Advising Handbook 2020-2021 
    Oct 18, 2024  
Advising Handbook 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

World Languages and Cultures

World Languages and Cultures
Academic Bulletin

When advising a student interested in World Languages and Cultures, please note:

  • When a student is interested in continuing a language or beginning the study of a new one, the study should begin as early as possible in the student’s college career.
  • Students intending to major in International Studies or Global Health Studies should enroll in language study in the first year.
  • Students learning a second language are encouraged to study abroad.
  • Students pursuing a major should plan to take at least one course in the major each semester in the first two years, and two in the second two years.

Suggested Schedule for French Majors placing in French 110/105/106:

  1st Semester 2nd Semester Either Semester

FS 101
French 110/106**

FS 102
French 120
Sophomore French 215 French 225 FSWLC 201
Junior (abroad) French 305   300-level French coursework
Senior French 600
French 580
French 610 Any remaining 300-level French coursework

 **Note: Students who place into 110/105 and who are interested in a French major or minor (i.e., who are relatively certain to continue to 120) should be encouraged to enroll in the full-semester French 110 course, NOT French 105. French 105 (Module A, 2 credits) should be reserved for those who want a 2-credit course only, or who are uncertain about the full-semester course. Students who place into 110/106 may choose French 110 or begin at mid-semester by enrolling in French 106 (Module B, 2 credits). These students should be aware that the material in the first half of French 110 may be familiar.

Suggested Schedule for French Majors placing in French 215:

  1st Semester 2nd Semester Either Semester
First-year FS 101
French 215
FS 102
French 225
Sophomore FS 305   300-level French coursework
Junior (abroad, semester or year)     300-level French coursework
Senior French 600
French 580
French 610  

Questions should be directed to Briana Lewis (, Ruter 102, 332-2322)

Suggested Schedule for Spanish Majors placing in Spanish 110:

  1st Semester 2nd Semester Either Semester
First-Year FS 101
Spanish 110
FS 102
Spanish 120
Sophomore Spanish 215 Spanish 230/220
Junior Spanish 220/230
Spanish 225
  300-level Spanish Courses
Senior Spanish 600
Spanish 580
Spanish 610 1 400-level Spanish

Suggested Schedule for Spanish Majors placing in Spanish 215:

  1st Semester 2nd Semester Either Semester
First-year FS 101
Spanish 215
FS 102
Spanish 220/230
Sophomore Spanish 225 Spanish 300-level
Spanish 220/230
Junior     2 courses 300-level
1 course 400-level
Senior Spanish 600 (2 cr.)
Spanish 580
Spanish 610
1 400-level Spanish

Questions should be directed to Teresa Herrera (, Ruter 208, 332-2325

Minors in Modern and Classical Languages:

Arabic: Beginning in 2020-2021, a minor in Arabic Language and Culture is available. The Minor requires completing a total of 24 semester hours of coursework, including 16 semester hours of coursework in the Arabic language, one 100-level culture course taught in English, and one course at the 300 level. Questions regarding Arabic should be directed to Reem Hilal (, Ruter 105, 332-3310. See also the Middle East and North Africa Studies Minor in the “Interdivisional Minor Program” section.
Chinese Minor Requirements: A minor in Chinese requires completion of 20 semester credit hours in Chinese, including at least eight credit hours on the 300-level, one of which must be in Chinese language and one culture course in English. Students with previous Chinese experience are strongly encouraged to contact Prof. Xiaoling Shi as soon as possible to map out a plan for completing the minor.  Questions should be directed to Xiaoling Shi (, Ruter 302, at 332-2702. See also the Chinese Studies Minor listed in the “Interdivisional Minor Program” section.
French Minor Requirements: A minor in French requires completion of 20 semester credit hours in French, including FRNCH 305 and one other course numbered above 300. Questions should be directed to Briana Lewis (, Ruter 102, 332-2322)
German Minor Requirements: A minor in German requires completion of 20 semester credit hours in German, including at least eight credit hours on the 300-level. Any questions should be directed to Julia Ludewig (jludewig@allegheny.edy), Ruter 206, 332-2327.
Classical Studies Minor Requirements: A minor in Classical Studies requires 8 credits of Latin. Latin may also be used for the Advanced Courses or Electives requirement for the minor. Students who place at the beginning level take Latin 110 (offered every Fall), 120 (offered every Spring). Other placements can also take 215 (offered at least once per year), and 315 (offered at least once per year). Students with high school experience should take the placement test and may start at the intermediate or advanced level. Because intermediate and advanced courses may not be offered every semester, students with previous Latin experience are strongly encouraged to start Latin as soon as possible at Allegheny, and to contact Prof. Herrman as soon as possible to map out a plan for completing the minor. Any questions should be directed to Judson Herrman (, Arter 202A, 332-4303.
Spanish Minor Requirements: A minor in Spanish requires the completion of a minimum 20 semester credit hours in Spanish, including Spanish 220, 230, and 225 and one course at the 300-level. If student places above this level have them contact the Spanish Section head to chart out their minor. See also the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Minor listed in the “Interdivisional Minor Program” section.