Advising Handbook 2020-2021 
    Dec 21, 2024  
Advising Handbook 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Communication, Film, and Theatre

Communication, Film, and Theatre
Academic Bulletin  

The department offers 3 separate majors and minors: 

  • Communication & Cultural Studies (COMM)
  • Film & Digital Storytelling (FDS)
  • Theatre (THTR)

Minimum credits for majors & minors are as follows:

  Communication and Cultural Studies Film and Digital Storytelling Theatre
Major 50 Credits 57 Credits 55 Credits
Minor 24 Credits 24 Credits 24 Credits
  • Majors should take introductory courses during the 1st year
    • Communication & Cultural Studies: COMM 120 and COMM 145
    • Film & Digital Storytelling: FDS 171 and FDS 202
    • Theatre: THTR 110, THTR 150 and THTR 160
  • Minors should take introductory courses during the 1st or 2nd year
  • Majors and minors must take introductory courses before the 4th year
  • Each major combines a core sequence (from Introductory courses to the Senior Project) with 2 elective modules of 12 credits each. The Theatre major requires one elective module to be Theatre courses.
  • Each major gives the opportunity for student to take at least 3 courses (12 credits) in one of the other areas of the department through a 3-course “Module of Inquiry.” The modules of inquiry are:
    • “Media, Politics, & Technology” (COMM courses)
    • “Popular Culture and Civic Life” (COMM courses)
    • “Digital Storytelling” (FDS and JOURN courses)
    • “Live Performance” (THTR courses)
  • FSCOM 201 is recommended but not required for majors or minors
    • Majors can use FSCOM 201 toward one “Module of Inquiry”
    • Minors can use FSCOM 201 toward their requirements

Communication and Cultural Studies Major (50 Credits) suggested timeline:

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
First Year
(8 credits)
FS 101 FS 102 COMM 120
COMM 145
(16 credits)
1st “Module of Inquiry” course
(course 1 of 3)
2nd “Module of Inquiry” course
(course 1 of 3)

COMM 241
“Media-making” course

(14 credits)
1st “Mode of Inquiry” course
(course 2 of 3)
2nd “Module of Inquiry” course
(course 2 of 3)
COMM 581
COMM 600 (2 credits, usually concurrent with COMM 581)
(12 credits)
1st “Module of Inquiry” course
(course 3 of 3)
2nd “Module of Inquiry” course
(course 3 of 3)
COMM 610

Film and Digital Storytelling Major (57 credits) suggested timeline:

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
First Year
(8 credits)
FS 101 FS 102 FDS 171
FDS 202
(16 credits)
1st “Module of Inquiry” course
(course 1 of 3)
FDS 300
2nd “Module of Inquiry” course
(course 1 of 3)
“Film & Media Making” course
(course 1 of 2)
(21 credits)
1st “Module of Inquiry” course
(course 2 of 3)
2nd “Module of Inquiry” course
(course 2 of 3)
FDS 583
FDS 600 (1 credit, usually concurrent with FDS 583)
“Film Studies & Culture: course
“Film & Media Making” course
(course 2 of 2)
(12 credits)
1st “Module of Inquiry” course
(course 3 of 3)
2nd “Module of Inquiry” course
(course 3 of 3)
FDS 610

Theatre Major (55 credits) suggested timeline:

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
First Year
(12 credits)
FS 101
THTR 160 (2 cr) and
THTR 161, 162, or 163 (2 cr)
FS 102 THTR 110
THTR 150
(13-17 credits)
“Theatre Elective”
(course 1 of 3)
THTR 210
“Module of Inquiry” course
(course 1 of 3)

(1 cr, course 1 of 2)
THTR 311 (Fall) or THTR 312 (Spring)
taken sophomore or junior year

14-18 credits)
THTR 582
“Theatre Elective”
(course 2 of 3)

THTR 600 (1 cr)
“Module of Inquiry” course
(course 2 of 3)

(1 cr, course 2 of 2)
(12 credits)
“Theatre Elective”
(course 3 of 3)
“Module of Inquiry” course
(course 3 of 3)
THTR 610

Communication and Cultural Studies Minor (24 credits0 suggested timeline:

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
First Year
(4 credits)
FS 101 FS 102 COMM 120 or COMM 145
(8 credits)
COMM 200-level course COMM 200-level course FSCOM 201
(can be used as a COMM 200-level course)
(8 credits)
COMM 300-level course COMM 300-level course  
(4 credits)
    Any other COMM, FDS, or THTR course
(100, 200, or 300-level)

Film and Digital Storytelling Minor (24 credits) suggested timeline:

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
First Year
(4 credits)
FS 101 FS 102 FDS 171
(8 credits)
FDS 202 “Digital Storytelling” course
(course 1 of 3)
(8 credits)
“Digital Storytelling” course
(course 2 of 3)
“Digital Storytelling” course
(course 3 of 3)
(4 credits)
    Any other COMM, FDS, or THTR course
(100, 200, or 300-level)

Theatre Minor (24 credits) suggested timeline:

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Either Semester
First Year
(4 credits)
FS 101 FS 102 THTR 110
(8 credits)
  THTR 210 “Performance & Production” (4 cr)
(8 credits)
THTR 582   THTR 311 (Fall) or THTR 312 (Spring)
(4 credits)
    Any other COMM, FDS, or THTR course
(100, 200, or 300-level)