Advising Handbook 2021-2022 
    Jan 04, 2025  
Advising Handbook 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Neuroscience (First Year and Transfer)

Academic Bulletin

When advising a student interested in Neuroscience, please note:

The Major in Neuroscience has four principle components:

  • Core Courses: BIO 220, 221, CHEM 120, 122, 231, NEURO 110, 120, and research methods/statistics (either BIO 385 or PSYCH 206 and 207).
  • Electives: complete three 4-credit courses selected from three areas, Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience, Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience, and Neuroscience Connections. These courses must include at least one from the Cellular and Molecular list and one from the Behavioral and Cognitive list. At least two of these 4 credit classes must be numbered 300 or above. (See Academic Bulletin for specific courses).
  • Junior Seminar from a list of BIO and PSYCH Junior Seminars (See Academic Bulletin for specific courses).
  • Two-semester, six credit Senior Project (NEURO 600 and 610).

Major/Minor Advising Considerations:

  • There is no Minor in Neuroscience.
  • Students majoring in Neuroscience may not minor in Psychology.
  • If a student decides to double major in Neuroscience and Psychology there must be a minimum of 20 credits completed in Psychology that are not counted in any way toward the Neuroscience Major.

Prerequisites to note:

  • Only students who place into MATH 151 or score a 4 or 5 in AP Bio should be advised to take NEURO 110 or 120 in their first semester.
  • Students who place into MATH 151 may take CHEM 120
  • Students who place into MATH 140 should consider enrolling in CHEM 119 in the 1st year Fall semester. Upon successful completion of either Math 140 or CHEM 119 (C or better), the student may register for CHEM 120 in Spring semester.
  • CHEM 120 is a prerequisite for BIO 220.
  • Bio 220 is a prerequisite for BIO 221 and FSBIO201.
  • FSBIO 201 is a prerequisite for some of the advanced Bio courses in the Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience Area.
  • PSYCH 150, 152, 154, or 172 may serve as a prerequisite for the advanced PSYCH courses in the Behavioral and Cognitive Area.
  • Mathematics is not required for a Neuroscience Major, but calculus is a pre- or corequisite for some Biology and Chemistry courses required for the Neuroscience Major. Also note that calculus is required for students interested in the Health Professions.
  • PSYCH 150, 152, 154/5, and 172 are Neuroscience Electives that have no prerequisites.

Additional Advising Notes:

  • CHEM 232, 234, and Physics 101,102 (or 110 and 112), are recommended for some Graduate Programs in Neuroscience and are on the required list for the Health Professions.
  • Please note PHYS 110, CHEM 231, and PHYS 102 are offered only in Fall semesters while PHYS 101 and Physics PHYS 120 are offered only in Spring semesters.

Potential Schedules for Neuroscience Majors (Note from the current chair: each of the two potential schedules provided can be, and have been, substantially modified by successful Neuroscience Majors):

Potential schedule for those starting in MATH 151:

  1st Semester (Fall) 2nd Semester (Spring) Either Semester
First Year FS 101
CHEM 120
MATH 151
NEURO 110/120
PSYCH 150, 152, or 154/155
FS 102
NEURO 110/120
CHEM 122
PSYCH 150, 152, or 154/155
Sophomore BIO 220
CHEM 231
PSYCH 206 or BIO 385
BIO 221
PSYCH 207 or BIO 385
FS 201 (FSBIO 201 is prerequisite for several courses
in Cellular and Molecular Area)
Junior Neuroscience Electives Neuroscience Electives Junior Seminar (The specific semester and section should be
arranged second semester of sophomore year)
Senior NEURO 600 NEURO 610  

Potential schedule for those starting in MATH 140:

  1st Semester (Fall) 2nd Semester (Spring) Either Semester
First Year FS 101
MATH 140
CHEM 119

FS 102
NEURO 110/120
CHEM 120
MATH 141


BIO 220
CHEM 122
PSYCH 206 or 385

BIO 221
PSYCH 207 or BIO 385
FS 201 (FSBIO 201 is prerequisite for several courses
in Cellular and Molecular Area)
Junior CHEM 231
Neuroscience Electives
Neuroscience Electives Junior Seminar (The specific semester and section should be
arranged second semester of sophomore year)
Senior NEURO 600 NEURO 610  


Information for Transfer Students

For all students majoring in Neuroscience:

  • There are no prerequisites for starting the required Foundations of Neuroscience course sequence (Neuro 110 and Neuro 120), although it should be noted that Neuro 110 is not recommended for first semester, first year students who are uncomfortable with the natural sciences.
  • There are specific prerequisites for required core courses in Biology and Chemistry and attention must be paid to these in schedule planning.  
    • Placement into Math 151, transfer or AP credit for Math 151, completion of Math 140 with a C or better, or completion of Chem 119 with a C or better is required to enroll in Chem 120.
    • Chem 120 is a prerequisite for Chem 122 and Bio 220.
    • Chem 122 is a prerequisite for Chem 231 (which is only offered in fall semesters).
    • Bio 220 is a prerequisite for Bio 221.
    • Bio 220, Bio 221, and FSBio201 are requirements for upper level Bio classes in the Neuroscience curriculum.
  • Several Psychology courses that serve as electives in the Neuroscience major do not have prerequisites (Psych 150, Psych 152, Psych 154/5, and Psych 172).
  • For the Statistics requirement for the major
    • Math 141 or 151 is a prerequisite for the Bio 385 option.
    • There is no prerequisite for starting the alternative Psych 206-Psych 207 sequence.
  • Neuroscience majors complete at least 3 electives selected from three areas. At least two of these 3 classes must be numbered 300 or above and thus most have some prerequisite in Psych, Bio, or Neuro.

Two potential Four Year pathways for Neuroscience Majors are presented below.

Transfer students could fit into these based on their completion of prerequisites via transfer credits, with the place in the sequence of Chem and Bio classes perhaps the most important variable. (It takes four semesters to complete the Bio and Chem courses if no additional work is required to start Chem 120, five if a prerequisite for Chem 120 remains.)

Potential four year pathway for those meeting CHEM 120 prerequisites

  1st Semester (Fall) 2nd Semester (Spring) Either Semester
First Year FS 101
CHEM 120
MATH 151
NEURO 110 or PSYCH 150, 152, or 154/155
FS 102
NEURO 110 or 120
CHEM 122
PSYCH 150, 152, or 154/155
Sophomore BIO 220
CHEM 231
PSYCh 206 or BIO 385
BIO 221
PSYCH 207 or BIO 385
FS 201 (FSBIO 201 is prerequisite for several courses in Cellular and Molecular Area)
Junior Neuroscience electives Neuroscience electives Junior Seminar (The specific semester and section should be arranged second semester of sophomore year)
Senior NEURO 600 NEURO 610  

Potential four year pathway for those needing MATH 140 to take CHEM 120:

  1st Semester (Fall) 2nd Semester (Spring) Either Semester
First Year FS 101
MATH 140
CHEM 119
FS 102
CHEM 120
MATH 141
Sophomore BIUO 220
CHEM 122
PSYCH 206 or BIO 385
BIO 221
PSYCH 207 or BIO 385
FS 201 (FSBIO 201 is preequisite for several courses in Cellular and Molecular Area)
Junor CHEM 231
Neuroscience electives
Neuroscience electives Junior Seminar (The specific semester and section should be arranged second semester of sophomore year)
Senior NEURO 600 NEURO 610  

(Note from the current chair: each of the two potential pathways shown here can be, and have been, substantially modified by successful Neuroscience Majors):

Additional Major/Minor Advising Considerations:

  • There is no minor in Neuroscience.
  • Students majoring in Neuroscience may not minor in Psychology.
  • If a student decides to double major in Neuroscience and Psychology there must be a minimum of 20 credits completed in Psychology that are not counted in any way toward the Neuroscience Major.