and humanist education, and new theories of knowledge. Drawing from material across various disciplines and cultures from all over Europe, we explore how a new conception of selfhood - a man-made self - emerged from challenges to traditional social and political structures and from the shattering of traditional beliefs and ways of knowing.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.

  • MEDRN 529 - Internship: Medieval & Renaissance Studies

    Credits: 1-4
    Academic study completed in support of an internship experience with a partner institution. An Allegheny faculty member assigns and evaluates the academic work done by the student. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

Middle East and North African Studies

  • MENA 529 - Internship: Middle East & North African Studies

    Credits: 1-4
    Academic study completed in support of an internship experience with a partner institution. An Allegheny faculty member assigns and evaluates the academic work done by the student. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.


  • MUSIC 101 - Music Appreciation

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the basic audible elements of music and how they combine to form recognizable characteristics of individual pieces, particular composers, and historic styles. Students become able to identify by ear specific works, composers and styles, including specific themes, textures and tone colors. No musical background required. Three days per week.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.

  • MUSIC 102 - Introduction to World Music Cultures

    Credits: 4
    An exploration of the history and development of music from cultures around the world as a way to better understand the lives of the people who developed and expanded these musical traditions. Students encounter a variety of musical cultures outside the Western art music tradition, including those from Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Students engage in deep listening, examine the connection between music and religious, political, social, and cultural identity, and occasionally perform or create music with the help of visiting artists. No musical experience is necessary.

    Prerequisite: None.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.

  • MUSIC 105 - Applied Music: Class Piano

    Credits: 1
    Class instruction for beginners learning how to read music at the keyboard. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: ME.

  • MUSIC 106 - Applied Music: Class Strings

    Credits: 1
    Class instruction for beginners learning how to read music on a string instrument. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: ME.

  • MUSIC 108 - Applied Music: Class Voice

    Credits: 1
    Class instruction for beginners learning how to read and sing music. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: ME.

  • MUSIC 109 - Basics of Music Notation

    Credits: 1
    An introduction to the essential skills of reading and writing traditional Western music notation. Topics include durational values, meter signatures, staves, clefs, pitch names, and accidentals. This may be taught as a seven-week course.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Corequisite: MUSIC 188 .

    Distribution Requirements: HE, QR.

  • MUSIC 110 - Civic Symphony

    Credits: 1
    May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Audition may be required; see Music Department for details.
  • MUSIC 112 - Wind Symphony

    Credits: 1
    May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Audition may be required; see Music Department for details.
  • MUSIC 113 - Wind Ensemble

    Credits: 1
    May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Audition may be required; see Music Department for details.
  • MUSIC 114 - Jazz Band

    Credits: 1
    May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Audition may be required; see Music Department for details.
  • MUSIC 115 - College Choir

    Credits: 1
    May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Audition may be required; see Music Department for details.
  • MUSIC 116 - Women’s Ensemble

    Credits: 1
    May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Audition may be required; see Music Department for details.
  • MUSIC 117 - Chamber Choir

    Credits: 1
    May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Audition may be required; see Music Department for details.
  • MUSIC 118 - College Chorus

    Credits: 1
    May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Audition may be required; see Music Department for details.
  • MUSIC 119 - Men’s Ensemble

    Credits: 1
    May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Audition may be required; see Music Department for details.
  • MUSIC 120 - Chamber Music

    Credits: 1
    An opportunity for performance in small ensembles such as vocal chamber music, opera scenes, string quartet, piano trio, and brass or woodwind quintets. Students should register as a group or will be placed in a group. Each group receives a weekly faculty coaching. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Corequisite: A “parent” large ensemble within the same instrumental or vocal medium. Pianists and guitarists may alternatively use choral ensembles to satisfy this requirement if placements are not available on their principal instruments.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Students must be enrolled in MUSIC 120 in order to perform in chamber ensembles. Receiving credit for MUSIC 120 is contingent upon successful concurrent completion of MUSIC 110 , MUSIC 112 , MUSIC 115 , or MUSIC 116 .
  • MUSIC 187 - History of Jazz

    Credits: 4
    Jazz will be presented from its African origins through the progressive jazz era of the late 1950s and early 1960s. Styles and performance practices of the various periods of jazz will be examined. Three days per week.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.

  • MUSIC 188 - Fundamentals of Music: Introduction to Major/Minor Keys

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the basics of sounded and written music. Students learn to recognize, read and reproduce the written symbols of music, such as clefs, rhythms, and major and minor scales and keys. Beginning ear training teaches students to aurally distinguish basic intervals, scale patterns, and rhythms. No musical background is required.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, QR.

  • MUSIC 200 - Music Theory I

    Credits: 4
    A continuation of material studied in Music 188. Additional materials include the combination of intervals into tertian chords and types of analytical nomenclature for those chords such as figured bass and Roman numerals. Ear training studies will focus on notating stepwise melodies in both major and minor modes and identifying triad quality by sound.

    Prerequisite: MUSIC 188  or placement by diagnostic exam.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, QR.

  • MUSIC 201 - Music Theory II

    Credits: 4
    A continuation of material studied in Music 200. Additional materials include two- and four-voice writing in a variety of styles, cadences, and basic phrase analysis. Ear training studies will focus on singing and notating all types of melodies within one key and identifying tertian chord qualities by sound.

    Prerequisite: MUSIC 200  or placement by diagnostic exam.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, QR.

  • MUSIC 230 - Trumpet

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 231 - French Horn

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 232 - Trombone

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy 
  • MUSIC 233 - Baritone/Euphonium

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 234 - Tuba

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy 
  • MUSIC 240 - Percussion

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 250 - Piano

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 251 - Organ

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 252 - Harpsichord

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 255 - Voice

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 260 - Violin

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 261 - Viola

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 262 - Violoncello

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 263 - String Bass

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 264 - Harp

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 265 - Guitar

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 270 - Flute/Piccolo

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 271 - Oboe

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 272 - Clarinet

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 273 - Bassoon

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 274 - Saxophone

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 275 - Woodwinds, other

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the beginning through intermediate levels; no minimum level of repertoire required. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 283 - Jazz Improvisation

    Credits: 4
    Analysis and performance of basic, familiar jazz forms and devices. Materials are chosen to complement and improve the level of each student. Recordings and solos of master players are analyzed, transcribed and performed. The class becomes a small jazz combo in which the students apply the techniques discussed. Three days per week.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • MUSIC 286 - History I: Greece-1750

    Credits: 4
    An extensive survey of music from the ancient Greeks through the Baroque era, culminating with J.S. Bach. The course explores the historical sequence and the cultural contexts in which the various styles developed. Students undertake intensive audible and visual score study as well as readings from a variety of sources. Special emphasis is placed on the transitions between eras.

    Prerequisite: MUSIC 188  or placement by diagnostic exam.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.

  • MUSIC 287 - History II: 1750-1900

    Credits: 4
    An extensive survey of music from the pre-Classic, Classic, and Romantic eras, beginning with the music of Domenico Scarlatti and concluding with the Impressionism of Claude Debussy. The course explores the historical sequence and the cultural contexts in which the various styles developed. Students undertake intensive audible and visual score study as well as readings from a variety of sources. Special emphasis is placed on the transitions between eras.

    Prerequisite: MUSIC 188  or placement by diagnostic exam.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.

  • MUSIC 300 - Music Theory III

    Credits: 4
    A continuation of material studied in Music 201. Additional materials include chromaticism and modulations. Students will learn how these and the musical elements presented in previous courses combine into larger musical structures. Analysis of larger-scale works drawn from piano, symphonic, chamber and choral-orchestral repertoire will illustrate types of modulations, non-tertian chords, as well as standard types of musical architecture. Composition in one or more types of forms may also be included. Ear training studies will focus on singing and notating modulating melodies.

    Prerequisite: MUSIC 201 .

    Distribution Requirements: HE, QR.

  • MUSIC 330 - Trumpet

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the advanced level. A minimum level of repertoire difficulty is required as is attendance at weekly performance seminars. Specific details on the repertoire requirements for each instrument are on file in the Music Department office. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 331 - French Horn

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the advanced level. A minimum level of repertoire difficulty is required as is attendance at weekly performance seminars. Specific details on the repertoire requirements for each instrument are on file in the Music Department office. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 332 - Trombone

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the advanced level. A minimum level of repertoire difficulty is required as is attendance at weekly performance seminars. Specific details on the repertoire requirements for each instrument are on file in the Music Department office. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 333 - Baritone/Euphonium

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the advanced level. A minimum level of repertoire difficulty is required as is attendance at weekly performance seminars. Specific details on the repertoire requirements for each instrument are on file in the Music Department office. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 334 - Tuba

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the advanced level. A minimum level of repertoire difficulty is required as is attendance at weekly performance seminars. Specific details on the repertoire requirements for each instrument are on file in the Music Department office. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy
  • MUSIC 340 - Percussion

    Credits: 1-2
    Individual instruction for students at the advanced level. A minimum level of repertoire difficulty is required as is attendance at weekly performance seminars. Specific details on the repertoire requirements for each instrument are on file in the Music Department office. Expectations of daily practice and improvement will be established by each applied instructor. May be repeated for credit. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: Permission of applied area coordinator.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

    Half-hour lessons, one credit. One-hour lessons, two credits. Students should expect to spend twice as much time in preparation for one-hour lessons as they would for half-hour lessons. An additional fee is required for this course; please consult Student Financial Services for the current fee and refund policy

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