Advising Handbook 2021-2022 
    Jan 04, 2025  
Advising Handbook 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Academic Bulletin

When advising a student interested in the Biology Major, please note: 

The MAJOR in Biology has six components:

  • Three introductory biology courses (Biology 220, 221, and FSBIO 201).
  • Three 300-level biology courses, one in each of the three main areas of biology (Cellular/Molecular Biology, Organismal Biology/Physiology, and Population Biology/Ecology).
  • A Junior Seminar (Biology 580).
  • A two-semester, six credit Senior Project and Seminar (Biology 600 and 610).
  • Required foundation courses in Mathematics and Chemistry: Mathematics 151 (or 140/141), Chemistry 120/122, and one semester of Organic Chemistry (Chemistry 231).
  • Two additional 4-credit courses chosen from Biostatistics (BIO 385), Chemistry (CHEM 200 or higher, except 231), Computer Science (100-level or higher), Geology (100-level or higher, excluding GEO 331), Mathematics (MATH 152 or higher), and/or Physics (PHYS 101 or higher). These courses should be chosen to complement career goals or specific curricular interests. Courses numbered 190 do not qualify. Any course cross-listed as Biology does not qualify.

It is important to BEGIN THE REQUIRED MATH AND CHEMISTRY COURSES AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, in order to complete the prerequisites for the Introductory Biology courses and for the 300-level Biology courses.

Placement in Mathematics 152 or higher satisfies the Mathematics 151 requirement for the Major. However, students interested in the health professions may need to take additional courses in Mathematics and Chemistry if they place in either Mathematics 152 (or higher) or Chemistry 122. See the Health Professions Advising Guidelines for further details.

The three introductory Biology courses, Mathematics 151 (or 140/141), Chemistry 120/122, and Chemistry 231, should be completed by the end of the sophomore year, if mathematics and chemistry placement permits. Students and their advisors should also be aware that Chemistry 231 is only offered once per year, in the fall semester.

Students interested in the health professions should take Chemistry 332 and 234, Chemistry 253, and Physics 101 and 102 (or Physics 110 and 120). Students and their advisors should also be aware that some of these courses are only offered once per year:

  • Physics 101 & 120: spring semester only
  • Physics 102 & 110: fall semester only
  • Chemistry 332 & 234: spring semester only

Students interested in Biochemistry or Molecular Biology may wish to consider the Biochemistry Major. 

Suggested Biology Progression Based on Math Placement  


Prerequisites for the Biology Major and Minor:

  1. Chemistry 120 is a prerequisite for Biology 220.
    1. Placement into Math 151, transfer or AP credit for Math 151, completion of Math 140 with a C or better, or completion of CHEM 119 with a C or better is required to enroll in CHEM 120.
  2. Biology 220 is a prerequisite for Biology 221 and for FS BIO 201.
  3. Biology 220, 221, and FS BIO 201 are prerequisites for Biology 300-level courses.
  4. Biology 220, 221, and a grade of C or higher in FS Bio 201 are prerequisites for BIO 580.
  5. Biology 580 is a prerequisite for Biology 600. Biology 600 is a prerequisite for Biology 610.

Suggested Schedule for the Biology Major:

  Placed into MATH 151 Placed into MATH 140
Year Fall Spring Fall Spring
1 FS 101
MATH 151(1)
CHEM 120(2)
FS 102
BIO 220
CHEM 122(3)
FS 101
MATH 140(1)
CHEM 119 (Session B)
FS 102
MATH 141
CHEM 120
2 BIO 221/FSBIO 201
CHEM 231(4)
BIO 221/FSBIO 201
CHEM 122(3)
BIO 220
BIO 221
3 BIO 580(5)
BIO 580(5)
CHEM 231(4)
BIO 580(5)
BIO 580(5)
4 BIO 600
BIO 610 BIO 600
BIO 610

Key to Above Chart

1Placement into Math 151, transfer or AP credit for Math 151, completion of Math 140 with a C or better, or completion of CHEM 119 with a C or better is required to enroll in CHEM 120.

2Should be taken first semester to enable students to take Bio 220 in Spring and to complete CHEM 231 by the end of sophomore year. CHEM 231 is offered only in Fall, so taking CHEM 120 second semester instead of first semester results in postponement of CHEM 231 until junior year, which will preclude students from enrolling in certain upper-level biology courses and may delay taking of the MCAT for pre-medical students.

3Pre-requisite for CHEM 231, which is only offered in Fall.

4Only offered in Fall. Pre-requisite for certain upper-level biology courses.

5Can be taken either semester of junior year. 

The MINOR in Biology has three components:

  • Three introductory biology courses (BIO 220, 221, and FSBIO 201).
  • Two 300-level biology courses, at least one of which must be a laboratory course.
  • Required foundation courses in Chemistry: CHEM 120/122, and one semester of Organic Chemistry (CHEM 231).
    • Placement into MATH 151, transfer or AP credit for MATH 151, completion of MATH 140 with a C or better, or completion of CHEM 119 with a C or better is required to enroll in CHEM 120.