Middle East and North African Studies
Academic Bulletin
Program Faculty: Professors Alkyam (Program Coordinator), Hilal, Kirschner, Krone, B. Miller, Mitchell, Onyeiwu, Reeck
See also the Middle East and Northern Africa track in the “International Studies” major.
The minor in Middle East and North Africa (“MENA”) Studies is an interdivisional program examining the history, politics, religion, culture, and economics of the region. Through this minor, students will gain an in-depth understanding of the MENA region and the contexts through which we understand it. One of these courses must be at or above the 300 level, and students must have at least a 2.0 GPA in the minor. Students petitioning to include classes not listed below must provide a course syllabus. The minor requires a minimum of 24 semester credit hours, and no more than 12 credits of foreign language study may be included in the 24-credit minimum.
When appropriate, other courses – for example, courses taken during study abroad – may be substituted for any of the requirements. All substitutions of alternatives for required courses must be approved by the minor coordinator, and students are strongly encouraged to discuss any potential course substitutions prior to enrolling in the course.
When advising students, please note:
- Students should take an introductory survey and start the Arabic language sequence as soon as possible (ideally, in their first 3 semesters).
- RELST 140 cannot be substituted for the survey requirement.
Minor courses offered Fall 2021:
- ARAB 110 Beginning Arabic I
- ARAB 215 Intermediate Arabic I
- ARAB 290 Levantine Colloquial Arabic
- ARAB 350 Modern Arabic Novel in Translation
- POLSC 232 Government and Politics of the Middle East
- RELST 140 Islam: Faith, History, and Culture