Academic Bulletin 2021-2022 
    Sep 27, 2024  
Academic Bulletin 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Search

To search for a course satisfying the Distribution Requirements in effect for students who entered Allegheny College in Fall 2016 or after please do the following:

  • In the “Keyword or Phrase” box below, enter one of the eight Distribution Requirement abbreviations as a search term in quotation marks: “CL”, “HE”, “IP”, “ME”, “PD”, “QR”, “SB”, or “SP”.
  • To search within a specific department or program, select the desired department from the “Rubric” drop down menu and enter the Distribution Requirement abbreviation in quotation marks in the “Keyword or Phrase” box (i.e., “HE”).

Computer Science

  • CMPSC 312 - Database Systems

    Credits: 4
    A study of the application and evaluation of database management systems. Participating in hands-on activities that often require teamwork, students design, implement, and deploy database systems that store interdisciplinary data sets. In addition to learning how to develop and assess interfaces for databases, students study the efficiency and effectiveness of alternative data management systems. During a weekly laboratory session students use state-of-the-art technology to complete projects, reporting on their results through both written documents and oral presentations. Students are invited to use their own departmentally approved laptop in this course; a limited number of laptops are available for use during class and lab sessions.

    Prerequisite: CMPSC 101 .

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • CMPSC 400 - Operating Systems

    Credits: 4
    A study of the principles used in the design, implementation, and evaluation of operating systems. Participating in hands-on activities that often require teamwork, students create and assess components of an operating system that runs on modern computer hardware. Leveraging insight and tools from an industry partner, students also investigate the resource management, process scheduling, and file systems used in representative operating systems. During a weekly laboratory session students use advanced operating systems software to complete projects, reporting on their results through both written documents and oral presentations. Students are invited to use their own departmentally approved laptop in this course; a limited number of laptops are available for use during class and lab sessions.

    Prerequisite: CMPSC 200 .

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • CMPSC 402 - Cloud Computing

    Credits: 4
    A study of the principles for dealing with the data sets and the cloud-based distributed systems used by networked services. Participating in hands-on activities that often require teamwork, students investigate topics such as data collection and the scheduling and configuration of cloud-based computation, additionally creating and assessing the components of a distributed system. Leveraging insights and tools from an industry partner, students also learn about existing cloud computing platforms and identify methods for improving their efficiency. During a weekly laboratory session students use advanced distributed computing platforms to complete projects, reporting on their results through both written documents and oral presentations. Students are invited to use their own departmentally approved laptop in this course; a limited number of laptops are available for use during class and lab sessions.

    Prerequisite: CMPSC 202 .

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • CMPSC 403 - Computer Security

    Credits: 4
    A study of the principles used in the design, implementation, and evaluation of secure computer hardware and software. Participating in hands-on activities that often require teamwork, students assess the trade-offs in security policies and create software with efficient and effective security mechanisms. Leveraging insights and tools from an industry partner, students also investigate techniques for providing access control, secure channels, and intrusion detection. During a weekly laboratory session students use advanced security software to complete projects, reporting on their results through both written documents and oral presentations. Students are invited to use their own departmentally approved laptop in this course; a limited number of laptops are available for use during class and lab sessions.


    Prerequisite: CMPSC 201 .


    Distribution Requirements: QR, SP.

  • CMPSC 480 - Software Innovation I

    Credits: 2
    An introduction to the technical and communication skills needed to design, implement, and publicly release innovative software. In addition to establishing connections with professionals in the software field, students refine their writing abilities as they participate in online technical communities. During a weekly practical session, students use state-of-the-art tools to complete well-documented software that is useful to external collaborators, describing their systems through oral presentations and written documents featured on a web site. Students are invited to use their own departmentally approved laptop in this course; a limited number of laptops are available for use during class and lab sessions.

    Prerequisite: CMPSC 101 .

    Distribution Requirements: None.

  • CMPSC 481 - Software Innovation II

    Credits: 2
    A continuation of CMPSC 480 , with a focus on the collaborative enhancement of innovative software. While partnering with members of the course and receiving mentorship from experts in the software community, students document, improve, and maintain a publicly available software tool. During a weekly practical session, students use state-of-the-art technology to complete and release a significant software product, describing it through oral presentations and written documents featured on a web site. Students are invited to use their own departmentally approved laptop in this course; a limited number of laptops are available for use during class and lab sessions.

    Prerequisite: CMPSC 203  and CMPSC 480 

    Distribution Requirements: None.

  • CMPSC 529 - Internship: Computer Science

    Credits: 1-4
    Academic study completed in support of an internship experience with a partner institution. An Allegheny faculty member assigns and evaluates the academic work done by the student. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • CMPSC 580 - Junior Seminar

    Credits: 4
    A team-based investigation of select topics in computer science, preparing students for the proposal and completion of a senior project. Working in teams to complete hands-on activities, students learn how to read research papers, state and motivate research questions, design and conduct experiments, and collect and organize evidence for evaluating scientific hypotheses. During a weekly laboratory session students use state-of-the-art technology to gain practical skills in scientific and technical writing, the presentation of computational and mathematical concepts, and the visualization of experimental data. Students are invited to use their own departmentally approved laptop in this course; a limited number of laptops are available for use during class and lab sessions.

    Prerequisite: CMPSC 101  and at least one of the core courses.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • CMPSC 590 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1-4
    Individual research under the guidance of a member of the Department’s faculty. A project proposal must be submitted to the Department and approved in the semester prior to the semester in which the student intends to register for the course. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • CMPSC 600 - Senior Thesis I

    Credits: 2
    Independent research in computer science. Students are invited to use their own departmentally approved laptop in this course; a limited number of laptops are available for use during class and lab sessions. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: CMPSC 580 .

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • CMPSC 610 - Senior Thesis II

    Credits: 2
    Continuation of independent research in computer science. Students are invited to use their own departmentally approved laptop in this course; a limited number of laptops are available for use during class and lab sessions. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Prerequisite: CMPSC 600 .

    Distribution Requirements: none.

Dance and Movement Studies

  • DMS 100 - Principles of Movement

    Credits: 2
    The study and practice of basic principles of movement. Readings and guided practices provide an understanding of anatomical and kinesiological issues that surround balanced, fluid and efficient human movement.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • DMS 101 - Modern Dance: Body/Mind and Movement

    Credits: 2
    A basic approach to modern dance as an applied study of movement coordinations. Practical explorations focus on correct body alignment and efficient movement in relation to gravity, and directing energies in the body toward enhanced expressiveness. Elemental analysis of space, time, dynamics, form, sensation, image, and intention are introduced. Designed sequences and improvisations develop presence, balance, flexibility, strength, and endurance. Theoretical investigations include discussions of the interweaving of dance and culture.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • DMS 102 - Foundations of Ballet

    Credits: 2
     An introduction to the technique of ballet including terms, positions and qualities of movement. Emphasis is placed on proper bodily alignment and physical movement efficiency in application to the practice of ballet. Style analysis includes investigation into the historical influences as well as cultural trends that led to the emergence of contemporary ballet in America. May include a performance opportunity.  

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • DMS 104 - Jazz Dance

    Credits: 2
    A study of fundamental dance movement that focuses on the broken line, undulating form, and syncopated rhythms of the American Jazz idiom. The utilization of and commitment to the safe and full use of the body is emphasized. Particular attention is paid to ways in which jazz dance mirrors the social history of the American people, reflecting ethnic influences, historical events, and cultural changes.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • DMS 105 - Tap Dance

    Credits: 2
    A study that combines the earthy African influence of hoofing and the light percussive footwork of clog dancing with the rhythmic syncopations of the jazz idiom. Emphasis is on physical balance, precision of touch, ankle articulations and an investigation of the origins and contemporary evolution of tap dance.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • DMS 107 - Introduction to Ballroom Dance

    Credits: 2
    The experiential learning of basic ballroom dance forms: waltz, foxtrot, swing, tango, cha-cha, rumba, and polka. In addition, these dance forms and their music are explored as mirrors of the culture in which they exist-reflecting past, present, and intercultural exchange. Lectures, film, discussion, and papers illustrating the forms and culture of ballroom dancing are required.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • DMS 110 - Yoga I

    Credits: 2
    A balanced investigation of the theory and practice of classic and contemporary Yoga principles. Focusing on the theme of personal wellness, emphasis is placed on practicing physical postures, exploring the breath, and developing an energetic of sound. These practices nourish the body, focus the mind, and sharpen the intellect. Experiences include individual and group work.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.

  • DMS 111 - Ta’i Chi Ch’uan

    Credits: 2
    A physical and intellectual examination of Ta’i Chi Ch’uan. Ta’i Chi Ch’uan is a Chinese system of exercise, a form of moving meditation and a martial art. Students learn a basic form or series of postures. We examine the cultural, historical, religious and psychophysical underpinnings of this art through reading and discussion.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.

  • DMS 114 - Asian Martial Arts I

    Credits: 2
    Physical training and intellectual exploration of a specific Asian martial art. Students learn basic physical techniques of the form. Explorations include the historical, cultural, and philosophical bases of the particular Asian martial art through reading and discussion. Each semester focuses on a specific form such as Tang Soo Doo (Korea), Kung Fu (China), Karate (Okinawa).

    Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.

    The course requires a small additional fee and may be held a short distance off campus.
  • DMS 115 - Aikido

    Credits: 2
    An introduction to the practice of Aikido with focus on the fundamentals of physical movements and postures within the framework of a modern Japanese martial art. Study includes physical practice plus the viewing of training movies and discussion of content. The course culminates with the United States Aikido Federation (USAF) 6th Kyu test. Course requires a $10 student fee for t-shirt (uniform).

    Distribution Requirements: HE.

  • DMS 116 - Community Contra Dance

    Credits: 2
    An introduction to an historical form of folk dance in the United States. Students learn contra dance movements and the organizational work involved to create public dance events. Technique sessions focus on efficient body movement, giving weight, improving coordination and aerobic endurance, and gaining comfort crossing gender roles. Lecture and discussion sessions examine the historical development of this dance form from 17th century America to the present day and the live musical form that accompanies the dance. Advertisement and administration of monthly community dances is an integral aspect of coursework. Coursework includes attendance at a monthly community dance event on a Saturday night.

    Prerequisite: None.

    Distribution Requirements: HE.

  • DMS 120 - Meditation: Theory and Practice

    Credits: 2
    A study of meditation techniques with a focus on the theory and practice of mindfulness as it evolved in the classic traditions of Yoga and Buddhism. Alignment, posture, health, and mental focus are explored in the context of classical and contemporary writings.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.

  • DMS 121 - Meditation: Contemplative Explorations

    Credits: 2
    A study of the structures that support meditation. Traditions of meditation in non-dual points of view are explored along with the practices of stillness, contemplative movement, chanting, japa, and mantra repetition. Readings and discussion articulate theories underlying contemplative experience. The practice focuses on individual meditation as well as meditation with partners and in groups.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.

  • DMS 200 - Landscapes of the Body

    Credits: 2
    A mindful process-oriented exploration of experiential human physiology and anatomy. The study relates basic principles of human movement to dynamic body systems. The impact of movement on the body-mind as well as the converse is examined. Emphasis is placed on applications to somatic practices and includes a developmental movement perspective. Investigations include readings, drawing, research, writing, and improvisation.

    Distribution Requirements: HE.

  • DMS 201 - Upper Level Technique-Modern

    Credits: 2
    A continued exploration of the body-mind connection as expressed and experienced through modern dance. Refinement of movement skills and understanding of elemental analyses are developed through challenging movement sequences and improvisations. Emphasis is placed on the poetry of movement phrasing. One’s dancing self is cultivated through the individual as well as the ensemble movement process. Relevant readings, written reflections, rehearsals, and performance projects augment and enhance the technical growth.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • DMS 202 - Upper Level Technique-Ballet

    Credits: 2
    A more advanced study of the technique of ballet. Development of skill in the tradition of balletic forms is encouraged with an emphasis on alignment and expressiveness. Focus is on ease of motion while increasing physical understanding of ballet vocabulary. In addition to physical practice, the examination of ballet includes reading, observing performances, and writing.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • DMS 204 - Jazz Dance II

    Credits: 2
    A further exploration of cultural, creative, educational, and technical aspects of American Jazz Dance. Particular attention is paid to similarities and differences in Jazz Dance styles and origins.

    Prerequisite: DMS 104 .

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • DMS 205 - Tap Dance II

    Credits: 2
    A direct extension of Tap Dance I. This course helps students develop a more complete understanding of Tap History, Terminology and Techniques. Students also examine the styles of significant Tap Dance choreographers and begin to learn basic Tap Dance notation.

    Prerequisite: DMS 105 .

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • DMS 207 - Ballroom Dance II: Latin/Rhythm

    Credits: 2
    An in-depth exploration of Latin Dance forms. Through practice, text, and film, this inquiry extends the exploration of the Latin/Rhythm social dance forms begun in Ballroom Dance I. Lectures, film, discussion, and papers illustrating the forms and culture of ballroom dancing are required.

    Prerequisite: DMS 107 .

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • DMS 208 - Ballroom Dance II: Smooth

    Credits: 2
    An in-depth exploration in one or more previously introduced dance forms that extends the practice of Smooth dance begun in Ballroom Dance I. Origins and evolutions of at least one form are investigated through text, film, discussion, and writing.

    Prerequisite: DMS 107 .

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • DMS 210 - Yoga II

    Credits: 2
    An investigation of the principles of classic and contemporary Yoga as applied to the individual’s personal practice. The underlying theme is that of transformation. Sequencing of classical postures for the practitioner is highlighted. The development of ease in stillness prepares the student for prolonged concentration, contemplation, and meditation. Additional explorations focus on enhancing skill in relationship.

    Prerequisite: DMS 110 .

    Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.

  • DMS 214 - Asian Martial Arts II

    Credits: 2
    An in-depth exploration in the style of martial arts introduced in Asian Martial Arts I. Students continue to explore the historical, cultural, and philosophical bases of the particular Asian martial art. Focus is placed on martial arts as a way of life and a pursuit of discipline, control, and fortitude.

    Prerequisite: DMS 114  and permission of the instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, IP.

    The course requires a small additional fee and may be held a short distance off campus.
  • DMS 301 - Modern Dance III

    Credits: 1
    Continued practice in the development of movement skills for the dancer’s expressive voice. Emphasis is placed on more challenging individual and ensemble movement phrases. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: DMS 201 .

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • DMS 302 - Ballet III

    Credits: 1
    Continued skill building in the expressivity and technical proficiency of the ballet form. Emphasis is placed on the individual’s practice of ballet barre and across the floor sequences. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: DMS 202 .

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • DMS 304 - Jazz Dance III

    Credits: 1
    Continued study of the techniques of American Jazz Dance. Focus is placed on the development of technical proficiency in the various styles of jazz. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: DMS 204 .

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • DMS 305 - Tap Dance III

    Credits: 1
    Continued practice in the various styles of Tap Dance. The development of skills introduced in previous courses is encouraged. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: DMS 205 .

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • DMS 307 - Ballroom III-Advanced

    Credits: 2
    An advanced exploration designed to develop timing, technique, styling, and phrasing of Ballroom dance forms through practice and performance. Emphasis is placed on the development of movement continuity and advanced styles characteristic of specific ballroom styles. Amalgamation of the movements, technique, footwork, and style into choreography is expected at this level. Final performance is required. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: DMS 207  or DMS 208  or permission of the instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: ME.

  • DMS 310 - Yoga III

    Credits: 1
    Continued study in the sequencing of classical postures and the development of breathing practices to sustain concentrated states of meditation and contemplation. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: DMS 210 .

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • DMS 314 - Asian Martial Arts III

    Credits: 1
    Continued practice in the style of martial arts taken in Asian Martial Arts II. Focus is placed on the development of technical proficiency, including power, balance, and technique. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: DMS 214  and permission of the instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

    The course requires a small additional fee and may be held a short distance off campus.
  • DMS 370 - Creative Processes: Choreography and Improvisation

    Credits: 4
    An investigation of the conception, selection and organization required for making dances. Readings, viewings, critiques, discussions, performances and papers are required. May be repeated for credit.

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • DMS 371 - Creative Processes II: Exploring the use of Costumes, Props, and Scenic Element

    Credits: 4
    An analysis of the relationship of costume, prop, and scenic elements to the process of dance making. Emphasis is on the distinction between first (elemental) and second (narrative) functional intention of dances from the perspective of both artist and audience. Requirements include active participation in movement improvisations, choreographies, class discussions, assigned texts, peer reviews, written critical reflections, and a final synthesis paper. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: DMS 370 .

    Distribution Requirements: HE, ME.

  • DMS 470 - History of Contemporary Dance

    Credits: 4
    An examination of modern and postmodern dance. Of particular interest are the political, social, and artistic environments that have formed and continue to reform genres of dance. The study includes global influences on the nature of dance.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: ME, PD.

  • DMS 520 - Internship in Dance Studies

    Credits: 2-4
    Intensive work in one or more of the following dance studies educational outreach programs: Creating Landscapes for Children and Teens; Aesthetic Education Symposia for Teachers; Middle School Arts Exploration and Immersion Programs; High School Programs for the Gifted and Self-Identified Talented. Interns collaborate in planning, administering and evaluating programs. In addition, they share in the development of exhibitions, performances, and publications of student-generated work. Discussions and written reflections, which synthesize experiences of doing and researching, are grounded in seminal arts education texts. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • DMS 529 - Internship: Dance and Movement Studies

    Credits: 1-4
    Academic study completed in support of an internship experience with a partner institution. An Allegheny faculty member assigns and evaluates the academic work done by the student. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • DMS 590 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1-4
    An independent study or research experience. The student independently pursues a topic or project of interest with guidance from a faculty member. Students meet one-on-one with the faculty mentor on a regular basis and also complete independent readings, laboratory work, or comparable activities. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • FSDMS 201 - Dance: Ritual of Experience

    Credits: 4
    An exploration of ritual and ceremonial dances from multiple cultural perspectives, drawing upon insights into dance as human thought and as physical, cultural, social, economic, psychological, political and communicative behavior. Of particular interest is the role dance plays in the expression of both resistances to and maintenance of cultural expressions of power and value. Special emphasis is placed on relating each student’s personal experience of dance to the topics covered. Effective writing and speaking within the guidelines of the discipline is emphasized. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

    May count toward a minor in Dance and Movement Studies.


  • ECON 010 - Financial Literacy

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the economic principles of personal financial management and planning. Topics include the forms and pitfalls of credit; instruments and strategies for saving; and the planning and budgeting of financial goals. Readings, hands-on exercises, and guest speakers present these topics with academic rigor, while allowing each student to tailor them to his or her own situation.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

    This course counts as Social Science for the purpose of satisfying the College distribution requirement for students who matriculated before Fall 2016. ECON 010 does not count toward a major or minor in Economics.
  • ECON 011 - Business Literacy

    Credits: 4
    An introductory study of business function and structure. The course offers students familiarity with rudimentary business functions such as research and development, sales and marketing, manufacturing, quality assurance, human resources, accounting, and executive management. Students learn how to function in business-related settings and how to make their undergraduate studies relevant in such settings.

    Distribution Requirements: SB.

    This course counts as Social Science for the purpose of satisfying the College distribution requirement for students who matriculated before Fall 2016. ECON 011 does not count toward a major or minor in Economics.
  • ECON 100 - Introduction to Microeconomics

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the market behavior of individuals, households, and firms. Topics include the concept of opportunity cost, the derivation of supply and demand curves, the analysis of markets as a means to allocate scarce resources, the analysis of various market structures, the impact of government controls on the economy, and the measurement of social costs and benefits.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

  • ECON 101 - Introduction to Macroeconomics

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to measurement and analysis of national income, employment, and the price level. Topics include unemployment, savings and investment, inflation, economic growth, the banking system, business cycles, and the short-run and long-run effects of monetary and fiscal policy.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

  • ECON 120 - Bloomberg Essentials

    Credits: 2
    An interactive introduction to financial market analysis using a mix of Bloomberg modules and in-class software-based exercises. Students will be exposed to key properties of financial data and applications. Upon completion, students will be well suited to obtain their Bloomberg certification and be better prepared for careers in financial institutions. This will be taught as a seven-week course. Must be taken Credit/No Credit.

    Distribution Requirements: None.

  • ECON 200 - Microeconomic Theory

    Credits: 4
    Study of the theories of consumer and firm behavior, economic efficiency and welfare. Analysis of markets, resources, and general equilibrium is made.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 , and MATH 140 , or MATH 141  or MATH 151 ECON 101  is recommended.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

    Must be taken on the letter-grade basis by Economics majors.It is recommended that this course be taken prior to the second semester of the junior year.
  • ECON 201 - Macroeconomic Theory

    Credits: 4
    A development of theories concerning the determination of output, prices, and employment, the hypotheses upon which these theories are founded, and their implications for policy programs.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 , ECON 101 , and MATH 140 , or MATH 141  or MATH 151 .

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

    Must be taken on the letter-grade basis by Economics majors.It is recommended that this course be taken prior to the second semester of the junior year.
  • ECON 202 - Economic Statistics

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the basic components of statistical analysis necessary for applied economic research. Basic concepts of probability, probability distributions, random sampling, point estimation, internal estimation and hypothesis testing are covered. Special attention is focused on the development of multiple regression analysis.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 , ECON 101 , and MATH 140 , or MATH 141  or MATH 151 .

    Distribution Requirements: QR.

    Must be taken on the letter-grade basis by Economics majors.It is recommended that this course be taken prior to the second semester of the junior year.
  • ECON 203 - Economic Statistics II

    Credits: 4
    Fundamental statistical measures and models from ECON 202  are reviewed and more fully developed, with applications to economic theory and data. Topics include confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and the multiple regression model. The use of computers for statistical analysis is an integral part of the course.

    Prerequisite: ECON 202 .


    Distribution Requirements: QR.

    It is recommended that this course be taken before the end of the junior year.

  • ECON 226 - Money and Financial Institutions

    Credits: 4
    A study of the activities of commercial banks and other financial institutions, the structure and operation of the Federal Reserve System, and the role of each in determining the supply of money and credit. The mechanism whereby money affects economic activity and the role of monetary policy in pursuing society’s goals is examined.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  and/or ECON 101 .

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

  • ECON 227 - Introduction to Finance

    Credits: 4
    A study of key issues in financial economics ranging from asset pricing to corporate finance. Topics include an overview of the financial system and various asset classes, present value, discounting, risk and return, capital asset pricing, arbitrage pricing theory, financial derivatives, pecking order theory of capital structure, and the efficient market hypothesis. Topics are then applied to financial crises and policy responses in a way that highlights the connection between finance and the real economy.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  and ECON 101 .

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

  • ECON 228 - Principles of Marketing

    Credits: 4
     An exploration of the principles and problems of marketing goods and services and creating a marketing plan. Students will learn how marketers deliver value in satisfying customers’ needs and wants, how to
    determine which target markets the organization can best serve, and how to decide upon appropriate products, services and programs to serve these markets. Key concepts include market segmentation and
    targeting, consumer behavior, customer experience, competitive strategies, marketing mix, service marketing, user experience, and digital marketing.

    Distribution Requirements: SB.

  • ECON 229 - Advertising I

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to the evolution, functions and practices of the advertising industry. Students learn about the economics of advertising, especially with reference to market structures and competition. Additional topics include advertising planning, budgeting, and monitoring. Through case studies and other experiential learning techniques, students gain insights into the role of advertising agencies, the media and the process of organizing campaigns. Other topics include: best practices in advertising, ethics in advertising, new media, celebrities, and electronic advertising

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  or ECON 101 .  

    Distribution Requirements: SB.

  • ECON 230 - Neuromarketing and Consumer Behavior

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the science and practice of neuromarketing and consumer neuroscience, the part within marketing that studies the marketing effects (brand, product, pricing, placement, promotion) on consumers’ sensorimotor, cognitive, and emotional responses. It presents key topics of consumer psychology like learning, perception, attention, decision-making, reward system, and apply them to online and in-store shopping behaviors. The course explores various neuromarketing research methods, including eye-tracking, autonomic measures, brain activity, and facial expressions. Particular emphasis will be given to the research on the innovative topics of neuro-selling, neuro-retail, artificial intelligence and robotics.


    Distribution Requirements: None.

  • ECON 231 - Environmental Economics and Policy

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the economic factors leading to environmental degradation and the range of policy options available to limit their effects. Theories based on externalities and property rights are introduced, and command and control, economic incentive, and market-based approaches to environmental regulation are evaluated and compared.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 .

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • ECON 234 - Human Resource Management

    Credits: 4
    An examination of organizational policies and practices and their influences on employee behavior. The individual, team, and organizational effects of recruiting, selection, training, development, compensation, and labor relations strategies are analyzed. The influence of employment law and the psychosocial aspects of the workplace are discussed.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  and/or ECON 101 .

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • ECON 238 - Poverty, Inequality, and Efficiency

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the characteristics of the poor in the United States and around the world. Current measures of poverty and inequality are examined in context of the trends in poverty over time and the causes of poverty and income inequality. The fundamental efficiency and equity concerns of social welfare policy are investigated. The class examines other key topics using real world examples, such as poverty and race, gender, immigration, education, and international development strategies on extreme poverty.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  and/or ECON 101 .

    Distribution Requirements: CL, PD.

  • ECON 240 - Introduction to Business and Managerial Economics

    Credits: 4
    An exploration of the roles and responsibilities of the corporation in society, decision-making processes in business and other kinds of organizations, and basic concepts used by managers. Students examine the goals and organizational structures of firms; strategies for surviving in a competitive global economy; corporate ethics; relations with employees, investors, and other stakeholders; the regulatory environment; and the implications of globalization for today’s managers. Business and managerial economics draws upon a variety of sub-disciplines, including theory of the firm, industrial organization, corporate finance, accounting, and international trade. Case studies are used throughout to allow students to apply the theories to real world situations.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  and/or ECON 101 .

    Distribution Requirements: SB.

  • ECON 241 - Behavioral Economics

    Credits: 4
    An introduction to behavioral economics, which uses insights from psychology, political science, anthropology, management and experimental data to improve understanding of traditional economic models of behavior. Behavioral economics considers the ways that people are more social, more impulsive, less adept at using information, and more susceptible to biases than the standard economic models assume. The course gives an overview of key insights from behavioral science and identifies ways in which these findings have been used to advance policies on education, health, energy, taxation, and more. A major goal is to understand how predictions of economic models change when phenomena such as altruism, loss aversion, and self-control problems are considered. Classroom games and experiments will be used to explain observed behaviors, in addition to standard and behavioral models.


    Prerequisite: ECON 100  

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

  • ECON 248 - Law and Economics

    Credits: 4
    An investigation of the contributions of economic theory to the core areas of the law, e.g., property, contracts, torts, civil procedure, and criminal law and procedure. The course compares economic and noneconomic theories of law and addresses the strengths and limitations of the economic approach.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  and/or ECON 101 .

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • ECON 250 - Issues in Financing Health Care

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the competing interests of the users, providers and financiers of health care. An exploration of reform proposals by these three groups in terms of their economic feasibility is included. Another objective is to frame questions of health care finance so as to better define the appropriate methodologies for their meaningful analysis. Students run through exercises in posing a well-defined question and designing an approach to its study, including data sources and relevant relationships to be included in the analysis.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  and/or ECON 101 .

    Distribution Requirements: IP, PD.

  • ECON 251 - International Economics

    Credits: 4
    A study of international economic relationships in theory and practice. The bases of an international division of labor, international financial arrangements and agencies, balance of payment problems, trade policies of nations, trade and development, regional economic integration, and the multi-national corporation are among the principal topics discussed.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  and/or ECON 101 .

    Distribution Requirements: IP, QR.

  • ECON 256 - Economic Development

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the problems of the less developed countries in achieving adequate economic development. The role of resources, human and physical; patterns of trade and specialization; international investment and the transfer of technology; the role of international agencies; development strategies; and development planning are some of the principal topics explored.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  and/or ECON 101 .

    Distribution Requirements: CL, IP.

  • ECON 265 - The Economy of China

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the contemporary economy of China with a focus on the transition since 1978 from a centrally planned to a market-oriented system. Students explore how China has achieved success in economic growth, reflect on whether this growth is sustainable given unique cultural, political, and social backgrounds, and discuss interactions between the United States and China and policy options America faces in coping with China. Specific topics include fiscal and monetary policies, trade and export strategies, rural development, the privatization process, social and cultural background, and the impact of WTO accession on the current and future economy of China.

    Distribution Requirements: IP, SB.

  • ECON 280 - Economics of Entrepreneurship I

    Credits: 4
    A study of the economic role and principles of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is a combination of many disciplines including law, business theory, history, psychology, political science, economics, and in many instances, just plain intuition. Topics covered include the development of various business models, the economic impact of antitrust laws, the social and economic implications of “globalization,” the psychology of management, and an analysis of some current buzzwords such as the “new economy” and “e-commerce.” Students are exposed to the disparate requirements of taking an idea (not necessarily their own) and creating an economically viable enterprise that can sustain itself.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  and/or ECON 101 .

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

  • ECON 281 - NonProfit Management and Social Entrepreneurship

    Credits: 4
    A study of the economic role and principles of nonprofit management and social entrepreneurship. Self-sustaining social ventures apply proven for-profit management techniques to make great societal impact as a result of their enterprise. Topics covered include the development of various not-for-profit business models, the social impact of nonprofit businesses, the psychology of management in the nonprofit world, shared governance, and an analysis of such current buzzwords as the “impact investing,” “hybrid social ventures,” “cause-related marketing” and “viral funding.” Students are exposed to the disparate requirements of taking an idea and creating an economically viable social enterprise that can sustain itself while having a positive impact on social ills and societal needs.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  or ECON 101 .  

    Distribution Requirements: SB.

  • ECON 285 - Fundamentals of Financial Accounting

    Credits: 4
    Introduction to methods of recording, classifying, and summarizing financial data. Required for the Business Economics track.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

    Students who have received credit for ECON 160 may not also receive credit for ECON 285.
  • ECON 286 - Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting

    Credits: 4
    Study of the uses of accounting data to make basic managerial decisions of the firm. Comparisons between managerial decision-making and economic theory of the firm will be made.

    Prerequisite: ECON 285 .

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

    Students who have received credit for ECON 170 may not also receive credit for ECON 286. Either ECON 160 or ECON 285  is a satisfactory prerequisite for ECON 286.
  • ECON 380 - Economics of Entrepreneurship II

    Credits: 4
    An exploration of the skills necessary to create a new business or secure funds to expand an existing one. Student teams produce business plans with three major functions: an outline of the business and its financing needs for use in obtaining funding, an exercise in the planning process, and a document used to measure the progress of the enterprise. Topics include forms of organization, sources of competitive advantage, entry and growth strategies, technology and personnel policies, and cash flow analysis. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  or ECON 101 , and ECON 280 .

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

  • ECON 385 - Intermediate Accounting

    Credits: 4
    Theory and procedures used to account for the assets, liabilities, and equity of corporate enterprises.

    Prerequisite: ECON 286 .

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

    Students who have received credit for ECON 360 may not also receive credit for ECON 385. Either ECON 170 or ECON 286  is a satisfactory prerequisite for ECON 385.
  • ECON 386 - Cost Accounting

    Credits: 4
    Methods and systems used by various enterprises to develop estimates of costs and techniques for controlling costs of operation.

    Prerequisite: ECON 286 .

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

    Students who have received credit for ECON 370 may not also receive credit for ECON 386. Either ECON 170 or ECON 286  is a satisfactory prerequisite for ECON 385 .
  • ECON 421 - Strategic Environmental Management

    Credits: 4
    Explores how companies seek profit opportunities by reducing costs associated with environmental impacts and by satisfying market demand for ecologically sound products. Economic theories of the firm and theories of sustainable development provide the analytical framework. Various templates for building environmental management systems are reviewed, along with the corporate sector’s progress toward sustainable business practices.

    Prerequisite: ECON 231  

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

  • ECON 426 - Monetary Economics

    Credits: 4
    An exploration of the role money and monetary policy play in the domestic and external (trade) sectors of the economy. Starting with the basics of financial institutions, we discuss the policy tools by which authorities monitor the supply of liquidity. We analyze and compare the impacts of various policy measures in different phases of business cycles. Eventually we focus on the connection between domestic monetary policy and the balance of payments, extending the discussion to the essentials of currency markets. Central Bank intervention in currency markets, the role of expectations, speculation, and underlying trade flows affecting currency values are presented in a systemic context.

    Prerequisite: ECON 201 .

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

  • ECON 427 - Theory of Finance

    Credits: 4
    Organized around the objective of maximizing the stockholder wealth within a set of corporate risk-return characteristics. Major topics include financial analysis and planning, capital budgeting, evaluation and cost of capital, capital asset pricing, and long-term financing.

    Prerequisite: ECON 200  and ECON 202 , or permission of the instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

  • ECON 428 - Advanced Marketing

    Credits: 4
    This course builds on concepts introduced in previous marketing course and focuses on the development and application of omnichannel strategies from both managerial and customer viewpoints. Using real companies, it investigates the elements that comprise an omnichannel strategy (wholesale, retail, franchising, travel retail, online websites) through case studies, projects, and interviews, Then, a special focus is given to all elements that provide the customer experience, including retail location analysis, merchandising, store layout & design, neuro-shopping, shopping anthropology, and customer service. The theory may be applied practically through an off-campus retail tour, for which there may be an additional fee. Must be taken on the letter-grade basis.


    Prerequisite: ECON 228  or permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: SB.

  • ECON 429 - Advertising II

    Credits: 4
    A comprehensive study of the advertising industry, with a focus on strategic communication planning, as well as the role of account executives and copywriters. Students gain the technical skills for conceptualizing, planning and executing advertising campaigns. They also learn how to use advertising to brand and sell products in highly competitive markets. Through experiential learning techniques, students gain practical knowledge and competencies needed to function as advertising executives in different industries. Topics include: advertising and sales promotion, positioning and branding; target definition, consumer insights communication and client management.

    Prerequisite: ECON 229 .

    Distribution Requirements: SB.

  • ECON 430 - The Economic Analysis of Politics

    Credits: 4
    A study of the political arena through the lens of economic analysis. Economics studies purposeful behavior, and its tools apply not only to market participants but also to participants in the political process. Politicians, bureaucrats, and voters could be viewed therefore as self-interested individuals who do not necessarily desire to promote the public good. The lectures and discussions include applications of this economic theory of politics to voting, corruption, revolutions, dictatorship, and macroeconomic policies.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  and ECON 101 .

    Distribution Requirements: CL, SB.

    Not open to first-year students.
  • ECON 438 - Gender and Economics

    Credits: 4
    A study of the ways in which gender affects nearly all aspects of life. This course will focus on economic outcomes that are brought about by political, legal, cultural, historical, and social forces at play regarding gender and utilizing quantitative analysis to attempt to identify behaviors that are rarely quantified such as discrimination and self-promotion. The theory of discrimination, effects of social expectations, wage gap, and the care economy are discussed. Policies and goals aimed at gender equality and women’s empowerment are analyzed including those adopted by international organizations such as the United Nations and World Bank.

    Prerequisite: ECON 200  or ECON 201  

    Distribution Requirements: CL, PD.

  • ECON 440 - Advanced Business Economics

    Credits: 4
    Application of statistical methods and economic theory to business and managerial decision making. The course covers a range of analytical tools useful in solving problems that arise in managing firms’ operations. Particular examples include regression analysis, linear programming, forecasting, time value of money, break-even analysis, statistical quality control, pricing, production, demand and cost functions.

    Prerequisite: ECON 202  

    Distribution Requirements: QR, SB.

  • ECON 441 - Public Finance

    Credits: 4
    An investigation of the effects of governmental taxation. Topics include income redistribution, public goods, welfare economics, and the efficiency and equity implications of various types of taxation.

    Prerequisite: ECON 200 .

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • ECON 448 - Organizations and Contracts

    Credits: 4
    An exploration of the costs of organizing economic activity. Topics include the determination of the scale and scope of the firm, the consequences of separating control from ownership, and the transaction costs of contracting in the marketplace. Theoretical work is followed by case studies of several industries, including aerospace, coal, oil, air traffic control, and automobile.

    Prerequisite: ECON 200  and ECON 202 , or permission of the instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: SB.

  • ECON 451 - International Business

    Credits: 4
    A study of the theories of global competition and the strategies corporations use in competing in foreign markets. The role of multilateral organizations such as the World Trade Organization, the United Nations Global Compact, and the International Chamber of Commerce is explored. Through case studies, students learn about the political, cultural, environmental, legal, and ethical dilemmas that corporations encounter when operating in foreign markets. Some of the stylized concepts that business executives and political economists use in analyzing the dynamics of the global economy are discussed.

    Prerequisite: ECON 200  or ECON 201 .

    Distribution Requirements: IP.

  • ECON 452 - Theory of Trade

    Credits: 4
    An exploration of the macroeconomics of an open economy. Topics include the balance-of-payments, exchange rate markets, and external borrowing for developing countries. The production and consumption possibilities of trading partners are analyzed in a general equilibrium framework. The roles of tariffs, trade quotas, and pegged exchange rates as appropriate policies for the achievement of domestic and international economic goals, as well as means of international economic cooperation, are discussed.

    Prerequisite: ECON 200  and ECON 201 , or permission of the instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: IP, QR.

  • ECON 466 - Introduction to Econometrics

    Credits: 4
    Regression analysis, its basic assumptions, and the consequences of the violations of those basic assumptions. Related problems, such as collinearity, identification, autocorrelation, and tests of significance, are included. These techniques are used to measure the relationships between and among selected microeconomic and macroeconomic variables. Applied econometric research with computer usage in areas of student interest is included.

    Prerequisite: ECON 200  or ECON 201 , ECON 202 , and ECON 203 ; or permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: QR.

  • ECON 470 - The Mathematical Approach to Economics

    Credits: 4
    Mathematical development of the basics of modern economic theory. Applications and examples are drawn from the major fields of Economics, such as international, monetary and fiscal theory. Mathematical techniques such as calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra are utilized.

    Prerequisite: ECON 200  and ECON 201 , or permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: QR.

  • ECON 501 - Meadville VITA: Tax Internship

    Credits: 1-4
    An experiential internship program focusing on income tax preparation in the United States and experiences with income taxes and the residents of western Crawford County. Students study the rules for income tax preparation, pass a test about taxation designed by the IRS, and complete software training for tax preparation. Students complete 5-6 hours of tax preparation in the Meadville community for 10 weeks and also complete regular reflection exercises about their work, their learning, and their experiences. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • ECON 529 - Internship: Economics

    Credits: 1-4
    An experiential learning seminar designed to enable students to understand how businesses and non-profit organizations use economic principles to solve practical problems. Students learn about various careers, gain on-the-job experience, understand the culture of the workplace, and acquire practical skills that prepare them for future careers. Students are placed as interns in a firm or organization, as well as meet regularly with the seminar instructor. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 , ECON 101 , at least two 200-level Economics courses, and permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • ECON 530 - Internship: Business

    Credits: 4
    An experiential learning seminar that focuses on an understanding of how real-world profit-maximizing business organizations and not-for-profit institutions are managed. Through regular contacts with business executives, students are expected to acquire skills and competencies that prepare them for career opportunities in business, finance, accounting, management, marketing and entrepreneurship. Students are placed as interns in various local, regional, national, and international organizations, and are also expected to complete a capstone project supervised by the internship instructor.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 , ECON 101 , and at least two 200-level Economics courses.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • ECON 577 - Topics in Banking and Finance

    Credits: 4
    An examination of selected topics in banking and finance and their relation to the macroeconomy. Issues studied include asset price bubbles, efficient market hypotheses, the changing nature of banking from commercial to securitized banking, financialization and its relation to inequality, financial crises, regulating the financial system, debt growth, and Minsky’s financial instability hypothesis. Students choose topics for their senior projects.

    Prerequisite: ECON 200 , ECON 201 , ECON 202 , and permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • ECON 578 - Topics in Economic Development

    Credits: 4
    A study of the factors and constraints influencing economic growth and development. Topics may include poverty and income inequality, human capital and education policy, migration and urbanization, the environment and sustainable growth, and issues in international trade and globalization. Students choose research topics based on their interests.

    Prerequisite: ECON 200 , ECON 201 , ECON 202 , ECON 203 , and permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • ECON 579 - The Employment Relationship

    Credits: 4
    An examination of the employee-employer relationship through the lenses of labor and personnel economics, human resource management, and organizational behavior. Topics may include the economic impact of organized labor, the role of public policy and labor market institutions, evolution in management theory, job satisfaction and employee motivation, and a historical/cultural perspective of work in the United States.

    Prerequisite: ECON 200 , ECON 201 , ECON 202 , ECON 203 , and permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • ECON 581 - Business Cycles

    Credits: 4
    A survey of the historical record of business cycles in the U.S. Methods of measuring and modeling cyclical activity are discussed. Individual student research is then conducted on selected business cycle models.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.

  • ECON 582 - Topics in International Economics

    Credits: 4
    A study of international economic relations. Topics may include trade flows and policies, currency markets, and the impact of trade and globalization on output, employment, and prices in trading countries. Research may also focus on international institutions such as IMF and WTO and their roles in economic development. Choice of seminar paper topic is up to students based on their interests; however, everyone is expected to collaborate and contribute to the research of others in the group.

    Prerequisite: ECON 200 , ECON 201 , ECON 202 , and permission of instructor.

    Distribution Requirements: none.


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