Advising Handbook 2021-2022 
    Jan 04, 2025  
Advising Handbook 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Music (First Year and Transfer)

Academic Bulletin

Courses in the Music Department are basically offered in three main aspects – 

  1. Music History
  2. Music Performance (applied lessons and ensembles)
  3. Music Theory  
  • The three music minors require courses in all three areas, with more depth in the area of emphasis.   
  • The music major requires courses in these three areas plus Post-Tonal Music (Music 401), Junior Seminar (Music 580) and Senior Project I & II (Music 600, 610.)

Students who have been involved in music in high school will often want to continue pursuing their love of music at Allegheny, whether they are music majors, minors or neither. Most popular are the ensembles, applied lessons, and introductory level courses.  Quite a few of these students who start out saying they will neither major nor minor in Music do end up pursuing a minor in Music.Please advise students interested in Music to take the Department diagnostic exam, particularly if they might be taking courses in Music Theory and Music History. 

Students who are interested in auditioning for music ensembles must keep the 12:30 to 1:20 time period open as many ensembles rehearse at that time.  Alternative sections should be available for all other courses that meet at that time. Additionally, FS 101 selections should prioritize the MWF time slot; or students might consider avoiding a 1:30 class if they have FS 101 and ensemble back to back.

Music Diagnostic Exam online (Canvas): 

  • Prior to taking courses in Music Theory (Music 188, 200, 201, 300) or Music History (286, 287, 387), students need to take the music diagnostic exam online (Canvas). Students can request access to the diagnostic via a Google Form (see Learning Commons for more information.) 
  • For theory courses, students will be placed by this theory diagnostic.  
  • For history courses, students who place into Music 200 or above will have more success than those without any music theory experience.
  • Students who might major or minor should take this diagnostic exam as soon as possible.

For music theory, questions should be directed to 

For music history, questions should be directed to either

Performing Ensembles - auditions for music ensemble courses (Music 110-119) usually occur during the first week of classes of each semester.  See the following professors for your desired ensemble:

  • Music 110 – Civic Symphony (orchestra); call Music Office for additional information 814-332-3356
  • Music 112 & 113 – Wind Symphony and Wind Ensemble (bands); Professor Lowell Hepler, Room M-114,
  • Music 114 – Jazz Band; call Music Office for additional information 814-332-3356
  • Music 115 to 119 – Choirs; Professor James Niblock, Room M-205, 

Applied lessons - students can take applied lessons for credit (Music 230-485).  See Financial Services for applied lesson fees. Contact appropriate area coordinator below to audition for placement. 

 Suggested Schedules for the Music Major:

  1st Semester (Fall) 2nd Semester (Spring)
First Year FS 101
MUSIC 188 (if placed)
Applied Lessons 230-279 or 330-379
Ensembles 110-118*
FS 102
Applied Lessons 330-379 or 430-479
Ensembles 110-118*
Sophomore MUSIC 201
Applied Lessons 430-479
Ensembles 110-118*
Applied Lessons 430-479
Ensembles 110-118*
Junior MUSIC 580
Applied Lessons 430-479
Ensembles 110-118*
Applied Lessons 430-479
Ensembles 110-118*
Senior MUSIC 600
Applied Lessons 430-479
Ensembles 110-118*
Applied Lessons 430-479
Ensembles 110-118*

All applied courses in Music 430-480 and 485 include weekly lessons plus Performance Seminars on Fridays, 12:30-1:20pm.  Placement by applied teacher of students into level 400 lessons is based on technical competence and repertoire level.  Prior enrollment in level 200 and/or 300 lessons may be required before advancing to level 400.  When counting toward the major or minor, requirements for applied lessons and ensembles are on the student’s principal instrument.  

*Be sure to take enough applied lessons and ensembles in the prescribed options in the Academic Bulletin prior to graduation.

 Timing of Courses:

Fall Spring
MUSIC 188, 201, 287, 580 MUSIC 200, 286, 300, 387, 401


Things to Remember:

  • For students placed into Music 188 or 200 who might also be on a pre-health track, double majoring, considering a 3-2 program, or hoping to study away from campus for a semester, it is imperative they start Music 188 and/or 200 during their first year.   
  • Students placed into Music 201 can opt to start these courses in their first year.
  • Students who place into a given course in the theory sequence may not count lower numbered theory courses toward the major or minor in music.
  • Courses offered Fall Semester Only: Music 188, 201 287, 580.
  • Courses offered Spring Semester Only: Music 200, 286, 300, 387, 401.
  • All applied lessons and ensemble courses are repeatable.
  • All applied lesson courses carry a fee.  See Financial Services for applied lesson fees.
  • Students are encouraged to enroll in applied lessons and performing ensembles through all four years at Allegheny.

The Music Department offers Minors in Music History, Performance, and Theory. Please see Academic Bulletin for specifics.

Information for Transfer Students


  • Please note that pathways are dependent on Music Theory placement and thus may be different for individual students. 
  • Music 300 and Music 401 are only offered in alternating spring semesters, so their availability may alter the scenarios below.
  • The progression through 200-, 300-, and 400-level applied lessons is highly individualized. The 400-level lessons are required for the Music major and minors (number of required credits can vary for the minors), and goals/timelines for successful completion of these courses should be discussed with applied teachers as early as possible.


Pathways to Music Major in 3 years:

Year 1 Ensembles & 200-level applied lessons
MUSIC 287 and/or MUSIC 201
Ensembles and 300-level applied lessons
Year 2 Ensembles & 400-level applied lessons
MUSIC 287 and/or MUSIC 201
Ensembles & 400-level applied lessons
MUSIC 300 or MUSIC 401
Year 3 Ensembles & 400-level applied lessons
MUSIC 600 or MUSIC 620

Ensembles & 400-level applied lessons
MUSIC 300 or MUSIC 401
MUSIC 610 or MUSIC 620

Pathways to Music Minor (Performance Minor Option) 3 years

  Fall Spring
Year 1 Ensembles & 200-level applied lessons
Ensembles & 300-level applied lessons
Year 2 Ensembles & 400-level applied lessons
MUSIC 287 or MUSIC 201
Ensembles & 400-level applied lessons
MUSIC 286 or MUSIC 387
Year 3 Ensembles & 400-level applied lessons Ensembles & 400-level applied lessons


Pathways to Music Minor (Music Theory Minor Option) 3 years

Year 1 Ensembles & 200-level applied lessons
Ensembles & 200-level applied lessons
Year 2 Ensembles & 300-level applied lessons
Ensembles & 300-level applied lessons
MUSIC 300 or MUSIC 401
Year 3 Ensembles & 400-level applied lessons
Ensembles & applied lessons (any level)
MUSIC 286 or MUSIC 387


Pathways to Music Minor (Music History Minor Option) 3 years

Year 1 Ensembles & 200-level applied lessons
Ensembles & 200-level applied lessons
Year 2 Ensembles & 300-level applied lessons
Ensembles & 300-level applied lessons
MUSIC 286 or MUSIC 387
Year 3 Ensembles & 400-level applied lessons Ensembles & applied lessons (any level)
MUSIC 286 or MUSIC 387

Issues to consider for transfer credits

  • The point at which students enter Allegheny’s Music major or minors, and which courses they will need to take to complete them, will depend primarily on proficiency in Music Theory as measured by a placement test that they will take before registration, interpreted in consultation with department faculty as needed. Therefore, students intending to transfer to Allegheny to pursue a Music major or minor should focus not only on earning credits, but also on building proficiency.
  • If the proper classification of a course being evaluated for transfer credit is in doubt, then please consult the Music Department Chair.
In order to transfer as… …the course must…
  • Provide a broad overview of historical topics in western music
  • Provide a broad overview of basic musical terms and formal structures
  • Provide a broad overview of instrumental families and standard musical ensembles
  • Provide a broad overview of the history and development of several non-western musical cultures
  • Provide a broad overview of jazz and jazz subgenres
  • Incorporate critical listening of jazz and prominent jazz musicians
  • Cover fundamental topics of music theory, such as scale formation, interval and chord identification and spelling, and rhythmic & metric structures
MUSIC 110-119
  • Be a credit-bearing course led by a faculty member
  • Include at least one public concert
400-level applied lessons
  • Culminate in a juried solo performance on the student’s primary instrument